Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 99 Man in Black

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Guess whether I dare or not? Anyway, I was adopted by the Wanxiang Taoist Palace since I was a child. I have no name or surname. I don't know who my parents and ancestors are, and I am not afraid of other people's gossip."

"A son-in-law, right?" Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at him, "I think you have read too much. Our Zhang family doesn't like this, but the Li family likes it very much. The adopted son-in-law can be the head of the family, because it is necessary to give birth to a son or a daughter. There is no choice, but the adopted son and son-in-law can be chosen by themselves, which is the foundation of the Li family's prosperity. "

"I know that children other than those surnamed Zhang are not allowed to inherit the position of Great Heavenly Master. This is the ancestral motto of the Zhang family for generations." Qi Xuansu said, "It is said that Xuan Sheng once wanted to abolish this rule, but the Zhang family still insisted on it."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Actually, this is a statement to the outside world. In fact, this rule is in name only. The Zhang family said that non-Zhang family members cannot inherit the position of the Great Heavenly Master. This is a rule set by the Ancestral Heavenly Master and must be followed. Xuan Sheng then issued an edict. The word "big" in "Great Heavenly Master" was removed and the name was changed to "Heavenly Master", so that it would not conflict with the rules of the Ancestral Heavenly Master. Later, Taipingdao also dropped the title of "Great Sage and Good Master" and accepted the imperial court's "National Master". 'The canonization, together with the Earth Division, formed today's three-division structure."

Qi Xuansu said in astonishment: "The Great Heavenly Master turns into a Heavenly Master, how can this be done?"

"Fortunately, the Zhang family is up to par. Since Xuansheng Zhongxing Taoism, five of the six generations of Celestial Masters came from the Zhang family. The only Celestial Master with a different surname also came from the Zhang family. This ancestral rule can be barely maintained." Zhang Yuelu sighed softly. .

Qi Xuansu asked with a smile: "I wonder if Qingxiao can become the first female Celestial Master?"

"This..." Zhang Yuelu said hesitantly, "But it's hard to say. If I really want to be a Heavenly Master, then the old guys in the family will keep the position of Heavenly Master in the Zhang family. They will definitely not let me get married, or they will spend their whole lives. To stay chaste, or to marry a son-in-law.”

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became awkward.

Qi Xuansu deliberately changed the topic just to divert Zhang Yuelu's attention. He didn't really want to become the Zhang family's son-in-law. In today's world, no matter how open-minded a son-in-law is, he still has to be inferior to others. It doesn't sound good to talk about it, and his face is even worse. He has to look at people's faces. Even if Zhang Yuelu agrees, Qi Xuansu has no interest in hiding.

Zhang Yuelu coughed lightly: "To get down to business, Yulan Temple is just a trap. It is obviously not the stronghold of the monsters. The underground hall we saw should not be here."

Qi Xuansu nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yuelu's thinking is still clear: "The key now is not to kill this group of demons, the key is to prevent the 'divine descent'. If the 'divine descent' is successful, then even if all these demons are killed, it will not help."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Where do you think their stronghold will be?"

Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully: "Ever since Xuandu and Zifu were infiltrated by ancient immortals, the Taoist sect has set up a self-examination mechanism. In addition to Beichen Hall, Tianji Hall will send people to inspect various Taoist temples every three years. The Taoist government also inspects the Taoist temples within its jurisdiction every year. It is not difficult for Taoist priests to develop Taoist temples in Lingshan, but it is extremely difficult to convert Taoist temples established by Taoist sects into their own strongholds. Qingbai Temple cannot be ruled out. After excluding the academies and the Bon Temple, only the wealthy gentry are left.”

At this moment, Luo Xiao also led people over here. The Qingluan Guard Baihu was obviously frightened by the formation just now. He couldn't hide his panic and said quickly: "What to do next, please tell me." The Master said.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Are there any wealthy gentry families in the city who can afford to build underground palaces in their homes?"

Luo Xiao stretched out his hand to wave the two Qingluan Guard chief banners, and said: "Bai Yongguan is the temple master of Qingbai Temple, Zhucheng is the abbot of Yulan Temple, and Lin Zhenyuan was promoted to Qianhu after serving as Deputy Qianhu and concurrently as Palm Printer Baihu. It can be inferred that these monsters only started running Yishan City in the past ten years. You are all old people who have been in the city for a long time. Think carefully about which big business has done something unusual in the past ten years, such as borrowing money. He was transporting soil from his home in the name of digging a pond, or he was doing some construction work.”

It has to be said that Luo Xiao is worthy of being the Qingluan Guard's Palm Seal Baihu, and his ideas are still very clear.

The two general flags recruited several small flags and the elderly captain, and began to think hard and reminisce together.

After a while, Xiaoqi, a Qingluan Guard with a gray beard, said: "Reporting to Master Baihu and Master Zhang, I remember that about five years ago, a large family did carry out construction projects."

"Which one?" Luo Xiao asked immediately.

The Qingluan Wei Xiaoqi said: "This man is a well-known Yuanwai master in the city, named Xia Chang. Unlike Jiao Dayan, this Xia Yuanwai is usually good at charity and is a famous philanthropist. About five years ago A fire broke out in Xia Yuanwai's home and burned down many houses. At that time, Xia Yuanwai took this opportunity to renovate the old house from the inside out. The project lasted about a year. "

After being mentioned in this way, other people also thought about it and agreed, proving that this was the case.

Luo Xiao was a little hesitant. He knew that this member of the Xia family was indeed a cult demon. It would be easy to say that it would be nothing to kill him directly. But if he was not, there would be some trouble in the follow-up. After all, being able to be called a member outside naturally has some intricate connections. Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for local gentry to go directly to the temple.

Luo Xiao couldn't help but look at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu is a decisive person: "It is the instruction of the Great Xuan Ancestor to assist the Taoist sect in eradicating the demons of the association. Luo Baihu, please inform the local county magistrate and Mr. Qian and ask them to bring people to help exterminate the demons. It is best to bring a few artillery. There is no need for heavy artillery, ordinary artillery will do. If there is any relationship, the imperial court will issue a document to question the Taoist clan, and I will take full responsibility for it. "

This has to mention Daxuan's military system.

The Daxuan military system was born out of the previous dynasty. The military system of the former Wei Dynasty was divided into guards and camps.

The soldiers in the garrison have military status and are hereditary soldiers. They usually work in the fields or garrison, which is somewhat like the world army system and similar to the government army system.

The soldiers in the camp are not hereditary, but a recruitment system is implemented.

Since Emperor Shizong of the Wei Dynasty, due to the increasingly weakened guard system, the recruitment system has begun to become an important source of military strength. The famous elite soldiers are all from good families, and the recruited soldiers will not serve in the army for life. This is the camp soldier.

Because of this, the garrison and the camp have two completely different sets of official positions.

The guards are commanding envoys, commanding Tongzhi, commanding generals, commanding envoys, commanding Tongzhi, commanding officers, thousands of households, hundreds of households, general banners, and small banners.

The battalion soldiers are the admiral military affairs general officer, chief military officer, deputy deputy general military officer, staff general, guerrilla, garrison, thousand commander, general commander, sentry officer, captain, and chief commander.

If several general officers are fighting together, the imperial court will send a governor to coordinate the operation, also known as a manager or a division commander.

If the military attaché is responsible for his role alone, he will send a governor of the Fifth Army Commander's Office to bear the seal of general. According to the laws of the Wei Dynasty, if there is an expedition, the governor will be ordered to carry the seal, and the commander of the army will hand over the seal to the court. There are three general seals, namely: General Zhenglu, General Pinglu, and General Zhenshuo.

When Daxuan replaced Dawei, he deposed the Five Army Governor's Mansion and most of the guard posts, leaving only the Qingluan Guard. Therefore, the Qingluan Guard continued the official system of the guard post, with the commander as the chief officer.

The guard system is divided into three levels: capital, guard and institute.

The Du Commander's Department is referred to as Du Si, and the highest officer is the "Du Commander", who is the second rank and is affiliated to the Fifth Army Commander's Office.

All command the envoys.

The twenty-two guards of the emperor's personal army are called the "Commander and Envoy Division of the personal army" and are not affiliated with the Dusi and the Governor's Office of the Fifth Army.

In other words, "Wei" normally has "Du" above it, but the full name of Qingluan Guard is "Qingluan Guard's Military Command and Envoy Division", which is directly subordinate to the emperor, so there is no "du" above it, and naturally there is no "Du Commander", only "Wei Commander", referred to as "Commander", is the third grade.

In the previous dynasties, most emperors would serve as commanders of the Qingluan Guards, such as governors, commanders, magistrates, and ministers, making them first- and second-grade ministers. It's just that this dynasty no longer has the Governor's Office and the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies, so the chief officer of Qingluan Guard can only reach the third rank, but his power is low.

The "men in black" as the world calls them are battalion soldiers and implement another set of official systems.

In fact, in the earliest times, the commander was responsible for guarding the local area, and the general military officer was a temporary position. He was the supreme commander of the army when it went on an expedition. Later, when the garrison system began to collapse, the general military officer became the highest military attache in the local garrison, replacing the function of the commander.

The Daxuan court not only established a permanent general military officer, but also added an admiral military affairs general officer, who was at the same level as the governor. Military officer.

The governor controlled several states and held military and political power.

Because the full name of the governor is: Minister of the Ministry of War and Yushi of the Right Capital, governor of a certain state, a certain state and other places, admiral of military affairs, food and salary, management of rivers, and governor. Therefore, the governor-general has both the civil affairs power of a governor and the military power of an admiral in charge of military affairs. He is the real official of the frontier.

The Mr. Qian Zhang Yuelu was talking about was the local man in black.

When it comes to fighting alone or in small groups, the men in black are definitely no match for the Qingluan Guards, but if it's a large group fighting or attacking a city, the men in black are even better. The greater the number of people, the greater the disparity.

As a member of the Taoist sect, Zhang Yuelu certainly had no right to mobilize local county magistrates and guards. However, there was also a Qingluan Guard town envoy in the Hundred Household Office. He was an imperial envoy with a special mission and could mobilize troops as an imperial envoy.

Luo Xiao understood this and immediately went to Baihu's residence. At the same time, he ordered the rest of the Qingluan Guards to follow Zhang Yuelu's orders for the time being.

Zhang Yuelu was not polite and ordered: "First, surround Yuan Xia's house outside. Don't let anyone go."

Several Qingluan Guard general banners suddenly accepted the order.

Seeing this scene, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "In the past, when I walked alone in the rivers and lakes, I was always outnumbered. How could I have ever imagined that we could have such a battle? But having said that, the feeling of overwhelming others is really not bad."

Zhang Yuelu said: "The most fearful thing in the world is that we are among you, you are among me, and the enemy is indistinguishable from me. Now that the demon hidden among us has been uncovered, and we can clearly distinguish ourselves from the enemy, we can use public weapons to annihilate them in one fell swoop."

When Qi Xuansu heard this, his face froze slightly and he felt a little guilty.

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