When Yan Xiao saw the call from the boss on the screen of his mobile phone, he couldn't help feeling refreshed. Like a student who was being checked for homework, he hurriedly answered the phone.

Breathing was a little tighter.

"Hello? Hello, President Wang!"

After the call was connected, Yan Xiao greeted him very skillfully.

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end, which seemed to be somewhat angry:

"Xiao Yan, why didn't I see you in the office? Where have you been? Didn't I ask you to work overtime to get the report on NT? Why didn't you see you before you got off work?"

"Mr. Wang, I reported to you this morning that I took an afternoon off today. I'm not feeling well these days. I'm going to the hospital for a further examination."

In the face of the boss's somewhat angry accusations, Yan Xiao kept reminding softly.

Although Mr. Wang forgot to ask for leave, his behavior was as if he had done something wrong himself.

Hearing what Yan Xiao said, the attitude on the other end of the phone eased a bit, but the voice was still cold:

"I remember you just asked for leave two days ago, right? You young people, you are going to ask for leave for big things. You will also ask for leave and you will also ask for leave. Do you still want to do your work? If you are like you, how can the company operate? down?"

"Well, I will try my best to avoid taking leave! I went to the hospital for a check-up two days ago. The check-up report came out today, and the hospital told me to go and pick it up."

Yan Xiao suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said respectfully.

Today is obviously Saturday, so I have to ask for a day off!

He even had to speak respectfully to the boss like a grandson.

The pressure of life forced Yan Xiao to dare not speak out.

Originally, I promised to have two-week breaks when I joined the company, but since I joined the company, I have not stopped working overtime. As a result, I have been in the company for two full years, and I have not enjoyed the double-holiday happiness. I work overtime every weekend. Year round!

However, the boss still felt that he did too little and the working hours were too short.

Overtly and secretly 'calling' Yan Xiao, asking him to come early and leave late to work more overtime, and on weekends, there are all kinds of deadly serial calls!

Now the dark circles on Yan Xiao's face are the 'criminal evidence' of the boss's exploitation.

Although he was very uncomfortable, Yan Xiao could only lower the bottom line again and again for this job.

There is no way, if you want to survive, you can only compromise.

In the face of the boss's yin and yang tone, he ruthlessly blamed himself and urged things at work.

Yan Xiao replied calmly, with a respectful tone:

"Ah? Does it have to be done within today? I don't seem to be in a hurry, do I?"

"Uh, okay, I see."

"Then I will work overtime at night, don't worry!"

"Okay, it's nothing, I'll hang up first! You're busy!"

After agreeing to the unreasonable request to work overtime, he hung up the phone.

Yan Xiao is different from the old fritters who have been employed in the company for many years. After graduation, he worked hard outside for a few years, saved some money, and learned relevant knowledge for a period of time, and finally managed to squeeze into this investment company. one year.

According to the boss's words, it is a good time to work hard and study hard.

Therefore, even if it was endless overtime, Yan Xiao endured it, thinking that he would stay in the company well, and he would definitely get better in the future.


After hanging up the phone, Yan Xiao felt very decadent.

Thinking of the text message about the inspection report sent by the hospital, I quickly opened it.

There is a general indication of the condition, saying that it may require hospitalization or something.

The text message did not say what the specific condition was, and told him to go to the hospital to get a specific inspection report.

I think of the nausea and unpleasant symptoms every night during this time.

Yan Xiao further concluded that he was ill.

If it weren't for it, I wouldn't have to take time off to see a doctor.

Holding the briefcase in his hand, he hurriedly took a taxi and went directly to the hospital.


ten minutes later.

Qingyang County Hospital.

Yan Xiao wore a pair of dark circles under his eyes, wearing a black suit, a formal white shirt, leather shoes, and a black briefcase in his hand.

A lifelike image of a professional migrant worker, he walked slowly into the hospital.

I looked at the functional navigation in the lobby on the first floor and determined the place to receive the medical examination form.

Before he got to the place where he received the medical check-up sheet, he heard bursts of sobbing and crying in the distance, mixed with the special smell of potion in the air, which made Yan Xiao frowned and felt a little disgusted.

In front of the window for receiving the checklist, an old man burst into tears after receiving the checklist. He seemed to be crying about the injustice of life. The trembling old hand held the checklist and wanted to crush it. It was engraved with ruthless cases in black and white.

to this.

With a helpless look on his face, the staff let the old man away.

This checklist is like a judgment book. It does not give people any chance to regret. The mistakes they have made when dealing with their bodies will appear on this list with corresponding causal relationships. No wonder others don’t cherish themselves. no way.

The staff at the window continued to shout:

"Next person!"

Seeing the old man being dragged away, Yan Xiao felt even more nauseated in his stomach.

Very uncomfortable.

The bridge of the nose is even cooler, as if inhaling some cool air, which is very strange.

Knowing that it was a psychological effect, Yan Xiao quickly adjusted his mentality, took out his mobile phone and walked to the window:

"Hello, I'm here to pick up my checklist, this is my pick-up code!"

"Okay, I'll scan you!"

The staff inside wore masks, so they couldn't see the expressions clearly, and swept the scanner up with their eyes numb.

Then, a white sheet was printed.

The staff didn't even look at it, and handed it to him directly:

"Here's your checklist, take it! Next!"

After taking the checklist ~www.readwn.com~ Yan Xiao glanced at it subconsciously.

On the black and white paper, his various inspection reports, case analysis, and treatment recommendations were clearly written.

Suddenly, his brows trembled fiercely!

Looking at the extremely dazzling words above: advanced cancer.

The corners of Yan Xiao's mouth twitched, and he couldn't care about anything, and quickly asked the window:

"I....Did I print it wrong?"

"Hello, no! If you have any questions about the test results, you can go to the doctor. There is a corresponding test doctor on the list. You can ask him to review it!"

The staff answered professionally, blocking what Yan Xiao wanted to argue.

You can only follow the examination doctor on the list, go to the registration, and ask.

After half an hour,

Yan Xiao walked out of the hospital with his eyes blank.

Walking to the street, he paused, rubbed the inspection report in his hand, and threw it into the trash can.

He found a crumpled pack of cigarettes on himself, lit it, and shoved it into his mouth.

He took a sigh of relief.

With breathing, the gray-white smoke slowly emerged from the nostrils and dissipated in the air.

I was still thinking about what the doctor said to me.

"With active treatment, you can live an extra two years!"

This sentence is like a magic spell, constantly appearing in my mind.

I snuffed out the cigarette butt, and my fingertips trembled, feeling the burning stinging sensation.

A nervous smile suddenly appeared on Yan Xiao's face:

"Oh, go to TM!"

Self-deprecation, despair, sadness, and numbness.

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