"Uncle, get one!"

The man shook out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to the uncle who was guarding the door of the morgue.

The uncle dressed in white hesitated for a moment.

He still took the cigarette, put it in front of his nose and sniffed, and nodded silently, indicating that the tobacco smell is very positive.

The man hurriedly handed out the lighter, but was pushed away seriously by the uncle.

He stuffed the cigarette he sniffed for a while into his pocket, shook his head and said:

"No, smoking is not allowed in the hospital."

There was a hint of firmness in the thick smoke.

In this regard, the man had to give up.

Put away the cigarette case and lighter, and said with a smile:

"The corpse that was just pushed in should have just been pushed out of the operating room, right?"


The uncle looked at the corridor and nodded casually.

Airi looks indifferent.

The man doesn't care about his rudeness and greets him with a warm face:

"The family hasn't dealt with the funeral. Do you think it's inconvenient to let me in? You know, I've been squatting here for a few days, and I'm just waiting to do this work!"

"You want to claim the body?"

The old man was unmoved and asked calmly.

"No, no, you're right. I just looked at the information card of the corpse. They pushed it too fast just now. I saw that the column on the card included the family members, but I didn't see the contact information clearly. I'm here. You can help contact their families and help the bodies be buried as soon as possible!"

The man said eagerly.

I've been here for a few days, and I haven't been able to reach the funeral home. I heard that some colleagues have grabbed a lot of orders in the hospital.

So he tried his luck here.

The corpses that I have encountered several times have no information on the family members.

"You kid, how can you call a corpse one by one in this business? You have to call a corpse in the future!"

The uncle glanced at him and said impatiently.

I remembered the cigarettes that had just been stuffed into my pocket and had not yet been warmed.

Can only be relieved:

"Okay, while no one is here to go through the formalities, let you go in and take a look! However, pay attention to the rules and don't touch the body!"

"Yes, what you taught is, then thank you old man!"

"Call bro!"

"Hey, bro!"


Under the kind support of the man, the uncle agreed to let him in.

At the moment, the uncle got up slowly, turned his head and was about to open the door of the mortuary.

The voice of the conversation between the two did not hide the voice too much. After all, this is the quietest and coolest place in the entire hospital, and no one will come.

Therefore, it is not difficult to hear the voices of their voices standing on the corridor.

Xu Jin, who happened to be approaching Su Chen, heard it clearly, the sadness on her pretty face subsided slightly, and turned into a trace of anger.

Come with three people.

Looking at the uncle who was opening the door of the mortuary, she hurriedly shouted:

"What are you going to do?"

A crisp sound echoed throughout the corridor.

Let the movements in the hands of the uncle slow down, and turn to Xu Jin with the man beside him:


"You are?"

Perhaps a little guilty, the uncle's question is a little vague.

Glancing at Xu Jin and the three Su Chen who followed behind her, she roughly understood that it was the family who came to pick up the body.

He quickly changed his tune, and asked the old man without blushing:

"Is it here to pick up the body? Report your name and I'll check it for you!"

With that said, he gave up the act of opening the door.

Pick up the small notebook on the side, ready to read the information on it.

The man is not in a hurry, and waits obediently.

This didn't take much time, on the contrary, I just had the opportunity to go in with the three of them to see.

Xu Jin didn't care too much, and reported his name:

"Xu Bai!"

"Are you his?"



The uncle glanced at the man beside him with a helpless expression.

The body that was sent in just now was Xu Bai, and the family came very quickly.

Getting ready so soon.

After hesitating for a moment, he continued to pretend to look through the book, ignoring the words Xu Bai just recorded.

Page back.

With a serious face, he muttered:

"Xu Bai...why don't have this name? Are you sure you sent it here?"

"Just sent in, how could it not be

have? "

Xu Jin frowned and asked.

The uncle looked over and said:

"No, I didn't remember! Maybe the process hasn't come to my side yet, why don't you go back and ask?"

The page-turning action is very skilled, and Xu Bai's page is turned directly.

high speed.

Continue to turn back.

Thick fingers, one name after another, seemed serious.

But, no.

Xu Jin really couldn't see it, so he had already flashed past.

He frowned at the moment:

"Impossible, why don't you give it to me and I'll find it?"

"Little girl, this is my job. All the information written on it is confidential. If you see a name at random and falsely claim it, what should I do? Did the body information leak?"

The uncle refused sternly.

With the appearance of righteous words, Xu Jinyin clenched his teeth when he saw:

"Then you have to take him in just now? Aren't you afraid of revealing the body information?"

The voice fell.

The man next to him looked a little nervous and licked the corner of his dry mouth.

Be prepared to say anything, but stop talking.

"I advise you to go and see what stage the body has reached first. I can't find the name you mentioned in my time, right?"

The uncle's expression turned cold, he covered the information sheet in his hand, and said coldly.

Looking at Xu Jin and the others, his eyes were indifferent.

A bit annoyed.


Xu Jin frowned, but there was nothing he could do.

Looking at the information sheet in his hand, he could only helplessly prepare to go back and ask his brother to deal with it.

At the moment, turned around and looked at Su Chen:

"I'm sorry, I'll go to my brother to solve it!"

"Are you sure that Mr. Xu's body was transported here?"

Su Chen asked with a calm expression.

Uncle Quan, who was behind him, squinted his small eyes slightly and kept silent with Xiao Ding.

This kind of thing generally depends on the attitude of the customer, that is, the host.

If the master dares to speak out in anger, they will dare to help.

If the master is very cowardly, they will not say a word.

There is no need to grow branches.

This is the rule when I followed the old shopkeeper Su before.

Now, follow Xiao Su Chen.

It looks like this rule is about to change.

"I watched them deliver it with my own eyes, there's nothing wrong with it, it probably hasn't had time yet..."

Xu Jin nodded and explained.

The voice did not fall.

Su Chen nodded slightly and interrupted her words:


Then, look at the uncle.

In the calm eyes, there is a sharpness that can't be seen directly:

"She said yes, you can see if Xu Bai's name is there."


The uncle was a little frightened, but he still met his eyes and said.


Su Chen's gaze shifted to the man, and continued to ask:

"Is what he said true?"


The man's face was pale~www.readwn.com~ did not dare to look into Su Chen's eyes.

His eyes were like dazzling rays of light, making people dare not look directly.


Su Chen took a step forward and groaned.

A surging momentum slammed into the man!

Suffering a momentum rush, an inexplicable bone-piercing cold hit the brain.

It made him tremble, his face stunned, and his pupils trembled:


"Xu Bai, the first one is Xu Bai!"

The voice fell.

The expressions of everyone present changed, and they looked at the man in surprise.

Uncle's old face sank, he didn't expect that he would betray himself.

Just when I thought about not admitting it, I looked at Su Chen again, and immediately panicked!

In those calm eyes, it seems that endless murderous intent is suppressed, and when he looks at his gaze, he only feels that a burst of cold light is approaching Tianlinggai!

It's creepy just by looking at it!

"Open the door!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

The uncle looked startled, cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and nodded frantically:

"Open!....I open!...This is open!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly opened the door of the mortuary.

After a moment.

With tears in Xu Jin's eyes, Su Chen and the three carried Xu Bai's body out of it.


After carrying it to the funeral car, Xiao Ding drove the car and was responsible for transporting it to the funeral home...

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