Chapter 187 Interested?

The neon lights are like floating dust floating in the ocean, swaying throughout the city.

The popularity of the newly opened gangster culture street has almost crushed the scale of the surrounding commercial streets. Countless people went to check the situation and wanted to see this play street formed by gangster businessmen. It will make people interested.

So many people come here because they don't know what's in the street. Some are with their family members, some are passing by after get off work, some are coming with friends, and they see dragon men in kimonos walking in Kouxi Street. Besides, they have only seen this kind of situation in those TV dramas, or those movies in the anti-Kou series, when they use dragon people to pretend to be Kor people and traitors, this will only happen.

Unexpectedly, long time see you.

This kind of thing happened in real life. No one could have imagined that the film and television clips in the TV series would reappear in reality and happen right beside them. Many people have never been in contact with going abroad in their life, nor do they want to Going abroad, I feel that I will not be exposed to too many exotic customs, and I will not meet those Kou people who once committed crimes in this land.

However, the current situation makes them feel incredible, the other party not only appeared on the boundary of the Dragon Kingdom.

They even set up their pirate cultural street in the whole street, who can understand this?

He even promoted his own culture and promoted it to an ancient civilization. Is it possible that the culture that was passed down in the past must be reversed and accept the other party's culture?

In addition to those who felt a little surprised, who wanted to see the situation in the past, there were also some people who simply wanted to watch the fun.

I want to see things I haven't seen before.

Who knows what the pomp will be.

Recently, there have been a lot of rumors about the pirate culture street on the Internet. It is said that some netizens are resisting this kind of behavior, but the other party seems to have invited the navy to do publicity. The official website has become a state of secrecy, and there is not much negative news on the major media, even if there is, it is only an example.

If it does not exist for more than a day, it will be severely suppressed.

Certain forces operate that can block people's technology news, but they can't wipe out people's bright eyes.

As long as the actual pirate culture street is open for one day, the information about it will naturally spread farther and farther.

Right now, take advantage of the night without incident.

The rhythm of life in the small county may be more lazy. They take two steps lazily, or drive their own car, and go to this place not far from Qingyang, watching the flashing neon lights. On the bustling streets, various signs of the bandits were marked, and even flags were hung up, and countless people who entered it all put on kimonos.

Looking at the crowd at the entrance of the street, the kimonos greeted them with a smile.

In their eyes, these dragon men are not just passers-by, but a tool for making money!

As long as there is a steady stream of dragon people accepting the matter of putting on a kimono and entering it, then this method will get their imperceptible consent and permission. After that, they can go deeper through this kind of street and continue to expand the influence of their own culture. Power, every time it affects a dragon person, that is the success of cultural propaganda!

In this way, they specially opened a kimono shop at the door, which can be used to rent clothes.

According to the labels on Kouxie Culture Street, it’s like when you’re going skiing, you won’t be allowed in if you don’t wear ski clothes. If you don’t wear them, then rent them. The kimono shop at the entrance can not only rent clothes, but also sell them.

If you buy a kimono, then when you come later, you can put it on directly, and you don't have to rent clothes anymore.

This sales model, at first, there were many dragons who resisted and protested.

After some means of rectification by the operator, some procrastination was invited. With the first few people who ate 'crabs', then the people behind would feel nothing, and they bought it together, went inside, and spent time shopping. , or even understand the other party's pirate culture, and accept the influence and influence from their culture.

It is precisely because of this business model that today's Kou Culture Street can be so prosperous and the flow of passengers is endless.

One by one, and even the queues were far away.

"Flax drop!"

The Kou woman in a kimono looked impatiently at the guests of the Dragon Kingdom gathered at the door, and said in her somewhat stiff Dragon Kingdom language:

"I can't enter anymore, please wait patiently! Those who don't wear kimonos, please prepare by yourself. Those who wear kimonos can enter first!"

"Why do you still have to wear a kimono? You won't be allowed to enter without a kimono?"

Many of the crowded people came to watch the fun. I wanted to go in and see what was going on. It was so popular.

Unexpectedly, before entering the door, he was asked to put on a kimono.

He asked in a bit of surprise at the moment.

Is there such a provision?

What's the matter, don't wear serious clothes, don't let yourself go to the moon?

Back then, when Yue Buck drove out the people's justice at the door, he wasn't so arrogant, right?

To actually ask others to wear something, if they are wearing clothes from the Dragon Kingdom, even if they are Hanfu, that can be tolerated!

What about wearing a kimono?

Don't you know the past between Long Kou?

Not to mention worshiping sinners, but also erasing history.

Looking back, it's actually here, such a hateful place to ask the dragon man to wear a kimono?

What did those lunatics in kimonos do in this land, don't they have a B number?

Looking at the somewhat surprised dragon man in front of him, the Kou woman frowned:

"If you don't wear it, you are not welcome here!"


Among the crowd, many people were angry about it!

"It is necessary to reiterate once again that this street is the cultural street of the Kou clan that we established. Please respect our cultural traditions. If you don't wear kimonos, please detour. You are not welcome here! You can wear whatever you like, but no Necessary to hang out here so as not to look out of place!"

A bit of disdain appeared in the eyes of the Kou woman.

What if he said it so arrogantly?

Didn't they squeeze their heads and think about coming in?

Just like what Yue Buck did some time ago, there are still dragons rushing to enter and drink coffee.

Today, the same is true of Kou Culture Street.

As long as you stick to your bottom line, no matter what they say, as long as you can't drive yourself away, then this rule is considered to be kept.

Keeping this rule, if they want to come in in the future, they just have to wear a kimono obediently.

Just like now, don't many people still buy kimonos to wear, and even take photos there with pride?

They showed great interest in this novelty.


The neon lights are like floating dust floating in the ocean, swaying throughout the city.

The popularity of the newly opened gangster culture street has almost crushed the scale of the surrounding commercial streets. Countless people went to check the situation and wanted to see this play street formed by gangster businessmen. It will make people interested.

So many people come here because they don't know what's in the street. Some are with their family members, some are passing by after get off work, some are coming with friends, and they see dragon men in kimonos walking in Kouxi Street. Besides, they have only seen this kind of situation in those TV dramas, or those movies in the anti-Kou series, when they use dragon people to pretend to be Kor people and traitors, this will only happen.

Unexpectedly, long time see you.

This kind of thing happened in real life. No one could have imagined that the film and television clips in the TV series would reappear in reality and happen right beside them. Many people have never been in contact with going abroad in their life, nor do they want to Going abroad, I feel that I will not be exposed to too many exotic customs, and I will not meet those Kou people who once committed crimes in this land.

However, the current situation makes them feel incredible, the other party not only appeared on the boundary of the Dragon Kingdom.

They even set up their pirate cultural street in the whole street, who can understand this?

He even promoted his own culture and promoted it to an ancient civilization. Is it possible that the culture that was passed down in the past must be reversed and accept the other party's culture?

In addition to those who felt a little surprised, who wanted to see the situation in the past, there were also some people who simply wanted to watch the fun.

I want to see things I haven't seen before.

Who knows what the pomp will be.

Recently, there have been a lot of rumors about the pirate culture street on the Internet. It is said that some netizens are resisting this kind of behavior, but the other party seems to have invited the navy to do publicity. The official website has become a state of secrecy, and there is not much negative news on the major media, even if there is, it is only an example.

If it does not exist for more than a day, it will be severely suppressed.

Certain forces operate that can block people's technology news, but they can't wipe out people's bright eyes.

As long as the actual pirate culture street is open for one day, the information about it will naturally spread farther and farther.

Right now, take advantage of the night without incident.

The rhythm of life in the small county may be more lazy. They take two steps lazily, or drive their own car, and go to this place not far from Qingyang, watching the flashing neon lights. On the bustling streets, various signs of the bandits were marked, and even flags were hung up, and countless people who entered it all put on kimonos.

Looking at the crowd at the entrance of the street, the kimonos greeted them with a smile.

In their eyes, these dragon men are not just passers-by, but a tool for making money!

As long as there is a steady stream of dragon people accepting the matter of putting on a kimono and entering it, then this method will get their imperceptible consent and permission. After that, they can go deeper through this kind of street and continue to expand the influence of their own culture. Power, every time it affects a dragon person, that is the success of cultural propaganda!

In this way, they specially opened a kimono shop at the door, which can be used to rent clothes.

According to the labels on Kouxie Culture Street, it’s like when you’re going skiing, you won’t be allowed in if you don’t wear ski clothes. If you don’t wear them, then rent them. The kimono shop at the entrance can not only rent clothes, but also sell them.

If you buy a kimono, then when you come later, you can put it on directly, and you don't have to rent clothes anymore.

This sales model, at first, there were many dragons who resisted and protested.

After some means of rectification by the operator, some procrastination was invited. With the first few people who ate 'crabs', then the people behind would feel nothing, and they bought it together, went inside, and spent time shopping. , or even understand the other party's pirate culture, and accept the influence and influence from their culture.

It is precisely because of this business model that today's Kou Culture Street can be so prosperous and the flow of passengers is endless.

One by one, and even the queues were far away.

"Flax drop!"

The Kou woman in a kimono looked impatiently at the guests of the Dragon Kingdom gathered at the door, and said in her somewhat stiff Dragon Kingdom language:

"I can't enter anymore, please wait patiently! Those who don't wear kimonos, please prepare by yourself. Those who wear kimonos can enter first!"

"Why do you still have to wear a kimono? You won't be allowed to enter without a kimono?"

Many of the crowded people came to watch the fun. I wanted to go in and see what was going on. It was so popular.

Unexpectedly, before entering the door, he was asked to put on a kimono.

He asked in a bit of surprise at the moment.

Is there such a provision?

What's the matter, don't wear serious clothes, don't let yourself go to the moon?

Back then, when Yue Buck drove out the people's justice at the door, he wasn't so arrogant, right?

To actually ask others to wear something, if they are wearing clothes from the Dragon Kingdom, even if they are Hanfu, that can be tolerated!

What about wearing a kimono?

Don't you know the past between Long Kou?

Not to mention worshiping sinners, but also erasing history.

Looking back, it's actually here, such a hateful place to ask the dragon man to wear a kimono?

What did those lunatics in kimonos do in this land, don't they have a B number?

Looking at the somewhat surprised dragon man in front of him, the Kou woman frowned:

"If you don't wear it, you are not welcome here!"


Among the crowd, many people were angry about it!

"It is necessary to reiterate that this street is the cultural street of the Kou clan that we established. Please respect our cultural traditions. If you don't wear kimonos, please detour. You are not welcome here! You can wear whatever you like~www.readwn .com~ Just, there's no need to hang out here, so as not to look out of place!"

A bit of disdain appeared in the eyes of the Kou woman.

What if he said it so arrogantly?

Didn't they squeeze their heads and think about coming in?

Just like what Yue Buck did some time ago, there are still dragons rushing to enter and drink coffee.

Today, the same is true of Kou Culture Street.

As long as you stick to your bottom line, no matter what they say, as long as you can't drive yourself away, then this rule is considered to be kept.

Keeping this rule, if they want to come in in the future, they just have to wear a kimono obediently.

Just like now, don't many people still buy kimonos to wear, and even take photos there with pride?

They showed great interest in this novelty.

(End of this chapter)

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