On the balcony of the house, with the sun falling on it, the smoke filled it even more like a fairyland, and there was a strong smell of nicotine in the air. Xu Bai and the two sat on the chairs next to the coffee table, silent for a moment, the corners of their mouths. The smoke was constantly leaking out, and the fingers holding the cigarette butts were trembling.

Li Han looked out the window with complicated eyes, and his eyes stopped somewhere casually.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly asked:



Xu Bo nodded and looked at Li Han next to him.

The cigarette in his hand, like the only thing he could do, put it in his mouth and took another sip.

Letting the smoke spew out of both nostrils, I felt very lonely.

Knowing your own death is a painful thing.

It is also a fortunate thing.

Paining myself for my powerlessness, I am glad that I still have time to deal with some things, so I don't leave too suddenly.


Hearing this, Li Han pinched the cigarette **** into the ashtray on the coffee table, watching the thorny red cigarette **** quickly fade away, and then nodded heavily.

He opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"So I'm going to divorce Zhou Ying. You know who she is. I've been a drag on her for the rest of my life. When I die, I can't drag her on anymore. I have to let her have nothing to worry about!"

Xu Bo said with a heartless wry smile.

When she filed for divorce today, she deliberately said some sad words, which should have made her feel cold.

"Do you think she would think so? If she knew that you were dead, she knew that you were deliberately keeping your distance from her, deliberately making her..."

Li Han never wanted to look at him, his eyes kept staring out the window.

The voice asked a little heavy.

The flowers outside the window are still so bright.

On the first floor, so the flowers nearby have always been well taken care of by Xu Bai and his wife.

"I can't take care of that anymore, I just don't want to die, and I'm still restraining her. Since I want to leave, I shouldn't be a drag on Zhou Ying. Isn't that a popular saying on the Internet: then say goodbye, just take it as it is Say goodbye to her one last time!"

Xu Bai shook his head and said helplessly.

Looking back at the room, he said in a deep voice:

"As soon as she doesn't want to save this house, and she doesn't want any money, it's useless for me to keep it. The only way is to go around and find a way to put the money back into her hands."

"Just leave without telling her. She will definitely hate you very much. Do you want to touch her to death? Or do you really want her to let you go? You are too selfish!"

Li Han finally looked at him and said in a deep voice.

Then he moved his eyes to other places, not wanting to look at him any more.

A big living man, dead.

This kind of thing can't be hidden, let alone his closest wife, it's impossible.

So since she knows everything, why do it all, isn't it better to accept it calmly after speaking frankly and steadily? If Xu Bai continued to do this, Zhou Ying would definitely hate him very much, hate him for hiding the truth from her, and hate himself at the same time.

The identity of husband and wife is broken, the status is gone, that's all.

"You're right, I'm too selfish."

Xu Bai nodded thoughtfully.

No rebuttal.

In his own expectation, this matter is also to tell Zhou Ying about the death of this world, just as his ex-husband. She was really young. When Xu Bo heard the news of his death, the first thing that came to his mind was Zhou Ying. He couldn't continue to accompany her.

I just want to cut off my relationship with her altogether, how can I get so many things?

There are many things in life, it is the first time.

Death, for him, is also the first time.

"I have nothing left for her, so you can help me build this house, replace it with a new house, and finally handle other activities and replace it with her. Everyone is gone, and this house will not remain. It's suitable, and it's not suitable to wear her, so be it!"

Xu Bai said in a tight tone.

Like unquestionable.

Li Han nodded, the corners of his eyes were a little wet:

"You guy, every time I persuade you, it's easy to say it, this time it's stubborn!"

"Okay, just go as you want! Don't worry, it will be transferred to her in the next few days. You... What are you going to do these three days?"

"I can do anything at this age, and I can't do many things. The only thing I can't worry about is Zhou Ying, who has two children. My daughter-in-law heard that she has recently, and she originally planned to buy some things for her grandson. Now I can't take it anymore, before I leave, I have to go and see them!"

Xu Bai took a breath and said.

There was some helplessness in his tone.

Hearing him say go, he said so indifferently, Li Han raised his head and wiped his tears without leaving a trace, and nodded heavily:

"Well, it should. Look at the child!"

"And my daughter. This little daughter saw an object recently. I have to ask her to come over to meet her. Before leaving, I will help her check!"

Xu Bai thought about it seriously and added.

If the person you are looking for is not satisfied, you will definitely not agree to it. When a girl falls in love, it is necessary to be cautious.

What's more, this time I'm talking about meeting, is it the person my daughter is going to lead into the house?

Li Han nodded slightly:

"Well, after watching the children, what else do you want to do?"

"What else can I do? There is nothing wrong with Zhou Ying, the children are fine, there is nothing to do! Everything is fine, just fine!"

Xu Bai was startled and said slowly.

There was no more hope in his eyes.

Li Han took a look:

"You don't have anything you want to do for yourself? I'll take you around? Bring you comfort in the end?"

"Crap! What time is it, how can I have time to play?"

Xu Bai refused, knowing that the other party was joking.

Afterwards, he still looked at the house reluctantly, and then said:

"You concentrate on helping me improve the house. This is my biggest problem. Once it is solved, I can rest assured!"

"You are free and easy!"

Li Han glanced at him and said solemnly.

Then, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Xiao Chen?"

"I will send you the location, the floor information and the owner's request, and I will send it to you together, and arrange for one of our real estate agents to help me deal with it."

"Yes, the old house is replaced by a new one. I'll send you the details on your phone. You can put the matter at hand and deal with it first, understand?"

"Well, that's it!"


After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After another quick operation, he turned off the phone screen and threw it on the coffee table.

"Okay, let me tell you what to do, it will definitely be resolved in the next two days!"

"sorry to bother you!"

Xu Bo looked at him gratefully and said.

It is a blessing to have such a brother.

The house matter is settled, and then, the children's matter.

The children's matter has also been resolved, and I am completely relieved.


Li Han looked complicated and said:

"Let's go, I'll go see Xiaogu and Xiaojin with you. I haven't seen them for a long time. That stinky boy, just dared to talk to you like that. When we meet, I have to teach him a good lesson. some!"

"Are you going too?"

Xu Bai looked stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

This guy is usually a very busy person, with a lot of things to do.

Where do you have time to do these idle things with yourself?

It's somewhat surprising that a busy person who can't make an appointment takes the initiative to accompany him to do these things.

"Why can't you go, your child, you can't call me uncle when you see me? I can't even go and see them? They still called me little dad when I was a child. You don't want me to beat Xiaogu, right?"

Li Han's eyes widened a bit and asked loudly.

It does seem that he is somewhat arrogant.

Xu Bai smiled bitterly:

"Damn, okay, let's go! Who can stop you, Boss Li?"

"That's right, the children also know about your divorce. How good is it if I'll help you out? Let's go! Speaking of which, you're still a free taxi driver, so just have fun!"

Li Han picked up his mobile phone, touched the car keys in his pocket, and said while getting up.

The matter of the house has been instructed to handle it.

Now that my brother's time is tight, he must not be allowed to waste too long on the chores of the house.

The two walked out of the community and came to the parking space outside.

Looking at the miniature Wuling Hongguang in the parking space, Xu Bai was stunned for a moment and pointed at the car in disbelief:

"My darling, Boss Li, what kind of economic crisis are you suffering from?"

"What's the matter, you still look down on my domestic product? It's very beautiful and practical!"

Li Han disagreed, pressed the remote control, and unlocked the car.

The first to sit up.

Xu Bai shook his head helplessly and sat in the co-pilot.

The interior of the car is small, in addition to the driver's position, a co-pilot can be squeezed out.

Small but complete.

There is no shortage of equipment and functions inside, and there is no awkwardness in your imagination after sitting on it. Instead, the sight is more peculiar and wider.

It's even more comfortable to drive.

After all, it is small in size and easy to operate.

My son Xu Gu, today happens to be a holiday, so he should be at home with his wife.

When I just called, I heard my daughter-in-law talking next to me. Speaking of which, my daughter-in-law is a good child.

Xu Gu didn't study hard since he was a child, and he dropped out of school early. Everyone thought that he was not very promising.

After graduating from junior high school, he didn't go into business. With Li Han's relationship, he worked for two years, but he was fired for fighting and making trouble, so he found a factory to work.

Just such a gangster, who can imagine the feeling of cheating from where.

It turned out to be married to a graduate student's daughter-in-law.

If he hadn't seen his daughter-in-law's own knowledge and cultivation, Xu Bo would have thought that the child had been deceived by some pyramid selling organization.

Daughter-in-law is a capable person, training this kid.

This kid is so messy!

However, she is a strict wife.

After being trained by his daughter-in-law, Xu Gu has now been promoted to a junior college, and has taken a position in a state-owned enterprise. The couple bought a house by themselves. They have always worried that the two will have differences and conflicts because of their differences in knowledge. As a result, after the two got married, they have been very loving and harmonious in the past few years.

Xu Bo felt that he had been nurtured by himself.

Well maintained for married life.

Unfortunately, before he left, he insisted on divorcing Zhou Ying, so it was expected that the child called to question and be angry.

Now I go to see it, not to see my son, but my unborn grandson.


Looking at the surrounding scenery, Xu Bai's complexion was a little complicated.

I once thought that although my life was unsatisfactory, it could be considered comfortable, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing so soon, and I was very sad that I couldn't see the grandson who had never met.

"When you arrive, if you hang your face like this, then I can't help you with your words!"

Li Han, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, had a calm expression, glanced at Lao Xu inadvertently, and said quickly.

He also deliberately adjusted his expression.

Even if you know something bad is about to happen, you can't change the future, you can only cherish the present.

Help him do what he wants to do.

Hearing this, Lao Xu gave a wry smile and nodded:

"Well, I pay attention."

Don't look at the small car, the speed is not slow at all.

After turning into a small road, some cars parked on the side of the road will not affect the driving of Li Han's mini car at all, and they pass by very smoothly.

Xu Bai looked at the familiar streets around him. This was the first time he had come in by car.

I have never experienced such a perspective.

Usually this street, you have come to.

With the continuous passing of the scenery, the shops are listed on the roadside, which seems to be a bit cookie-cutter.

Appreciate fatigue, can't see it at all.

Suddenly, a Chinese-style storefront that appeared on a modern-style street caught Xu Bai's attention.

"What kind of shop is that, why haven't I seen it?"

The speed of the car did not decrease, Li Han glanced at both sides of the street, and he passed by:

"I don't know, I didn't notice! Do you want to stop?"

"It's okay, no need!"

Xu Bai quickly shook his head and said.

I had a little impression of the shop that flashed by, and with a hurried glance, I remembered the first word: Su.

Don't know what to do either.

This street, the last time I passed by it was half a month ago, right?

There are still changes.

Chinese style, I have seen it in Jindian, it is rare.

If you have a chance, you can go and see it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Without caring too much, Xu Bo and the two came to the downstairs of the unit building in the community where their son lived.

"What's up?"

Li Han was about to get out of the car when suddenly, Xu Bai reached out and stopped him.

The latter's gaze was looking through the car window not far ahead.

Following his gaze, Xu Gu was standing there, and in front of him stood a strange woman.

"Who is that girl?"

Li Han was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked with wide eyes.

Face to face!

Xu Bo loosened his seat belt, his face sinking like water.

His eyes were fixed on Xu Gu.

I saw that the two were talking about something, laughing and talking.

Afterwards, the two hugged even more, and the woman hugged Xu Gu tightly before leaving reluctantly.

"This.... what's the situation?"

Li Han's voice was lowered a bit, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

He secretly glanced at Xu Bai next to him, the latter's face was completely dark.

Xu Bo had a dark face and said nothing.

Waiting for the girl to go away.

He pushed open the car door directly and rushed in the direction of Xu Gu!

Come forward.

He grabbed Xu Gu without saying anything, raised his hand in the face and slapped him fiercely!




In the community, the passers-by around were startled and looked sideways.

Li Han rushed over from behind and stopped Xu Bo:

"Lao Xu! Lao Xu, don't be impulsive!"

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