"Old Yan, what are you saying is true?"

Standing beside Yan Jun, Jiang Qian felt a little unbelievable when she heard him tell about Yan Xiao.

I was still asking him for money yesterday.

At one time, he suspected what kind of fortune he had gone through, but now this fortune has not come to fruition. Instead, he was told that he has terminal cancer and will not live long?

Some bizarre encounters made Jiang Qian wonder if Yan Jun was joking.

Yan Jun, with a dignified expression, leaned on the handrail in the corridor and sighed:

"This child, I'm afraid she followed his mother. She also died of this disease back then!"

"Genetic disease?"

Jiang Qian asked casually.

She was still surprised by what happened to Yan Xiao.

A living person who has been doing well for the past two days, if he says no, he can't.

Seeing that Yan Jun didn't mean to reply, she didn't ask.

Just thinking that Yan Xiao made money so neatly yesterday because he knew that he would not live long?

Or, did he really have some fortune, and he planned to hide it from the two when he was dying?

Yan Jun looked at the emergency room with a blank expression. It had been several hours, and there was no end to the movement.

When I was told by the doctor about the condition, I was still a little unacceptable. Just like when Yan Xiao's mother left, my numb heart couldn't stir up a little wave, and my mind couldn't reflect the emotions I should have. I just pulled Yan Xiao to do it. After the funeral, the days have come in such a hurry.

Later on, I unknowingly distanced myself a lot from Yan Xiao, and lost patience with him for no reason. When I cut off his living expenses for the first time, it was only because the two quarreled. Later, the child stopped asking for money. It seems to be so light.

Sometimes I know some provocative behaviors that Jiang Qian has done to Yan Xiao, but I don't bother to care about them.

I never thought, step by step, I have come to this stage of the field.

Looking at the door of the emergency room,

He still remembered the situation when Yan Xiao was reported by the doctor from the delivery room. He was small and soft, and he cried excitedly on the spot when he became a father for the first time.

He vowed to be his father.

Time flies, the most can obliterate everything.

The oath once made seems to have been wiped out and become a fleeting moment.


When Yan Xiao opened his eyes, he was surrounded by darkness.

It is already night.

Consciousness gradually wakes up, and consciousness everywhere in the body is restored.

In the haze, the pungent smell of potion reminded him that he was still in the hospital.

His hand seemed to be held by something, a little warm.

But also a little rough.

I wanted to turn my head to look, but found myself weak and could only turn my eyes.

There was a strong sense of powerlessness all over the body.

I can't even raise my hand.

He looked to the side of the bed with all his might, and his head twisted a little bit with difficulty. Just such a slight movement made a shred of sweat come out of his forehead. Father who slept by the bed.

Father sat on a low stool, lying on the edge of the bed.

Holding his pale hand with one hand, and supporting his head unconsciously with the other hand, he fell asleep leaning against the bed, looking tired.

Yan Xiao is a little puzzled, why is he here?

Who was sent to the hospital?

Look at the surrounding precision instruments, ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment.

His mind seemed to be half a beat. Yan Xiao thought about it carefully. It wasn't until a moment later that he recalled what happened before. He came to visit his father. Any consciousness, wake up again, and lie here.

Right now, even though I can't feel the pain anywhere in my body.

But he was able to sense that the spread of cancer cells was more intense and serious. Obviously, he had taken a big step closer to death, and he might be one threshold away.

His eyes were on his father, who had been lukewarm to himself after his mother left.

Over the years, except for money matters, the two have not had much contact with each other.

The estranged relationship is like a stranger. I have never understood the father-son relationship in other people's mouths. To a certain extent, I feel like an enemy with him. As soon as the two meet, they quarrel, and the moment they speak, the smell of gunpowder. came up.

Feel the warm roughness on your hands.

The corners of Yan Xiao's eyes trembled a little, looking at his father's figure, tears fell unsatisfactorily.

He never thought that there would be a day when he would be held by his father.

The rough touch is still so familiar and kind, and once you grab it, you don't want to let go.

In the dark, like a pillar of the soul, supporting himself.

At this time,

There was a sound of footsteps outside the ward. Although the other party tried to suppress it, it was still exposed by the quiet environment.

Looking at the figure walking into the door, Yan Xiao continued to pretend to be unconscious and closed his eyes.

It was Jiang Qian who walked into the door of the ward.

Looking at Yan Jun who was sleeping beside the hospital bed, he hurriedly walked over and knocked on him:

"Old Yan! Old Yan!? Wake up!"

"Why did you fall asleep here? You will catch a cold, so take a rest!"

The big hand holding Yan Xiao trembled, as if he was awakened.

Yan Jun opened his eyes in a daze, looked at Yan Xiao on the hospital bed subconsciously, and said in a hoarse voice:

"This kid hasn't woken up yet!"

"I'll guard him, you go and rest, you are in the recovery period now, you can't be tired!"

Jiang Qian said with some distress.

On weekdays, don't look at her often complaining that Yan Jun is not up to the standard, always 'exploiting' Yan Xiao, and putting it on Yan Jun, she still feels distressed, after all, she is a wife who is going to finish her life, she is very clear about this. .

"Okay! Thanks for your hard work!"

Yan Jun hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

It was inconvenient under the feet, when I was about to let go of Yan Xiao's hand and stand up with support.

A grip force suddenly came from his hand, Yan Xiao actually grabbed his hand?

He looked stunned.

Looking at the pale son on the hospital bed, he noticed the tears in the corner of his eyes.

He quickly wiped away the tears from Yan Xiao's face with the other hand.

Thinking that the other party was acting unconsciously, when Yan Jun was about to get up again, the strength of his son's grip was still as strong this time.

His face trembled and his movements stopped.

"What? Go and rest!"

Jiang Qian urged on the side for unknown reasons.


Yan Jun shook his head, looked at his son on the hospital bed and said:

"Forget it, I'm not tired, just stay with him for a while!"

Father's words were a little low.

But as if it can penetrate the heart, Yan Xiao's heart trembled fiercely.

Although he closed his eyes, he still couldn't stop the unsatisfactory tears from flowing out slowly.

"Hey, stay with me if you want, then I'll come back later!"

Jiang Qian sighed and didn't say more.

left the ward.

Yan Jun saw the tears on his son's face and wiped them away with his old hands again.


"I'm old, I'm old, I didn't enjoy it, and I have to accompany you on the last journey."

A slightly complaining word.

Hearing that, Yan Xiao felt warm in his heart, and he never asked for anything extravagantly.

I just wanted him to accompany me, but I never had the chance.

He didn't want to let go when he felt the passing of his life


Just like that, my thoughts drifted far away.

It's like traveling through the memoirs of life. Familiar faces, scenes that are familiar but unnamed, are messed into my memory and form my short life.

I used to feel that time passed very slowly, but in a blink of an eye, I have grown up.

I once felt that the years went too slowly, and looking back on the old people is no longer.

I once felt that the sun and the moon could turn around, but then I bowed my head and bowed my waist.


Soon, consciousness became blurred.

Yan Xiao seemed to hear the sound of the alarm from the equipment. His father panicked and pressed the call button. Many white figures surrounded his hospital bed, and one after another dazzling light hit his eyes.

There are more electric shock sounds mixed in.

Electricity runs through the numb body,

Still unable to retain this lifeless torso.

Yan Xiao, leave!


At four o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark.

A few faintly visible starlights hung far above the purple starry sky.

Su Chen's tightly closed eyes opened in response.

At the same time, the sound of the system follows:

[The seventh client of the task of seeing off: Yan Xiao! 】

【Has passed away! 】

【Please prepare for his sending off mission! 】

A slightly heavy reminder sound struck, smashing the remaining drowsiness.

Su Chen slowly got up with a solemn expression and walked out of the store.

The surroundings were dark, only a few bright lights above the starry sky persisted stubbornly, and the crescent moon had long since disappeared.

The coldness came, which made people feel cold.

Su Chen called out the quest store and exchanged all the quest supplies in it.

Fifty-six thousand six hundred yuan funeral specifications.

Enough to satisfy Yan Xiao's last wish.

Hope he enjoys the service too.


for a long time.

No matter how to calm down, he can't sleep now, Su Chen felt a little hungry, so he left and closed the store, ready to find a breakfast.

The pace of life in Qingyang County is much faster than that of ordinary county towns.

Vendors who are ready to set up early will prepare early.

Before the cold night wind blew, they had already set off in the dark.

On the dimly lit street, there was an occasional bright light.

Several figures were busy in it.

Su Chen walked in and ordered a bowl of bean curd brain stir-fried spicy soup, two more fried dough sticks, and a side dish.

This is the standard for people in Qingyang County to go early.

Fresh and smooth tofu brain.

Pour the spicy soup made of pepper, chili, beef granules, bone broth, glutinous rice, vermicelli, peanuts, fungus, tofu skin, and other ingredients. When you smell the fragrance, saliva will naturally permeate from your taste buds. , appetizing.

Seeing that the steaming hot tofu brain and spicy soup was brought out, Su Chen just stepped forward to take it.

Suddenly I heard the shopkeeper say:

"Little brother, if you are not in a hurry, give this bowl to him first!"

Looking in the direction he said, Su Chen saw an old man who had just entered the store.

The old man looked kind, smiled, and came over.

Touching his head, the wrinkled old face said a little embarrassedly:

"Can I take this bowl of two mixes first? Hurry up!"


Seeing the embarrassment of the old man, Su Chen nodded indifferently.

The fritters haven't come out of the pan yet, so I don't mind waiting a little longer.

Upon seeing this, the old man quickly thanked him.

While thanking, he packed and took away the bowl of liang mix, a basket of buns, and left in a hurry.

Seeing the back of the old man leaving in a hurry, Su Chen sat back at the table with a puzzled look in his eyes.

I don't know what to do in such a hurry.

"You've been waiting for so long!"

Perhaps out of apology, the shopkeeper personally brought the two mixes up, and the shiny fried sesame fritters were also served.

Seeing the confusion in Su Chen's eyes, the shopkeeper said:

"This old man is a regular customer in our store. Every time he comes, he has to be ahead of others. Please forgive me!"

"It's okay, he's so anxious, what's the matter?"

Su Chen smiled indifferently, and asked while tasting.

The shopkeeper shook his head and replied:

"I don't know. Every time I come, I come in a hurry, I leave in a hurry, and I haven't spoken to."


Su Chen nodded thoughtfully.

It's okay to be in a hurry alone, every time I'm in such a hurry, there must be something wrong.

In life, no one is in a hurry.

Let it go, let it go.


Yan Xiao passed away.

Regarding his funeral, it fell on his father Yan Jun.

in the hospital ward.

Yan Jun and Jiang Qian discussed:

"Father holds a funeral for his son, what is this called!?"

"At this point, I can still watch as my son is left alone, no one cares? Isn't that a conscience thing?"

"I didn't tell you to leave it alone! I just said, this funeral doesn't take so much trouble, and you're still in ill health, so keep things simple, okay? I admit, I'm usually a little harsh on Xiao Xiao, It's too much, but don't you know me yet? I'm such a cruel person? I don't want him to leave!"

"Hmph, that's true, you probably don't want him to leave more than everyone else!"

"Yan Jun, I'm thinking that your son has just left, and I don't want to make trouble with you. Don't talk to me in a yin and yang manner here! The old lady also has a temper!"

The two were at a stalemate~www.readwn.com~ for a moment, thinking about the son's body still waiting to be dealt with.

Yan Jun's face was heavy, and his voice was a little lower:

"Keep it simple, keep it simple, how to keep it simple?"

"Crimson the child. Cremation is advocated now, and the corpse is easy to handle!"

Jiang Qian replied.

Hearing the word corpse, Yan Jun sighed weakly, and could only nod his head.

Do as she says.

In the afternoon, people from the funeral home came to pick up the body.

Jiang Qian was about to take them to pick up Yan Xiao's body, but unexpectedly, a group of people in professional attire stopped them.

Hearing someone stop him, Yan Jun hurried over with a cane.

Those people are facing each other at the door of the ward.

"According to the treaty contract signed by Mr. Yan Xiao, if it is cremation, we need to deal with the remains first!"

"What contract, everyone is dead, who knows which Yan Xiao signed the contract with you?"

Jiang Qian glanced at a few people, feeling that they were not good people, and retorted coldly.

Don't be polite to these people!

Saying that, let someone break in.

Facing Jiang Qian, those people looked at each other and chose to continue to stop them.

Some helplessly stepped forward to explain:

"This is the contract signed by Mr. Yan himself, and it is also his last wish. We can understand your pain..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Jun walked over tremblingly.

With a complicated expression, he stretched out his hand and said:

"What contract, let me see!" Pay ninety-nine yuan: create a mysterious funeral for you https://

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