It was a message broadcasting what was happening on the web.

I was just playing the video after I was maliciously edited. The vicious image attracted a lot of onlookers. They all looked at the video with amazement. They didn't expect there would be such a hateful doctor. Following the directions on the video, accuse Jiang Yan.

Only a few people remained silent after seeing the video. After all, it was a video with the beginning and the end cut off, and there were obvious close-ups and editing methods. Anyone with a little knowledge could find that this was a edited video. Many such edited videos are for exaggeration and direction, leading people to blame the people on the video in one direction, and by the way exaggerate some actions of the characters on the video.

It was only a few minutes of video, but it was abused and filled with righteous indignation by countless people.

Hearing the unbearable scolding around him, Jiang Yan tightened the coat tightly wrapped around him, and with tears rolling, he hurriedly left here.

When this video was posted, I explained it right away, but unfortunately, the crowd attacked again and again, drowned out the truth, no one cared about her explanation, but felt that it was a sophistry to shirk responsibility. Preconceived ideas are like a mountain that no matter how hard you try, you can't push them down.

That feeling of powerlessness and suffocation is fatal!

Jiang Yan walked quickly to the bank, operated the ATM, and transferred all the money on her card to her mother's bank card.

Under the strange gaze of the security guard, the woman in a coat and a mask did some manipulations, lowered her head and quickly left. He always felt that this woman was very familiar, so his eyes followed her, but after Jiang Yan left, he didn't even remember who she was.

The uncle of security stands at the door of the bank every day, and has seen all kinds of people, and there are not a few people like this strange. After all, people nowadays like to wear strange clothes, saying that it is their own style.

But Jiang Yan gave him a different feeling. Even if he was wrapped in a coat and wearing a mask, it still made him feel familiar. It was a bit like the woman who often came to the bank to transfer money. That girl is a good person. Woolen cloth!

He didn't know that this would be the last time he saw this familiar figure.

The afternoon sun hung high above the sky, radiating light.

Before the warmth arrived, it was blown away by the wind.

The weather is a little cold.

Jiang Yan returned to the community, looked around carefully, and made sure that those people did not appear in the community, and then quickly returned to her residence.

Close the door immediately after entering!

After locking it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hanging the heavy coat that was draped over her body on the hanger beside her, she seemed to have unloaded her defensive equipment, and she felt much more relaxed.

Since becoming a doctor, she has always felt that this is an honorable profession, so she is extremely confident and proud no matter what she does, but unfortunately, now she has become like a rat crossing the street, and she must always be on the lookout for those 'everyone shouting and beating' '.

The gap between them made her smile sneeringly.

Sitting on the sofa and looking at the empty room, she was a little overwhelmed.

The LCD screen in the mall made her not want to turn on the TV again.

The phone has been switched off due to harassing calls.

With nothing to do, she felt inexplicably depressed.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned the phone on!

In a quiet environment, the heartbeat sound intensified as the follower turned on.

It didn't disappoint her, the phone showed: Missed call 99+; Received text 99+!

Looking at the harassing calls, her heart was as dead as gray.

Especially those text messages with swearing, it makes the scalp feel numb.


Tears fell uncontrollably on the screen.

She wiped it off carelessly, took out a note from her pocket, and saved Su Chen's phone number in the address book.

After doing all this, when I was about to shut down, a phone number called.

Her face was startled, and she chose to connect.


On the other side, an old woman sitting in the library seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated, and I received a text message, which was a bank transfer text message.

Some trembling hands picked up the phone, frowning on the wrinkled face.

It was the money transferred from my daughter, a full hundreds of thousands!

Seeing the amount of money transferred, she suddenly looked startled, and a bad premonition emerged in her heart.

He quickly walked out of the reading room, went to the corridor, and tried to call his daughter.

It is turned off.


She sighed, wondering why her daughter Jiang Yan wanted to transfer money to herself.

Turned so much at one time!

On the face of the vicissitudes of life, the folds of the ravines left behind the traces of the ruthless years, but it was difficult to conceal the unique temperament of the lady.

For work reasons, it is not uncommon for my daughter to turn off her mobile phone.

She was used to it, but this time, she felt a little flustered in her heart?

Immediately, there is no mood to stay here any longer.

While it's all right, I'm ready to go to my daughter's residence to see it in person.


"Although I don't know what means you used, the hospital was still protecting you and didn't fire you! But we believe that netizens will see your true face! We are also kind people, if you are willing to make a public apology and admit your mistakes If we do, this matter can be subsided soon! Because we don't want to make things too big, we just want a fair deal!"

"Now we have sent the child to another hospital for injury examination. Your mistakes and blame in surgery will be subject to a professional review! The results will come out in two days. Apologize to us and the children, we can accept a certain amount of compensation. But if you still choose to refuse to apologize, then wait for the injury report to come out, and we will see you in court!"


As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of the child's parents came over.

Cold and a little angry.

Jiang Yan did not speak, but hung up directly.

There is despair in her eyes. She has explained it hundreds of times. Does anyone really care about the truth of the matter?

As long as they speak themselves, they will inevitably bombard more frantically.


Jiang Yan stayed in the room, thinking about something in his eyes.

A little tired, UU read but did not dare to sleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes these days, after I was confused, it was the scene where those people abused themselves.

On the Internet, on the mobile phone, in reality, I seem to have nowhere to run.

The hospital also sent a message of consolation, saying that it would actively guide the direction of public opinion and publicize the whole story as soon as possible, but now Jiang Yan is living a life like a year, and he dare not go out easily, dare not go to places with many people, even work. Stopped, everything around is suffocating!

In the past few days, she has also thought about adjusting her state, but every time she will be critically attacked by cruel reality, shattering all illusions.

Those gossips are like pervasive evil winds, making people desperate.

After a long time, her eyes began to become completely empty.

Some numbly picked up the mobile phone, lowered his head and started to edit the information on the mobile phone, and sent out one message after another.

The last one was sent to Su Chen.

In the end, her eyes fell on the fruit knife beside her, and she reached out and picked it up...  

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