Chapter 114 Absurd

The words of the Jin family and his wife made everyone angry and regretful.

Accompanied by their kneeling to admit their mistakes, the emotions of the people around them.

Many people felt that when things ended like this, Jiang Yan's mother, who had been standing beside the tombstone, suddenly laughed.

Smile, laugh.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, and she suddenly smiled, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Director Li looked at her with a complicated expression, and the reporters also turned their cameras on her.

This mother, who had laughed and cried at the funeral in the face of the enemy who persecuted her daughter to commit suicide, looked especially weird and creepy under such gloomy weather.

In the live broadcast room, those netizens were very surprised.

"What do you mean, this is? Why are you smiling?"

"Sorry for the snow?"

"So angry, why did Jiang Yan's mother smile?"

"Don't you see that she burst into tears with laughter?"

"I can already feel the grief and anger in her heart, probably crying for Jiang Yan!"

"I feel sorry for my mother, but if justice like this comes earlier, it won't be like this!"

"That's right! There are also these two black-hearted couples! It's really hateful! Everyone digs up their information, so that they can also taste the pressure Jiang Yan has suffered!"


The netizens in the barrage seem to be guardians of justice, venting their anger and the justice in their hearts.

The original voices of insulting Jiang Yan and even dissatisfaction with the funeral had disappeared, and turned into dissatisfaction with the Jin family couple, who were clamoring for their own voices.

Across the screen, he was frantically typing on the keyboard, as if he wanted to avenge Jiang Yan.

at the funeral.

Facing everyone's eyes, Jiang Yan's mother burst into tears.

With unusually sad eyes, he glanced at his daughter's tombstone not far away.

Palely nodded.

The atmosphere seemed extremely depressing.

The rain fell on the black umbrella above her head.

Occasionally falling raindrops fell on her cheeks, and the raindrops were mixed with tears, which had long been unclear.

For a moment, her smile froze, facing the crowd.

Facing all the cameras, he kept smiling and said:

"My daughter is gone!"

The voice fell, and the stiff smile was like a frozen picture, reflected in everyone's heart.

The picture is passed to the eyes of countless people through the lens~

Everyone present seemed to be strangled by the throat.

That sentence was clearly said with a smile, but it was like the sharpest knife, stabbed into the softest part of everyone's heart, and it was uncomfortably tight.

Director Li clenched his fists tightly, hesitating to say anything.

A few words were stuck in his throat, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The whole person stood there, and he found that he seemed to be unable to do anything.

The Jin family knelt on the ground and lowered their heads, as if something heavy was pressing their necks, making them unable to lift their heads.

Immediately afterwards, the audience was speechless.

Jiang Yan's mother nodded.

As the smile faded, the light in his eyes dimmed.

With a pale complexion, he tried his best to open his mouth, and his hoarse voice was despairing:

"So be it!"

The powerless sentence made everyone's heart sink.

Those netizens across the screen, watching the gloomy atmosphere at the funeral, fell into a dead silence.

The reaction of Jiang Yan's mother was completely beyond their expectations.

Facing the grief of their daughter's death and the culprit who knelt on the ground, they thought that Jiang Yan's family would be very relieved. They would encourage the Patrol Bureau before the meeting, would thank those reporters, and would tell those who disregarded Jiang Yan's framed reputation. The people who choose to support Jiang Yan, her gratitude...

However, none of these.

Just a weak and pale sad smile:

My daughter is gone!

Just such a simple sentence.

It made countless people's hearts sink, and tears flowed out with this sentence unconsciously.

Aware of the excessive depression in the atmosphere, Director Li finally spoke up and said to Jiang Yan's mother with a dignified expression:

"My condolences! At present, the case has been taken over by our Taning County Patrol Bureau and Qingyang County Patrol Bureau! After our full investigation, we have identified other suspects suspected of slandering and threatening Jiang Yan, malicious editing and guiding public opinion. 's studio, and the big neck who maliciously commented and forwarded, we will not let any of these people go!"

"We must give Jiang Yan justice!"


"well said!"

"With just a few words, they said their determination to enforce the law! Inexplicably burning!"

"Don't let any of these malicious rumors and slanders go!"

"Those who are trying to gain popularity will suffer in this wave. Not to mention brothers, I'm going to report those things! One by one, the black-hearted big necks that kill people for the sake of traffic!"

"Justice may be late, but never forget to smash their...heads!"

"I can't believe that there are such black-hearted people. After eating melons for so long, they turned around after Jiang Yan died? How come those who scolded Jiang Yan disappeared in an instant?"

Li Bureau's words are very feedback, and instantly on those websites and platforms, it has caused hot comments!

Many people claim to seek justice for Jiang Yan and report those big necks who maliciously guide public opinion!

Many reporters, relatives and friends present nodded secretly.

Express their satisfaction with their attitude and execution.

At the funeral scene, some anchors who had previously guided and abused Jiang Yan silently turned off the camera, looking a little nervous and guilty.


Jiang Yan's mother was not flustered by this.

Her eyes turned to Jiang Yan's tombstone. Now the culprit is kneeling in front of the tomb. Those big necks who made waves on the Internet will also be punished, but her mood is not gratifying. She has thought about her daughter's reputation. One day she thought she would be happy when the chaos was sorted out, but now, looking at the cold tombstone, she followed the gap between the stones and found the word Jiang Yan.

The inexplicable weight was in her heart, making her unable to be happy!

Looking at the grieving family members Li Ju again mourned for the tombstone for a moment, ready to leave.

Experienced reporters have already started to pack up and leave.

The funeral was about to end, and the dark clouds in the sky began to slowly dissipate.

The rain was quickly carried away by the wind.

At this moment, the man in black with an inch head, who had been standing beside Jiang Yan's mother, put away his long and narrow black umbrella expressionlessly, looked up at the sky, and the black clouds seemed to have dissipated.

The sky is clear~

Along with his movements, several figures in the dark also wriggled.

Bureau Li glanced at him without leaving a trace.

When he noticed something, the corner of his mouth raised a playful, magnetic voice:

"This is the end?"

"How ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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