Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 83 Undercurrent (4)

Qi Xuansu finally arrived at the gate of Qingbai Temple along the mountain road. Looking around, he saw that such a large Taoist temple was quite impressive, but it was not popular enough, so it seemed that the Taoist temple was very deserted, even lifeless.

The door of the Taoist temple was closed tightly, so Qi Xuansu had no choice but to go up and knock on the door.

After a long time, the door slowly opened from the inside, revealing a human face.

This person is not a Taoist priest of high rank, but an ordinary Taoist.

Perhaps it was because no one had come to Qingbai Temple to burn incense for so long, so the Taoist priest asked directly: "Who are you looking for?"

Qi Xuansu took out his own ultimatum and said, "I am Qi Xuansu, a seventh-grade Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall. Please see the local temple leader."

The Taoist man was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses. He quickly opened the door of the Taoist temple and invited Qi Xuansu in. He asked him to wait in the concierge for a while while he went to report to the temple master.

The Taoist temple occupies a large area, and the back half is almost uninhabited and has been abandoned for a long time, so a pen of pigs was raised here.

Bai Yongguan stood outside the pig pen, looking at the big white pigs snatching food inside, with a smile on his face.

The host's wife, Li Zhen'er, stood beside Bai Yongguan, her face pale, and even her whole body was trembling.

After a while, a butcher wearing a dirty apron came over, holding a gleaming butcher knife in his hand.

"Master wants to kill a pig?" the butcher asked.

"Yes." Bai Yongguan nodded slightly.

The butcher looked at the pigs in the pen and asked, "Which one do you want to kill?"

Bai Yongguan pointed to the whitest and cleanest pig among them and said, "This one is good."

Li Zhener couldn't help but exclaimed and almost fainted.

Bai Yongguan was indifferent.

When the butcher saw this scene, he secretly wondered, could it be that this pig was raised by his wife? It is not unusual for a woman to raise cats, dogs, birds, and rabbits. I have never heard of raising pigs, but this hobby is very strange.

It seems that the master of the temple couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to kill the pig.

The butcher stopped thinking deeply and walked towards the pig with his knife. The pig's face showed a look of fear like a human's, and it couldn't help but shrink back.

At this moment, there was a knocking sound on the closed door of the backyard.

"Who?" Bai Yongguan asked, his face showing displeasure at being interrupted.

The butcher also stopped what he was doing.

A reply came from outside the door: "Master, there is a seventh-grade Taoist priest from Tiangang Hall who wants to see the master and is waiting in the concierge."

Bai Yongguan was slightly startled: "A Taoist priest from Tiangang Hall."

He was silent for a while and then said: "Invite him to the main hall, I will be there immediately."

There was a reply from the door and he turned around.

Bai Yongguan stared at the pig in the pig pen with a cold look on his face. After a long time, he snorted coldly: "Forget it, I'll spare your life for now."

The butcher turned to look at Bai Yongguan: "Master, do you want to kill this pig?"

"Let's not kill him yet." Bai Yongguan finished his sentence and turned around and walked out of the backyard.

Li Zhen'er breathed a long sigh of relief and gently touched her chest.

The big white pig that almost died under the knife suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Only the butcher and the second monk were confused.

Bai Yongguan entered the main hall with a smile on his face and said, "Fellow Taoist Qi, I'm very polite, Bai Yongguan."

Qi Xuansu was surprised, because Bai Yongguan was clearly dressed as a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of sacrificial wine. He hurriedly returned the courtesy and said: "I don't dare to be such a mage."

"What kind of mage? He's just an idler in the mountains." Bai Yongguan waved his hand, "I wonder if fellow Daoist Qi holds any position in Tiangang Hall?"

"I don't want to take up the post of deacon." Qi Xuansu replied.

Bai Yongguan said: "It turns out to be Deacon Qi. Sit down, sit down and talk." He sat down first.

There is an unwritten rule in the Taoist sect. If the rank within the Taoist sect is high and the position is low, the title should be based on the rank. Therefore, Qi Xuansu calls Bai Yongguan "Master". If the rank is low but the position is high, the title will be based on the position, so Bai Yongguan calls Qi Xuansu "Deacon Qi". As for outsiders, the grade of Taoist priests shall prevail.

Qi Xuansu also sat down and said straight away without going around the bush: "To be honest, Xuansu came here to ask for something."

"What's the matter?" Bai Yongguan looked surprised, "To be honest, I like to travel around the mountains and rivers on weekdays, and I don't often stay here. I just returned to the Taoist Temple today, and I am not familiar with many local situations."

Qi Xuansu did not mention Zhang Yuelu's fortune-telling with the "Ziwei Dou Shu", but only briefly mentioned the matter of human heads and ancient temples.

"How could such a thing happen?" After hearing this, Bai Yongguan was filled with indignation at first, and then became silent.

After a moment, Official Bai Yong slowly said: "According to logic, as we are both disciples of the Taoist sect, I should not shirk it, but I have no responsibility to arrest the demon, so..."

Qi Xuansu knew that it was because he was not strong enough, so he had to take out the token that Zhang Yuelu gave him: "Master Bai, I am also acting under the orders of the deputy hall master. I hope that the master can make an exception."

Bai Yongguan looked at the token in Qi Xuansu's hand, his eyes flickering slightly.

The water in the Tongtian River gradually calmed down, and there were still many broken ice floes on the river.

Suddenly, a hand reached out of the river, and water splashed everywhere.

Then I saw this palm grabbing the edge of a huge ice floe, and then the owner of the palm jumped out of the river with the force of support.

I saw this man with disheveled hair and wet body. He was the senior official of Qingluan Guard who capsized his boat on the Tongtian River earlier.

Today's Qingluan Guard has one commander of the third rank, who is the chief officer of the Qingluan Guard; two commanders of the third rank, who are in charge of the North and South Zhenfu Division respectively; and two commanders of the fourth rank, who are directly under the command. The number of envoys from the fourth grade is two, but the actual number varies, and each one is subordinate to two commanders.

Although the Zhenfu Envoy is from the fourth rank, which is one level higher than the Qianhu who is the fifth rank, within the Qingluan Guard, the status of the two is actually about the same.

In fact, if the commander of Qingluan Guard is trusted by the emperor and is strong enough, then the commander who is directly subordinate to the commander can compete with the two commanders in charge of the Zhenfu Division, and the Zhenfu Commissioner will be on the same level as Qianhu .

If the commander of Qingluan Guard is not strong enough, then the two commanders will form a tripartite confrontation with the commander, and the status of the governor will rise.

Today, the commander of the Qingluan Guard is highly trusted by the emperor. He is arbitrary in the Qingluan Guard and says the same thing. The two commanders know that they dare not disobey in the slightest, so the status of the governor is naturally lower. Of course, if you have a "god" on your shoulders, it's a different story.

This person is a Zhenfu envoy named Wang Zicheng, who is affiliated with Nanzhen Fusi. He followed the order of Master Tongzhi and patrolled the four directions, but he did not expect to be ambushed here.

Wang Zicheng made a series of ripples on the river and jumped to the shore.

At this moment, many figures appeared on the shore, and some people had already set up a formation to invite the Dharma minister to come out. Although people who do not reach this realm cannot summon Dharma images, they still have divine power surging around them.

Wang Zicheng looked around and murmured: "The three Yuxu stage Dharma Realm witches are really a big deal."

According to common sense, regardless of factors such as tact, timing, location, external objects, etc., but only in terms of realm cultivation, three people in the Jade Void stage can compete with one person in the Guizhen stage, and four people in the Jade Void stage. Then they can defeat a person in the Return to True Stage, and five people in the Yuxu Stage can almost kill a person in the Return to True Stage.

At this time, in addition to the three Yuxu stage Faxiang realm shamans, there are also six Kunlun stage qingshen realm shamans.

The so-called realm of inviting gods is actually what the world calls "god fighting". Although it cannot manifest the Dharma outside the body, it has its own divine power entering the body. Not only is the power infinite, but the body is strong, and it can even become invulnerable in a short period of time. What's more, A martial artist of the same realm. It's just like the state of Dharma. It's also difficult to last. You can't ask gods to take over your body all the time. If you don't ask gods to take over your body, your body will be very fragile and it will be impossible to compare with a martial artist.

At this time, these Wu Zhu at the Kunlun stage have all invited the gods to come forward and divided into several groups. With several Wu Zhu at the Dharma phase as the center, they formed a faint formation.

Wang Zicheng has fallen into a very critical situation.

However, Qingluan Guard is not like other yamen. There is a very close and intuitive connection between the official position and the realm of cultivation. All members of the Qingluan Guard, regardless of their official position, must have a certain level of cultivation. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the official position. , even if you are not good at being a director and cannot hold a real position, you still have to have a false title. This was the rule set by Emperor Taizong back then.

In addition, Qingluan Guards must also be good at fighting. They must not only have realm cultivation. They must not only have fists, feet, weapons, and firearms, but also have ruthlessness. If both sides have the same cultivation level, they will fight to the death and pinch each other's arms at the same time. Throat, even if your own throat is broken, someone else will definitely die.

Although Wang Zicheng is not based on realm cultivation in Qingluan Guard, and is considered to be a type with weak cultivation but strong management ability, his cultivation should not be underestimated. He is a god-refining realm practitioner in the stage of returning to his true form. Spirit.

"Kill!" the leader, a Dharma Realm shaman, gave the order directly.

Although Wang Zicheng was frightened, he swung out his palm and left a dark palm print directly on the chest of Wu Zhu, who was in the state of asking for gods. It was clearly visible.

This is the "Black Evil Palm" of Qingluan Guard. The palm is poisonous. If one is hit by the palm, he will be killed on the spot, or the poisonous gas will attack his heart.

This Wu Zhu staggered back, his face pale. The other two Wu Zhu, who were in the Yuxu stage, took the opportunity to attack Wang Zicheng with their Dharma.

Wang Zicheng did not dodge and withstood the combined attacks of the two men without any damage.

Taking a closer look, Wang Zicheng was actually wearing "paper armor" under his clothes. It was not the paper armor used in the military, but talisman paper folded into the style of armor and thrown on the body to turn it into armor. Also known as "Magic Talisman Armor", it is not only harder than iron armor, but can also resist Qi. If it cannot break through the paper armor, it must not damage the inside. It is a real high-grade spiritual object.

Wang Zicheng pushed with both palms, knocking the two people away.

The four Kunlun stage Wu Zhu muttered words, like fierce warriors who were not afraid of death, and surrounded Wang Zicheng.

Wang Zicheng took a step forward, turned his palm into a fist, and struck a Wu Zhu on the heart. With the sound of bones breaking, a fist-like bulge suddenly appeared on the Wu Zhu's back.

Wang Zicheng shook off the body stuck to his fist, then turned around, his elbow suddenly pulled back, and landed heavily on the chin of a Wu Zhu who wanted to sneak attack from behind. Not only did this Wu Zhu be attacked by a The elbow smashed his jaw, and his jaw closed suddenly, and he bit his tongue off, leaving his mouth full of blood.

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