Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 78: Oath of eternal alliance

Qi Xuansu came out from behind the corner again and stood in front of the burning ancient temple, looking at the woman's back getting further and further away.

Zhang Yuelu changed the long bow in her hand back to its original shape, put it into her sleeves, and walked slowly out of the gate of the ancient temple. Behind her, several pillars had been burned by the fire. Without support, the beams fell to the ground with a crash, and the entire ancient temple began to collapse. .

Qi Xuansu sighed with emotion: "Demon girl."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "What's wrong with the witch?"

Qi Xuansu said in a recalling tone: "I remember that my master once said after drinking that in his opinion, the four types of women make men's hearts move the most, namely: chivalrous women, fairies, seductresses, and witches."

Zhang Yuelu's tone suddenly became softer: "Then which category do I belong to?"

"Four different things." Qi Xuansu said casually.

Then Qi Xuansu was kicked in the crook of the leg by Zhang Yuelu, causing him to kneel down on one knee.

Qi Xuansu stood up as if nothing had happened, patted the dust on his knees, and coughed lightly: "I blame me for not making it clear. What I mean is that you have the strengths of all four. It cannot be summarized simply."

Zhang Yuelu snorted: "I am really flattered by such high praise."

Qi Xuansu said: "I am telling the truth. In fact, I am not interested in these fairies and witches. I just suddenly remembered the master's words and felt emotional."

Zhang Yuelu said: "I think your consciousness needs to be strengthened. How can you join me in changing the Taoism in the future?"

Qi Xuansu suddenly turned around and looked at Zhang Yuelu: "Change the Taoism?"

"Yes." Zhang Yuelu nodded.

Qi Xuansu blinked: "When did we settle on this vow of eternal love?"

Zhang Yuelu stared at Qi Xuansu: "Just now, do you have any objections?"

"No objection." Qi Xuansu did not dare to "speak up and resist" under Zhang Yuelu's gaze.

Zhang Yuelu suddenly laughed and said: "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Qi Xuansu said: "Although it is a joke, when it is really useful to me, there is no need to be polite."

Zhang Yuelu was startled, and after a while, he slowly nodded and said, "Okay."

Then Zhang Yuelu said seriously: "Let's get down to business, have you solved the other two?"

Qi Xuansu nodded and said: "It's clear."

This is a slang, a slang full of wisdom in the world. Just like Qi Xuansu's method of killing two people, conspiracy played a greater role. It can be said that the weak defeated the strong.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but look Qi Xuansu up and down, and praised: "Tianyuan, I really saw you right. Killing two Yuxu stage masters in a row with your Kunlun stage cultivation is really amazing."

Having said this, Zhang Yuelu felt a little ashamed: "On the other hand, it was me who was sure of victory but allowed that witch to escape. I'm really ashamed."

Qi Xuansu comforted her and said: "Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs. Just allow me to defeat the strong with the weak. Don't you allow others to escape from your hands? Strength and weakness are not absolute. The key lies in the chance of encountering the enemy. Fighting in Jianghu is essentially the same as fighting on the march. There is no fundamental difference. Soldiers are deceitful."

Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully: "What you said makes some sense. In the past, I always relied on strength to win over others, and I was indeed deficient in this aspect. The Confucian sage said that if three people walk together, they must have me as their teacher. It seems that I can still I need to learn more from you.”

"It's just to exchange experiences with each other." Qi Xuansu was very modest, "If it weren't for the 'Fengyan Yisan' and 'Shenlong Handgun' that Qingxiao gave me, I wouldn't have been able to win easily. If we regard foreign objects as part of our own strength, in fact, My strength is not inferior to those two."

Zhang Yuelu remembered something: "By the way, killing two demons in the Yuxu stage is enough to give you two 'Yellow Character Skills'. As long as you save three 'Yellow Character Skills', you can become a 'Xuan Xuan'." "Zi Gong", one "Xuan Zi Gong" plus three years of excellent evaluation can be promoted to the fifth rank of Taoist priest, and three "Xuan Zi Gong" can be directly promoted to the fifth rank."

In fact, Qi Xuansu also acquired a "Xuan Zi Gong" by killing Diswen. It was with this "Xuan Zi Gong" that he was successfully promoted to the sixth rank of Taoist priest and became a preparatory mage.

Qi Xuansu glanced at the burning ancient temple and then at the dense forest that turned into a sea of ​​fire. He didn't know what to say.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Go and wait by the river. When the fire is out, we will go in and search. There should be things that can prove our identity. When we return to Yujing, I will ask you for credit."

Qi Xuansu said sincerely: "I am so lucky to have a boss like Qing Xiao."

"No need to compliment me." Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at him and walked towards the river first.

"It was then, and now, is it a compliment or not?" Qi Xuansu followed Zhang Yuelu and said with a smile.

Zhang Yuelu just pretended not to hear.

The two came to the riverside and stood side by side, watching the raging fire shoot into the sky. Fortunately, the area was mostly covered with snowy mountains, and there were some forests at the foot of the mountains, which prevented it from spreading into an unstoppable monstrous fire.

Zhang Yuelu put his hands behind his back and looked at the blazing fire, his thoughts flying.

Qi Xuansu lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, also thinking about his own thoughts.

Just waiting until dawn, the fire gradually became unsustainable.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu returned to the ancient temple together. At this time, only some ruins of the ancient temple were left. Zhang Yuelu waved his sleeves and swept away the ashes of the ruins with great strength, revealing the charred corpse below.

There were many corpses, most of them belonging to horse thieves. However, Qi Xuansu still relied on his memory to find the location of the person who was attacked and killed by him, and found a string of beads with the image of Wu Luo on his body.

Speaking of which, this man died unjustly, because he was only in the Yuxu stage, which is the Dharma state of Wu Zhu, and is still one step away from the golden body state of the Guizhen stage. Therefore, without unfolding the Dharma state in advance, his body Very fragile, he was shot directly from behind by Qi Xuansu.

This is also the shortcoming of the inheritance of gods. Before achieving the golden body realm, if you take a stance and fight with each other, it will be extremely powerful. However, if you are attacked by others before you can take a stance, you will easily be attacked without even using a move. An embarrassing situation. At this point, Takeo is just the opposite. He is not afraid of sneak attacks. The difference between deliberately defending and not taking precautions is not too big.

Precisely because he died before he could summon the Dharma, the beads he wore were still full of power and had not been damaged by the fire.

The beads worn by the two women who attacked Zhang Yuelu earlier were made of wood, while the beads worn by the leader were made of bone.

Then Qi Xuansu went to the charred woods. Unfortunately, Chu Chunliang had exhausted all his divine power in the end. His body and the beads were turned into ashes in the fire, leaving only some remains.

This also means that Qi Xuansu's two "Huang Zi Gong" became one "Yellow Zi Gong". After all, a Taoist sect must have evidence when asking for merit, which is similar to the way military merit is judged based on head rank in the army, and the head rank must also be checked to prevent the practice of killing good people and taking merit. On the Taoist side, although the head is not required, relevant "tokens" are required, such as the flowing beads worn by people from the Lingshan Witch Cult. And there are requirements for this type of token, at least it must be made of bone.

Since Liuzhu was destroyed, Qi Xuansu could not claim credit.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

I took such a big risk and spent so much effort, but it turned out to be in vain.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu handed a string of beads in front of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu was startled, took the Liuzhu, and asked, "Where did this come from?"

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said: "Isn't there another shopkeeper You Da? Although he is not a witch Zhu, he is also a member of the Lingshan witch sect. I went to search him, and sure enough I found a string of beads."

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "It was clearly you who killed this person, how can I pretend to take credit from you?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "You clearly killed two demons. How can I, the boss, let you, a subordinate, only get a share of the credit?"

Qi Xuansu wanted to speak, but Zhang Yuelu interrupted him: "Do you want me to ask for credit for myself? I can't bear this shame, so just take it for you, not my mother-in-law."

When Qi Xuansu heard what Zhang Yuelu said, he stopped being pretentious and accepted this string of flowing beads. Together with the previous string, he obtained two "Yellow Character Skills".

Zhang Yuelu patted the ashes on his hands and said: "Although we have killed several demons, we still don't know what the motive and purpose of this group of demons are for killing people. Is it for money? Revenge? Or is this person's fate special? , chosen as a sacrifice by them?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but said: "This third possibility is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. At least I wouldn't have thought of it."

Zhang Yuelu said: "This is the experience summed up by the Taoist sect over the past two hundred years. Of course it is not just a random thought."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said, "In that case, do you think it is the third possibility?"

"Absolutely." Zhang Yuelu nodded and said, "As long as we find the family of the suffering master and know his birth date, we can confirm whether this guess is right or wrong."

Qi Xuansu asked: "How to find it?"

Zhang Yuelu looked at the head of the suffering master and said, "Just use the Qi-gazing Technique."

After saying that, Zhang Yuelu looked at the head that had changed beyond recognition, and purple energy flashed in his eyes. Then Zhang Yuelu took out a piece of furoshiki from the sumeru object and signaled Qi Xuansu to put away his head.

After Qi Xuansu put away her head, Zhang Yuelu's eyes were filled with purple energy, and an air flow invisible to the naked eye appeared in her sight, extending to a very far distance.

Zhang Yuelu took a step forward, and his body flew forward as if he was moving horizontally. Qi Xuansu took out the armor horse again, lifted up the hem of his clothes, tied it to his legs, then chanted a mantra in his mouth, and followed Zhang Yuelu closely.

The two of them walked along this invisible airflow for about five hundred miles, and a mountain city appeared in their sight.

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