Negative feelings always need to be vented.

Hold it in your heart, sooner or later it will explode.

At this moment, Chang Ying, the child, and Kong Mulan, who was still unaware, were all crying like they were venting, and the atmosphere in the entire ward was very depressed.

The reporter silently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

She understood the identity of the little boy, not Kong Yuanzhou's child.

As expected.

Soon, after crying and venting, Li Hao no longer had any resistance.

With my sister and my mother behind, I went to the mourning hall to observe filial piety to Kong Yuanzhou.

The white elegiac couplet fluttered outside the mourning hall, and the sadness was low but penetrating, as if it could penetrate the protective layer of everyone's heart.

It makes people unconsciously become sad as the atmosphere begins, one person starts crying, and the tears of others burst out together as if they were being seduced.

The two children were wearing linen and filial piety, and knelt on the straw mat beside them.

Follow her mother Chang Ying and return the gift to those who come to worship.

Li Hao's eyes were already swollen from crying, and his immature face looked at the photo of his father in front of the coffin from time to time.

As if his father's eyes were still on him.

The white filial attire on his body, dry and wet, was eroded by his tears.

The younger sister Kong Mulan also had red eyes. She was young and still didn't understand what was going on.

I just feel that my brother is crying and sad. When my mother cry, he will cry.

When he cried, he wanted to cry too.

Maybe it's the frosty weather on the plateau, which can't tolerate people's little hypocrisy.

When I cry, my face gets dry and cracked easily.

Usually everyone's tears are hidden in their hearts and will not be easily revealed, but here, they can't hide their grief.

Tears fell alone, and everyone wanted to cry together.

Seeing that her mother and brother, who were usually very determined, were so emotional today, Mulan was a little tired from crying.

Kneeling there in a daze, looking at them.

After a long time, she looked at her father's photo, which was now in front of the big wooden box.

Around the wooden box is a man with paint, who is painting on the box.

As his pen and ink fall, the lifelike picture is gradually unfolding.

She wasn't interested in the big box, she just didn't understand why she put Dad's picture here.

The little hand scratched his face,

Then she asked:

"Why put Dad's picture there?"

Brother Li Hao touched her head and said nothing.

Looking at the two people kneeling on the ground beside the coffin, he also wanted Chang Ying standing on one side.

People who come here always feel uncomfortable.

The two children still need to be raised, but she is the only one left. The days to come will be very hard.

Kong Yuanzhou's funeral date was fixed early, and after waiting for the filial piety, everyone carried the coffin to the dug tomb.

There were many people along the way, and the team that followed the farewell came together.

The 80-kilometer border of the plateau and the harsh and cold environment still cannot hide the ardent hearts of everyone.

Many people came here, including herdsmen, ordinary people, and netizens who came from thousands of miles away and learned about them on the Internet.

They all took the paper money they had prepared, and other offerings, and joined the farewell team.

Everyone's face has a solemn expression, which is a heart-to-heart respect.

With the support of everyone, the funeral process went smoothly.

Burning paper, mourning and mourning, and the suona song that should be there are also indispensable.

Under the depressing atmosphere, it is always depressing.

Some people walked to Chang Ying's side one after another, comforting:

"Sorry, don't be too sad! It's not easy for two children, don't worry, there will be us in the future!"

"The children left by Brother Kong are the children of each of us, sister-in-law, let us know if you have any difficulties!"

"We've been here, we have something to order!"

"What's the problem, don't forget, there are us too!"

Looking at the sincere herdsmen and their families in front of them, Chang Ying nodded with tears in her eyes.


"Thank you everyone, I know that Yuanzhou is watching me from the sky, and I will take good care of my children!"

Kong Yuanzhou's perseverance character is more or less reflected in her and the children.

And the spirit he possesses will also be passed on in everyone's heart.

In the distance of the burial, Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him.

Towards the tomb, he bowed deeply.

Looking at the surrounding environment with a complex expression, the environment of the Dragon Country Plateau, although harsh, is indeed so pure, there is no clutter between the sky and the earth.

As if it can purify people's hearts, it cleans up all bad emotions and shows the purest side of people's hearts.

Qingyang County.

In the Lin Group, Lin Yu returned to the office in a hurry.

For the past few years, this office has been vacant, and she has just put on a name.

Since she is a direct descendant of the Lin family, it must be impossible to have no responsibility on her body, so she took up this high-ranking, but in fact, virtual management position.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Yu, a divine dragon who sees the beginning but does not see the end, a secretary hurriedly followed.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

"Why, you're not welcome?"

Lin Yu responded casually.

The secretary hurriedly shook his head: No, no!

I didn't talk to her too and asked directly:

"Where's the vice chairman, is he in his office?"

"here I am!"

The secretary nodded quickly, this company is the Lin Group.

The vice chairman is naturally Lin Yu's brother, Lin Long.

As for the chairman, it is their father.

After learning the situation from the secretary's mouth, Lin Yu walked towards the general manager's office.

It turns out that Lin Long has been entangled in other business problems recently, thinking that the problem Lin Zhenzhen encounters here is a trivial matter that can be solved without him handling it personally, so he casually pushed her to Lin Yu, Lin Yu has always been a no-brainer. The master of the sect originally meant that he wanted Lin Zhenzhen to retreat, but he didn't expect that Lin Zhenzhen really encountered a big problem this time, and had to ask Lin Yu to come out.

The moment Lin Yu opened the door and walked into the office, Lin Long knew that this matter was not easy.

Thoughtful, he put down the phone in his ear, and there was a mature aura on his cool and handsome cheeks.

He looked at Lin Yu and his voice was calm:

"What, is Lin Zhenzhen in big trouble?"

"Brother, you gave me this problem, and I dare not solve it easily!"

Lin Yu smiled bitterly and complained directly.

Tell Lin Long what happened on Mad Love Street one by one.

Hearing what she said, Lin Long frowned immediately.

This is probably more than just the surface.

He can't do it without doing it himself.

"Then this matter is left to you!"

Lin Yu said with a chuckle when he saw that his brother had entered the state.


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