Pay 99 Yuan: Arranging A Mysterious Funeral For You

Chapter 92: Victory in the first battle

In the corridor, a figure quickly attacked upstairs!

Hearing that Lin Yu didn't resist moving upstairs, Su Chen's feet were windy, and he rushed upstairs in three or two steps.

After the third-order reinforcement of the system, his physical fitness has far surpassed ordinary people!

Come to Lin Yu's door.

Seeing the signs that the door had been pried open, his brows furrowed.

Without thinking too much, he rushed into the room and ran towards Lin Yu's bedroom.

The bedroom door was left open, and Su Chen pushed it open!

The situation inside quickly came into view, accompanied by a mature fragrance that was unique to her~


Su Chen's complexion sank, and his hair stood on end!

In the sweet bedroom, it was extraordinarily comfortable, only Lin Yu lay quietly on the bed.

Her chest rose and fell in an orderly manner, and she didn't seem to be hurt in any way.


In the whole room, except for the sound of her breathing, it was quiet and suffocating!

This feeling is so depressing!

The two people in the perception are gone!

Moreover, Lin Yu slept so deeply! ?

Pushing the door open, she didn't respond and was still in a drowsiness.

Just as he was about to speak, a touch of coolness suddenly came from the side!


The dark kunai crossed, and the sharpness was like a flash of lightning, which caught people off guard!

Su Chen was shocked, and then flashed!

That kunai directly pierced his clothes, easily pierced!

The killing intent aroused subconscious vigilance, and his backhand punched towards the place where Kunai was attacking, smashing away!

The fist style is sharp, like an afterimage!


Ono Jin didn't care to take back Kuwu, and raised his hand to resist!

The complexion is also extremely ruthless, and a sneer is raised at the corner of his mouth!

It seems to be laughing at Su Chen's overreaching!

It was a great luck to escape Kunai's sneak attack, but he still wanted to resist himself?

If you compete for strength, ordinary people will definitely not be your opponents!

next moment,


A dull crash sounded, and Ono Jinyi's figure flew out like a cannonball!

Slammed hard against the wall!

And then roll to the ground!

The sound of the impact seemed to be accompanied by the sound of fractures, and his resisting hand had begun to twist and tremble.

The great pain hit, he took a deep breath, and even managed to hold back the pain!

Lying on the ground, he looked at Su Chen in horror!

"how come....?"

Mouth murmured.

With the strength of his own second-order ninja, he is already regarded as a top-notch existence in the Inhuman world, and he actually lost to Su Chen in terms of strength! ?

In the eyes, full of surprises and doubts!

At the same time, there is also a glimmer of fineness!

Ono's trio is not only powerful.

It's more about teamwork!


While the two were fighting quickly, Ono Jinji had already deceived himself and came behind Su Chen!

The black shuriken smoothly rested on Su Chen's neck!


The shuriken was wrapped in a coldness and attacked fiercely!

He was even ready to take his life!

Dead hand!

Su Chen felt the deadly threat coming from behind him, and used shock without hesitation!


Ono Jin'er, who was standing behind him, was stunned, and the whole person was stunned, stiff in place!

Can't move!

The action that is about to succeed is also slowed down!

The shuriken that was flickering with icy chills, stopped steadily at a distance of only two centimeters from Su Chen's throat, unable to take a step closer!

With such a slow opportunity, Su Chen grabbed his wrist directly!

Violent force, tossed to the ground!

Driven by the tyrannical force, it is like smashing it out, smashing it down!

Ono Jin stared at the scene in front of him with a stunned expression.

Jin Er was like a mallet and was slammed on the ground by Su Chen frantically!


The terrifying force poured out, and the sound of bone cracking followed.

Jin Er's figure actually cut through the floor tiles and was smashed to the ground!

He vomited blood, his eyes turned white~

The weight of more than 100 kilograms was held in Su Chen's hands, and it was as light as it was lifted!

What terrifying power is this?

Jin Yi's eyes were full of fear and trembling!

Looking at Su Chen, it is no longer like looking at a normal person. Who is this person?

Is it possible....

Is this man in front of him an ancestor of the Dragon Kingdom?

When this idea came to mind, Ono Jinyi immediately nodded secretly with certainty!

definitely is!

It is said that the masters in Longguo like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers the most. Now they are dressed in such a normal way, but their appearance is incomparably delicate, and their temperament cannot be deceived! !

It seems that the other party dispatched the existence of the ancestor level!

Actually dispatched the people of the ancestors?


This is breaking the rules!

Ono Jinyi, who was lying on the ground, looked at Su Chen in shock and anger, and dared not speak.

Knowing that he was not Su Chen's opponent, he did not dare to make any move.

The pain from his body also limited his thoughts.

The other slightly better hand sneaked away quietly along his waist, as if he was about to take out something.

Looking at the two people on the ground, Su Chen was also a little shocked.

This skill is not easy!

If it weren't for the fact that my methods were more advanced, I'm afraid I would fall down here today!

Immediately, he quickly looked at Lin Yu who was lying on the bed.

"Lin Yu!"

Looking closer, it's fine.

It seems that the other party didn't intend to really kill Lin Yu, and wanted to be dizzy and kidnapped?

The first battle was won,

With such a slow opportunity, Su Chen grabbed his wrist directly!

With a violent force, he threw it to the ground!

Driven by a tyrannical force, it was like a swipe, smashing down!

Ono Jin stared at the scene in front of him with a stunned expression.

Jin Er was like a mallet and was slammed on the ground by Su Chen frantically!


The terrifying force poured out, and the sound of bone cracking followed.

Jin Er's figure actually cut through the floor tiles and was smashed to the ground!

He vomited blood, his eyes turned white~

The weight of more than 100 kilograms was held in Su Chen's hands, and it was as light as it was lifted!

What terrifying power is this?

Jin Yi's eyes were full of fear and trembling!

Looking at Su Chen, it is no longer like looking at a normal person. Who is this person?

Is it possible....

Is this man in front of him an ancestor of the Dragon Kingdom?

When this idea came to mind, Ono Jinyi immediately nodded secretly with certainty!

definitely is!

It is said that the masters in Longguo like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers the most. Now they are dressed in such a normal way, but their appearance is incomparably delicate, and their temperament cannot be deceived! !

It seems that the other party dispatched the existence of the ancestor level!

Actually dispatched the people of the ancestors?


This is breaking the rules!

Ono Jinyi, who was lying on the ground, looked at Su Chen in shock and anger, and dared not speak.

Knowing that he was not Su Chen's he did not dare to make any move.

The pain from his body also limited his thoughts.

The other slightly better hand sneaked away quietly along his waist, as if he was about to take out something.

Looking at the two people on the ground, Su Chen was also a little shocked.

This skill is not easy!

If it weren't for the fact that my methods were more advanced, I'm afraid I would fall down here today!

Immediately, he quickly looked at Lin Yu who was lying on the bed.

"Lin Yu!"

Looking closer, it's fine.

It seems that the other party didn't intend to really kill Lin Yu, and wanted to be dizzy and kidnapped?

The first battle was won,

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