After returning from the wedding, the sky was already a bit bleak.

The street lights in Qingyang County gradually brightened, embellishing the bustling streets, the city was surrounded by lights, the wheels on the streets were constantly flowing, people were active on various streets, and began their nightlife with the feasting and feasting.

Su's Funeral Company,

After walking out of the small room in the store, Su Chen was a little lost.

The feeling of killing Jiujin seems to be completely gone.

That strange feeling came out for a while when I was drinking, but I didn't feel it again after that.


Originally, I wanted to use the control ability I have in the store to help Lin Yu sober up, but I didn't expect that after being injected with vitality, it would make her face full of spring, and things were messed up.

The reason for helping the wrong person is that he is unfamiliar with the ability to control the storefront. If you want to be familiar with the application, you can only rely on yourself to master it slowly.

I came back from the wedding with a little alcohol on my body.


Su Chen's thoughts moved, and the fragrance in the store was lingering, and the wine smell was washed away.

This kind of small function in the store can still be controlled at will.

I walked to the mahogany table in the store, and thought about what happened at the wedding, and made sure that I didn't miss any points or situations, and then I relaxed a little bit. Like that kind of circle, things at the wedding must be impossible. concealed.

Now that Qingyang is about to become a city, and those who attend the wedding are those with little connections, it is estimated that his name will soon spread to the ears of many forces.

It is also helpless.

That little dwarf called Youtoujiro dared to speak filthy words to Lin Yu, and even wanted to attack, even a man couldn't bear it. After all, Lin Yu is also his friend and the landlord. There is no definite relationship between the two, but as long as he is his friend, he will not let others bully him at will, especially if the other party is a short-looking Kou. people.

The appearance of the Ono trio was also unexpected.

Even if they didn't show up at the time, the Ono trio would still be terrified when they saw them, revealing their identities. According to the madness of the three of them at the time, they couldn't hide if they wanted to.

What will happen to the Kou people, it is not clear for the time being.

In the future, we can only be more careful. The Ono trio dared to assassinate Lin Yu, indicating that the other party has reached the point of uncompromising on some matters. Those who stand in their way will be cleaned up one by one, obviously , and he should also be included in the cleanup list by them.

The Inhuman Realm has the rules of the Inhuman Realm. Basically, it rarely uses the power of the mundane world to deal with it, and it will not easily reveal the existence of Inhumans to ordinary people. This is the tacit self-protection rule of the Inhumans in the entire world. Since the last time he fought against the Ono trio, Su Chen has gone through several system enhancements. If he faces those Kou Yiren who are not particularly powerful, he should be able to deal with them.

In the future, if it really is, there will be a death battle.

I can only hope that those aliens in the Dragon Country will not sit idly by!

I don't know if there are any masters who can match it among the aliens from the Dragon Kingdom...

The more he thought about it, the deeper Su Chen gradually restrained his thoughts.

The current situation is fairly clear, and I know the potential forces in my mind, not a headless fly.

Now, sit in a chair.

Just take out the client's file and start looking through it.

Only then did I remember that Yan Xiao's mission reminder had not come yet.

After finishing Yan Xiao's mission, he didn't have time to wait for the system's mission to settle.

He was dragged by Lin Yu to the wedding, which, logically speaking, should have arrived.

This system is sometimes willful.

If you want to be late, be late.

Looking at Yan Xiao's data file, this task is over, and now we can improve the funeral information and customer information.


a certain hospital.

In the operating room, the red light continued to glow.

Reflected on the entire corridor, it seems a bit depressing and tense.

A middle-aged couple was waiting outside the operating room, and their eyes looked in the direction of the operating room from time to time. Inside the closed door, there seemed to be people they valued very much.

Beside them, there were several men and women in professional attire and holding black document bags, and they also looked at the direction of the operating room with solemn expressions.

"Stop standing there, sit down!"

Looking at the man who had been hovering at the door of the operating room and sitting on the chair in the corridor, the woman frowned and said.

He sat upright, his hands rubbing against his trousers uncontrollably, wiping the sweat from his hands.

Seeing the woman dangling all the time, he felt a little dizzy.

"I'm a little nervous, this operation should be fine, right?"

The woman was also very nervous, walked slowly to the man's side, and said with a sad face.

The man didn't answer, just sat there with no expression, only his hands were rubbing his whole body, wiping the endless sweat from his hands.

The woman tried her best to look away, but she couldn't help but want to look in the direction of the operating room.

He sat down beside the man, and stood up immediately before he could warm up.

The nervousness made her anxious and unable to sit down.

The tense atmosphere in the corridor is no less than the tense work of the doctors in the operating room.

The couple anxiously awaited the results.

For a long time, the red light went out! !

The door of the operating room was slowly opened, and a doctor wearing a mask in a green protective suit walked out.

Like an electric shock, the man immediately bounced off the seat and hurried forward:

"Doctor, how is my daughter?"

"Did the operation go well?"

The woman also asked quickly.

Seeing the patient's family members who were rushing over at the same time, the doctor quickly took two steps back, wearing blood-stained white gloves on his hands, and reminded:

"Please keep your distance! Don't get excited!"

"Okay, how's my daughter's surgery?"

The man quickly grabbed the woman and asked nervously.

"The operation was very successful. The reason why this happened is that there was some rejection after the transplant, so don't worry too much! The sutures can be removed tomorrow, I believe she can recover her vision smoothly!"

"Good good!"

Hearing this, the couple finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The man nodded in relief, and immediately, remembering something, he quickly took out a red envelope prepared earlier from his pocket and stuffed it into the doctor's pocket!

While plugging, he smiled apologetically:

"This is a little thought from us, please accept it!"

"Stop! Don't do this! This is against the rules, do you know that it's people like you who condone those immoral styles!?"

Without thinking, the doctor took a blunt step back and refused.

The face was serious, and there was no chance for the two of them.

"We didn't think about bribes, we just wanted to express our hearts!"

The man blushed and explained quickly.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I just want to repay the doctor.

I didn't expect the other party to refuse so simply.

Seeing this, the doctor still had a serious face:



The woman echoed by the side.

I also want the doctor to accept this red envelope.

Accepting the red envelope seems to make them feel more at ease.

Facing the kindness of the two, the doctor glanced at a few people standing not far away who were holding black document bags, and his eyes seemed to understand something, and he said meaningfully to the two at the moment:

"A clever woman can't cook without rice. If you really want to thank you, you should thank the selfless devotee who donated to your daughter. He is the person you deserve to express your heart to, and the person we admire!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged couple looked startled.

Only then did he nod his head in understanding.

Without paying too much attention to the two, the doctor bypassed them and hurried away.

After the finishing work in the operating room is over, a nurse will meet them.

There were other surgeries waiting for the doctor, so he didn't waste time here.

After watching the doctor leave, the man was thoughtful.

Walking to the people with black document bags, the voice was a little dignified:

"Can you tell me the name of the donor who donated to my daughter?"


I don't even know the donor's name, let alone what kind of person he is.

I don't know each other, but I choose to donate for free.

Thus saving the light of his daughter's life.

As the doctor said, I should thank him.

When I heard that there was a problem with the cornea, the people from the donation agency came immediately. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

In the face of the man's question, several people hesitated.

The woman at the head took out Yan Xiao's information from the file bag and glanced at it.

This is the opening:

"His name is Yan Xiao, he is twenty-seven years old, and he was an ordinary employee during his lifetime."

"Yan Xiao?"

Hearing the words, the man nodded silently.

Immediately, his eyes trembled.

"What do you mean, before you were alive?"

"You may not be aware of the situation on our side. Those who choose to donate in this way have signed a post-mortem donation agreement. As soon as the donor dies, we will follow the agreement and arrange subsequent transplantation or research use. , so, there is basically no pre-existing donation.

This is the profile of the donor, Yan Xiao, who donated to your daughter. "

The woman tightened the black document bag in her hand and explained with a serious expression.

After listening to her explanation, the man nodded with understanding.

Immediately, he took the file handed over by the woman.

There are photos of Yan Xiao, basic information, and some matters on it.

Looking at the unfamiliar photos, unfamiliar information, unfamiliar contact information, and even unfamiliar names on the file, the man felt uncomfortable and tight. After looking at it a few more times, he silently remembered some information about Yan Xiao. The file was handed back.

The time of death has been marked, and the remains have been disposed of.

Even the funeral is over.

Without hesitation, the man immediately asked:

"Where is his tombstone?"

"Mr. Yan, at Pingzhuang Cemetery!"

"Well, thanks for your help!"

"We are also fulfilling Mr. Yan Xiao's last wish!"


Su Chen was in the store, waiting for a long time, but he didn't wait for the system reminder message.

Looking at the already dark night sky, he didn't wait any longer.

Perhaps there was something else that delayed the distribution of quest rewards.

Take the people behind you and leave.

Whether it is for the organization responsible for the donation, or for Yan Xiao's family, it is an extremely bad influence.

So, in the face of the family's insistence.

The woman decided to give up.


At this moment, Yan Jun, who had been standing silent for a while, finally spoke up.

With a heavy expression on his face, he slowly squatted down.

Picked up all the torn documents, stacked them together, and finally put them in a black document bag and handed them to the woman again.

The other side was startled and took it.

On the entire corridor, there are many family members of other patients gathered at this moment, most of them are watching the situation, watching and eating melons,

I saw that after Yan Jun handed the document bag to the other party, his tone was low:

"You... take the body away!"


Hearing this, Jiang Qian was taken aback and asked directly.

Those people were also shocked, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

Did the family refuse it?

How can you let yourself take the body away?

In the face of everyone's surprise, Yan Jun felt more and more heavy in his heart, and his tone was solemn:

"I respect my son's choice. Since he signed a contract with you, he will go as he wishes! I am not qualified to make this decision for him! You can take away the body and deal with it!"

The voice fell.

The heavy words hit everyone's heart.

"Old Yan! Are you confused?"

Jiang Qian couldn't believe it, but felt that Yan Jun was old and confused.

How could he agree to hand over his son's body to an outsider?

Or the most terrifying digging organ!

Although it is said to be a donation, but the body is hairy, and the parents are really willing to let outsiders cut it off?

"I'm not confused, and Yan Xiao is not confused either. This kid is better than Lao Tzu. At least I don't have the guts to donate organs to others. He's a good man!"

Yan Jun's tone was solemn, but his eyes were firm.

The voice fell.

The woman from the donation agency was stunned, and immediately thanked Yan Jun with respect:


"You don't need to thank me, you took my son's organs, you should thank him!"

Yan Jun shook his head and said.

There was still a bit of helplessness in his tone.

With Yan Jun's consent, the people from the donation agency walked into the ward smoothly, took away Yan Jun's body, and prepared for the next step.

The place of treatment is also in the hospital.

Yan Jun leaned on crutches, and with Jiang Qian's help, followed behind these institutional people, watching them take away the remains.

The other party respected Yan Jun's body very much. Whether it was before or after it was transported, or the whole process, he was very careful, serious and serious.

No disrespect.

This gave Yan Jun a little relief in his heart as a father.

At least it proves the attitude of the other party and the approval of the son's decision.

Soon, the processing is complete.

After the cornea was removed, the remains were cremated according to the procedure.

There were people from the funeral home waiting by the side.

Waiting for Yan Xiao's body to be pulled out, he was sent to the car on the spot and drove to the funeral home for cremation.

The door of the hospital.

Looking at the funeral car that was drifting away, Yan Jun's eyes were complicated.

Jiang Qian on the side didn't understand very much, but she could only help him and reminded in a low voice:

"The body has been disposed of. Next, arrange a funeral for the child!"


Yan Jun nodded weakly.

His face was a little helpless.

In a trance, he still thought that Yan Xiao had not left, and without thinking, he sent his son to the funeral car in a blink of an eye.

There is bound to be some discomfort in my heart.

Yan Xiao's funeral was scheduled two days later at the Pingzhuang Cemetery in Qingyang County.

After the arrangement of the two, everything prepared for the funeral was simple.

After all, it is a white-haired person, sending a black-haired person.

Too grand is not appropriate.

As for some relatives and friends, with the help of the donation agency, they also got in touch.

Due to family reasons, Yan Jun's family did not move much with relatives and friends. When they heard the news of Yan Xiao's death, they were a little unbelievable. What they showed more was not caring, but accidents.

"Yes, everything is simple at the child's funeral, and there are not so many procedures."

"Well, remember to come!"

Yan Jun tried his best to put on a few smiles and called those relatives who had not been in contact with each other all the year round on his mobile phone.

According to the rules, they should also be notified to be present at the funeral.

Even if they are not very familiar, the relationship is not so familiar, but if they are close to each other, the notification should still be notified.

If there are no relatives and friends, the funeral is somewhat shabby and cheap.

"Hey, what are you busy with?"

"Half a day is enough, you have to be there anyway!"


After making several phone calls in succession, Yan Jun's complexion gradually darkened.

"What **** relatives, even a half-day funeral!"

"Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. It's really not a joke. I notified our neighbors, and they all took the initiative to come! You relatives, on the contrary, found a way to push it! I see, they didn't take us seriously at all! Look down on us!"

Jiang Qian on the side also put down her phone and said in agreement.

Although the words are almost meaningless, the truth is true.

Yan Jun remembered that among those relatives, his own family seemed to be the worst offender. Indeed, they were afraid to avoid it.

Where are you willing to take the initiative to participate?

For a time, he could only sigh helplessly.

Complaining is to vent, but this notification still has to be one after another.

Continue to press the familiar names and unfamiliar phone numbers in the address book.

Apologizing for one notification after another with a smile.


Su's funeral company.

After the upgrade of the, there is a light fragrance lingering in it, which refreshes the mind.

The temperature and humidity in the air are obviously isolated from the outside world, and they do not affect each other.

Su Chen is sorting out Yan Jun's information.

There are systematic prompts, and he has already learned the time and place of his funeral.

At this time, the phone rang.

It was a phone call from the donation agency. According to Yan Jun's instructions before his death, they called the friends he had noted on his mobile phone one by one and notified them.

Su Chen is also among them.

Su Chen hung up the phone call from the donation agency with a complicated expression. Looking at the newly added name of Yan Jun in the file, his mind became a little heavy for a while.

The end of each customer's life time, they are powerless to change.

All that can be done is to complete their ordering service and create a mysterious funeral for them!

According to the upgrade scale of the storefront, customers will not only be limited to this world, but also involve the existence of different planes.

Su Chen had a hard time imagining what would happen if a customer from another world ordered a package.

At present, it will take some time to accumulate the distance to the next level of storefronts. Furthermore, one's own strength also needs to be condensed and improved.

Do it step by step.

Two days passed in a hurry.

Finally came Yan Xiao's funeral.

After Su Chen packed up the mission supplies, he walked out of the store with a solemn expression, preparing to go to Pingzhuang Cemetery...

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