The two continued to drive back. There was nothing else to do here, so they could only go back first.

Just right, get ready to welcome customers.

After hearing the news from Su Chen that the client was coming, the two of them knew in their hearts what they were going to prepare.

Especially people with such stories.

At the same time with respect in my heart, the work at hand must naturally be more prepared and perfected.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone with Uncle Quan.

Coincidentally, there was news from Geng Zhengyang that the ashes had already arrived.

When they have it in their hands, they can send a car to pick it up.

As for the subsequent burial ceremonies, they were all handed over to Su's funeral company.

In this way, he doesn't need to spend any more effort on this side of things, it's just a handover.

"You tell me the address, and I'll have someone pick it up!"

Su Chen nodded and came down.

Later, Uncle Quan and Xiao Ding were notified.

The distance is not very far, and there is still a period of time, enough for the two of them to prepare after they go back, and then set off.

After going to the location, Uncle Quan's arrangement Su Chen is completely trustworthy.

However, Su Chen wasn't ready to miss out on witnessing the hero returning home.

After simply packing up, he went out.

Driving his BMW, he headed to the predetermined destination, an airport that is fairly close to Qingyang.


As the evening approached, the sunlight faded from its original dazzling light.

A dreamy sun hangs in the far west sky, and the surrounding sky is infected with a pink color.

Without caring too much about the scenery on the road, Su Chen drove directly to the destination.


Maybe I got the news ahead of time. There was a huge crowd around here, and many cameras were placed in the waiting area.

Get ready for the arrival of the plane, this special plane is specially used to transport the ashes.

Naturally, the family members also got the news.

Many years have passed since that war. Many people have such a war in their memory, but they are buried deep in their memory.

The lights of the airport are flickering, and the road lights and the light of the tower are flickering from time to time, so that people who are waiting here want to look up from time to time to see if the plane they are waiting for has entered.


The sound of a plane taking off and breaking through the air could be heard in the distance, and planes were constantly flying into the sky in the airport.

Looking at the planes waiting to take off at the airport and the people waiting for the planes around, Su Chen's eyes fumbled in the crowd, trying to find the figure of the old man Geng Zhengyang. He said before that he was going to pick up the plane in person, and he should have already At the scene, I just don't know the specific location, so I can only use my eyes to constantly observe the silhouettes to determine where he is.

Gradually, the sky became a little gloomy.

Uncle Quan and Xiao Ding were already seated and came to the airport.

It was easy to find Su Chen's figure, and then several people found the location of Mr. Geng. Su Chen stepped forward and said hello:

"Old Geng!"

"Boss Su, you are here so soon!"

Geng Zhengyang, who was staring at the distant sky with anticipation and nervousness, did not respond. The one who replied to Su Chen was the beautiful granddaughter Geng Wei who was standing beside the old man. She just heard the conversation between Grandpa and Su Chen. Time, let them come over in no hurry, saying that they can come back after a while.

I never thought that the other party would be so active, but they were in place so much earlier.

It's about an hour before the plane arrives!

Hearing Geng Wei's words, Geng Zhengyang came to his senses. When he turned around, he saw Su Chen, Uncle Quan Xiaoding and others.

On the dignified face, unable to lift a trace of smile, Shen Sheng shook hands with Su Chen:

"Xiaoyou Su, you're here so soon, you may have to wait a little longer, because the delivery of the ashes has been delayed by an hour because of the handling of some foreign affairs! I'm sorry!"

"Old Geng is out of sight, let's not say an hour, just let us wait a day and we are all willing to wait!"

Su Chen held the rough old hand of the old man, it was cold, but it was full of delicate sweat.

Sweat seems to have nothing to do with temperature.

Uncle Quan and Xiao Ding next to them also looked serious.

As soon as he finished speaking, Geng Zhengyang looked at Su Chen and didn't say anything.

He just tightened his grip for a few minutes in excitement, and then let go.

"Getting them home is the most trivial thing we can do. They are willing to protect us from the Dragon Kingdom with their lives. Every Dragon Kingdom person is willing to wait for them to go home, or even pick them up in person!!"

Looking at the vicissitudes of Geng's face, Uncle Quan was moved by the side.

Listening to Uncle Quan's words, Elder Geng smiled warmly, and finally showed a not so solemn expression.

The plane was late, and everyone was waiting patiently around.

The reporters who had been here for a few hours, their legs were numb, they still insisted on waiting there.

However, no one shouted that they were tired. After all, the whole atmosphere was very solemn, and everyone was surprisingly patient to wait for the ashes of the heroes to come back.

In order to win them back to their hometown, Longguo has also made great efforts. After negotiating and negotiating many parties, he has to dig and search in other countries. The difficulties and setbacks encountered during the period must not be less than these few hours. It's not as easy as they are at the moment, but in order to welcome their relatives, the warriors of this country, the heroes who guard the dragons, they still persevered and did the job!

There are so many people who have made countless efforts behind their backs, standing there for so many hours, they have no reason to refuse.

Looking at the many reporters and family members who appeared at the scene.

Old Geng's complexion also changed a bit. After a brief exchange with Su Chen and the others, he seemed to have some memories in his mind.

While chatting, I noticed the change in Geng Lao's complexion.

Geng Wei and the others immediately stopped their desire to continue talking, and turned to look at Elder Geng, only to see that he hesitated for a while before they began to say:

"It's been such a long time now, looking at the people who are standing here to pick them up, many of them are the same age when we set off!"

"At the time, I was just a soldier in the art troupe, and I also went to the battlefield. Everyone was eager to rush to the battlefield. At first, it was to save food for the family. In order to reduce the burden on the family, I joined the army at that time. Do you know what the soldiers inside were like? They were more intimate than the family members. He had a mouthful of rice in his bowl. They are willing to give you half of it, so what is the regiment leader, commander, when you see you, you are like relatives, there is no pretence at all, everyone is like a family."

"It's just that the war is too cruel, and people who fall behind are beaten. This is definitely not an empty talk. Without air superiority, we will walk close to the woods and go to those remote and dangerous terrains! The road is too difficult to walk, and the battlefield over there is cold. But there is no way. If you walk on the road, the plane will throw missiles and bullets at you. If you want to survive, you can only walk along those steep terrain, so as not to be discovered, the food will not be transported, and the cotton-padded clothes will not be found. In the long run, walking and walking, as long as you hear the sound of a plane, you have to lie down on the ground!

You didn't have anything, the other party didn't dispatch the army, and they beat you like a grandson.

At that time, it was too difficult. I didn't dare to move when I saw a person fall down with my own eyes. "

Listening to Old Man Geng's words, some young people around him also gathered around and listened to the old man's words with stunned ears.

Although his voice was hoarse and vague, the words he said were very visual, and people could feel the tragic scene and the tragic treatment they suffered as if they were there. Some older people, listening to this, burst into tears. Although they have not experienced it, their parents are people who have experienced such a thing.

Perhaps someone in Old Geng's mouth is a reflection of their parents' suffering.

Once the memory floods into my heart, it can't be stopped.

Elder Geng glanced at his hand, only the thumb and half of the little finger were left on his right hand.

The years have left a few scars on the palm, and there are still some raised spots after recovery.

The voice seemed to be a little deeper:

"I used to play the organ before, so I thought I could play the organ well, and I might be an artist in the future. I didn't expect that when I was escaping on that mountain, the plane flew over my head.

I subconsciously tightened the organ, and when I was pulling the organ in my arms tight, I just stretched out my hand, pop!

The bullet penetrated so powerfully that it flew right next to my ear!

I just felt something splashed on my face. When I wanted to touch it, I found that I couldn't feel my finger.

When I looked down at that time, I was completely frightened. If you say this is fine, the fingers are gone.

I can't play this organ either. I've been busy with the instrument for half my life, and there are not many that I can play. I still want to be an artist, but I'm in vain.

On the battlefield, everyone was nervous to death. A brother was right next to me. He was hit by a bullet from the plane. He lost his leg and only half of his body was left. It scared me on the spot. Later, I thought, I'm lucky, I don't have a few fingers, and the planes are all large-caliber bullets. When they hit people, they are like artillery shells, and they can directly kill them there.

The half-length brother was screaming in pain, clenching his teeth in pain, and I couldn't let him stay there, wouldn't he be a living target? I dragged him away, threw the organ to the side, held his leg with one hand, and pulled his body with the other, dragging him down the mountain..."

Speaking of which, there were already tears in Elder Geng's eyes.

Everyone present listened intently to what he had to say.

When Mr. Geng, who was stuck in his throat, was about to stop talking, he raised his head and noticed the eyes of everyone in the audience who were waiting with bated breath. These are all things that really happened. They had heard about this battle in books or on the news, and they understood it. The tragic situation of the battle, perhaps some of the relevant staff, have memorized specific data such as the number of deaths and the number of enemies killed, but the details of the battlefield are so specific that only those who have experienced them can have a deep understanding. They have never understood the cruelty of the battlefield from such a perspective, let alone how strong their predecessors mustered up the courage to fight hard against the enemy in such a cruel environment!

Even in the face of the harsh environment, they used their backward military strength in all aspects to defeat the enemy with strong military strength!

The defeat of the backward and the advanced is not something that every country can easily do. The reason why the Dragon Kingdom can do it is because they once had such a group of heroes who were not afraid of life and death and defended the country's sovereignty!

Facing everyone's expectant and solemn gaze, Elder Geng finally spoke again:

"I dragged him like that, he lost half of his body, and he was sinking. He couldn't exert himself at all, so I could only drag him down the mountain like this. When he was halfway through, he might have reacted. , dragged his last breath, pushed my hand, didn't let me hold him, wanted me to leave by myself.

He knows that if he can't live, the wounded soldiers on the battlefield are the worst, especially for injuries like his, which are basically no different from being sentenced to death. He tore the card tied to his chest, which contained his information With family members, each of us has such a note on his chest, with a suicide note written in it, and some of us can't write it, so we directly write their home address.

At that time, it was silver dollars, so he put the note and three silver dollars into my hands, and told me, "Brother, I can't live, so send this money to my family for me." I also know that there is no way to save him by dragging him, so I can only accept the silver dollar and tell him, "Okay, if I can go back, I will send it back to you." If I can't go back, I'll leave it to the next person.

He tied the note and money to my note.

I was also lucky to be able to come back and deliver the money to his house in person. At that time, the battlefield was secretly passed, and then the battle broke out, and we started the war. When I sent money to his family, the battle was over. His family didn’t even know that he was dead, and his family was poor. When I gave the money and the note to his mother, his mother had white hair and smiled and pushed back, knowing that it was her son... alas!

It's too awful!

The hardships you experienced at that can no longer be experienced by you. We should solve the problems of our generation. If we don't fight, it will be your turn to fight. Who doesn't want to stay home? Who doesn't want to enjoy a stable society?

The current life is not easy to come by!

In the past, there was a girl in our art troupe. She was very beautiful and had two big pigtails.

When we first entered the battlefield over there, she was by the river, and we didn't even react. With a bang, it exploded!

The whole person immediately disappeared!

I received the order and went to find someone.

Where are you looking for someone? It was completely catching meat, one piece after another was a blur of flesh and blood, just in the river, and the stone bridge was smashed to pieces. I fished out a few pieces of minced meat, and managed to get half of my body together. The regiment leader led a few people to dig a hole and bury it for her. There was no tombstone, so I could only hold a wooden sign with her name written on it.

Then, in the direction of our Dragon Kingdom, he stomped.

Even if it's buried~"

Geng Zhengyang said with a wry smile, with tears in his eyes.

Memories are painful. The airport is very quiet at the moment, and everyone just feels a kind of pain that they empathize with......


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