New Year's Day holiday came back, Yin Chi took the gap of the master of Zhang Team at the same table, went to five classes.

"Su Qi, come out."

There are a few courageous students, mixed in the crowd: "What do you do, Yin Shaoye, want to bully our classmates?"

Yin Che The people looked at the eyes. The other side turned back, mutter: "What is , an Omega, really is a schoolmaster ..."

Su Qi seems to be very afraid of him, pulling together with Tang Shasha, next to her, war asking: "What is ..."

Yin Chi handed the milk tea in his hand: "Give you a bottle."

It is also bought from the small selling department, like the previous bottle.

Su Qi bitten his lips and cleared Tang Shasha's sleeves: "No, you drink it yourself."

"Give you it is you." Yin Che is bent down, look straight to her eyes, "Reassured, I didn't add anything."

Tang Shasha frowned wrinkle: "What do you want to do? This place has no silver three hundred two? Su Qi, don't take his things, there must be a problem."

Su Qi seems to agree with this idea, did not pick up milk tea: "I really don't have to, thank you for your heart ..."

Yin Cheng stared at her without moving, suddenly hook the lip: "That is."

He unscrewed the open bottle cap, when two people drank a bite: "Please don't send me something in the future, otherwise I will also serve still, thank you."

Tang Shasha is like a neuropathy looks like him: "People do your best to do something wrong? What threats do this threaten?"

Su Qira took her: "Salsa, don't say, I, let's go back ..."

It is estimated that the evening post must have a rumor that he bullies his classmates.

Yin Chi returned to the classroom, just sat down, Jiang Yan came back from the office: "What do you guess?"


"He wants to give a speech when he will open the meeting at the end of the meeting."

At the end of each semester, the school will open a school meeting. Basically, the principal is speaking, and there will be a student representative to speaking, and the content is nothing more than to urge the students to study hard every day, but can last, it is Mo Da. Honor.

"The master said that I jumped before, this semester finally had some students, so let me speech."

Good, the first grade, not to go to the stage, I don't say it.

"You promised?" Yin Su Qi.

"I said that I am not suitable for this serious occasion, it is easy to bring a sister."

"If you have changed the words of the chapter, you can take a speech."

"This, I admit, my speech is good." Jiang Yan smiled, "But I don't want to install it, anyway, everyone knows that I don't go through. So, I recommend another candidate for Zhang Teggline."

Yin Che is hidden.

"It's you! Let it! Yin Xiao Che!"


Zhang Yifeng wondered for a long time, or I felt that this will make Yin Che, so I ran a class, I want to do the ideological work of Jiang Yan.

When the latter is closed, he looked at the eyes first, and he saw that Jiang Yan is not there.

People are in, but they have no studies at all. The school uniform collar crumpled, like being pulled, the trousers also ash.

Just a moment, I can't see it, is it going to play a circle?

The key is to wrap him at the same table, hippie smile, and let go of the week, it is open to the surprise.

What is the body.

Zhang Yufeng frowned.

It's time to find a parent, how do you go, take a shammous!

Confused, Yin Che, not to move, calmly looked at his book, automatically shielded the noise source.

What a firm will force! What is the right learning attitude!

Zhang Yifeng was satisfied with his head and turned around.

"How is this opportunity, let everyone know more about you."

"I have learned what I did, I have been graduated." Yin Chert suddenly, "Are you watching it again?"

Jiang Yan did not deny: "Don't you think that there is a little black in your school?"

This is almost the same as Yin Ze.

"Black is black, what can I."

He didn't think those people can set off, and it is even more necessary to deliberate themselves for those people.

"In short this speech, I will not go." Yin Chukukou.

"The end of this period is given to you."

Moral Education Office, Zhang Yifeng patted the shoulders of the students in front of: "Yin Che, you said that the test results were flying, the teacher looked in the eyes, I believe you can set a good example for all students."

Others are shocked by students in the office, dare not talk.

Mom, Zhang Teggrost is really big, let the school tyrants to speaking the whole school ...

Yin Che Lip: "Teacher, I ..."

"Don't say more." Zhang Yifeng didn't want to be rejected again, directly issued the task, "I wrote a draft next week."


Jiang Yan learned that he was finally received this task, smiled, learned his tone: I, Yin Che, I can't get this speech. Well, really fragrant. "

Yin Su has a tight hand of the pen.

"Hahahaha ... What do you do? Don't! I don't say it! I will be in my hand!"

Yin Che The pillow chased him: "Du Hong blames you, do you not do it yourself?"

Jiang Yan took the pillow, the momentum, holding people into the arms, dragging the single bed, smiling: "I don't want to go up, I want to look at this."

This matter quickly spread throughout the school, and there were many people who laminated the sorrow.

I used to mention the school, and the opinions of a middle school student were not big. Although Yin Che is not good, he didn't know his life. I only knew that he was alone, and the lonely, it looked very fierce. So a little fear.

However, since Yin Che is recognized an Omega identity at the sports meeting, the situation has changed.

Many people have been afraid of an Omega to feel the face, plus the rumors of the nearly bullied students, and suddenly a group of "justice people".

The scorpion of the justice is venting.

"What is bringing the bad schoolmates, I am!" Han Meng turned a big white eye, passion on a post, "We don't have you with a few!"

Yin Che: "Don't care about them."

"No, I can't swallow this breath!" Han Mengfei speed touched, "Chey, don't look at me, it is ignorant, in fact, the people can not wait, give it to me!"


Jiang Wei thought: "I clarified it, not what they said, you didn't ask me to make this opportunity, I voluntarily."

"You explain it, they will think that I ask you to do this." Yin Ke continued to write the manuscript, lighted the lamps on the dormitory desk, "I am not afraid of shadows, go with them."

Wednesday, before the late child.

Yin Su took the manuscript to the moral education office, Zhang Chu Lord is calling: "You are coming? Ok, for a while, I will come to the office to find me, don't tell your home."

It is a student parent.

After Yin Ke waited for him to hang up the phone, the manuscript was posted to him.

Zhang Yifeng helped the eye and glaring, from the head to the end, a few places with a red pen: "It is good, it is better than I imagined, but these local sent words will be officially official, go back and change. "

"Well, thank you teacher."

I felt that it was a very boring thing, but I looked at the traces of the manuscript and thought about it. It seems that it is not so boring.

On the way back to the middle of the back, Yin Che is looking for the annotation of the road lights, thinking about how to change.

Late self-study has begun, there is no student on the road, only a tree is swinging in the wind and night.

Suddenly, there are more sweet and smells in the cold winter air.

Yin Chi stopped and smelled carefully.

It is an Omega pheromone.

Is Omega Emotional?

In general, estrus Omega If you have your own alpha companionship around, the atmosphere should be pressed, like this, which means that the other party is estrus, but there is no alpha, the situation is very dangerous.

He didn't hesitate, immediately followed the smell, seven turned eight bends, and finally arrived in the sports equipment room.

A paint is dark.

This local body committee Guo Zhixionxi often came, he never came, full of sundries, unfamiliar people could not find the light switch at all.

"Someone?" Yin Che is barely seeing the layout in the equipment room, the place is not big, the place is not seen, but the taste of Omega pheromone is indeed from here.

He joined the wall to the corner of the wall to walk, go to the bottom, and finally found the source of the odor.

It is an Omega pheromone that is opened.

The equipment chamber is impossible to appear in this.

Yin Su clear the moment of the things, turned right away, but the pupil suddenly retired.

There is a black body in the door of the equipment room.

Petite, short hair, like an Omega girl. The black shadow passed, and he had a future and seeing other characteristics of the person, and the door of the equipment room was "!".

The sound of the key to the key outside the door, the man locked the door.

There is only one door and a glass window in the equipment room, the window is not high, but it is too small, people can't go out, only to ventilate.

Yin Che can sit down and sit down.

This Omega deliberately introduced him to lock it inside, is it to scare him?

What is it?

As he is not afraid, he will soon find that he will find him soon, and the whole school can always find him.

Unfortunately, it is too dark, can't find the lamp, otherwise it can also change the manuscript.

Suddenly, the outside of the outside came, this time, from the small window, it seems to have a pass.

Yin Express, just watched the other side, but saw a small window.

Stretching in one hand, the road light outside is shot.

This picture is really a bit creepy.

"Who is there?" Yin Express over.

That hand took the bottle, suddenly released, the bottle "" fell to the ground, broken.

Full transparent liquid.

A homotic smell quickly embossed in the air.

Yin Che The first reaction is to take off the school uniforms, and rush back, but the bottle is broken in his feet and inevitably inhale a small portion.

The man threw the bottle immediately retracted his hand, and the footsteps gradually went away.

Yin Chi retired to the door, try to stay away from the bottle in a limited space, while exhausting the door, shouting: "Do anyone! Open the door!"

I smashed and gradually smashed.

The speed of his strength is not normal.

Moreover, the temperature of the body seems to rise at a point. Since Jiang Yan launched him, he didn't send it again, and the days were there, it did a long time, but it was more likely to be hot, more like the gas in the bottle.

Ten eight nine is an Omega catalyst.

The gas is still spreading.

It is a matter of urgent to attract people.

There is a pile of table tennis in the equipment box, Yin Che, sitting on the door, shooting the door with the ball, the sound is more powerful than using the hand, and more labor-saving.

Who is it? Want him to estrine in advance? He thinks about it.

The black shadow just closing is an Omega girl, but it is more like a boys from the window from the window.

So more than one person is targeting him?

The door smashed a few tens, and the outside is still quiet as early.

The catalyst has been infiltrated into the clothing, once a breath, the body temperature seems to rise. The beast in the body smells the breath, ready to move, and it is possible to break out.

Yin Shi brain is groggy, trying to throw a distraction, tighten the nose, concentrate on the door.

In the empty night, a voice of "" is constantly echoing, and it is getting lighter and more powerless.

The racket "" fell to the ground.

Yin Che is slow down, and closes legs, shrinks into a group, holding the school uniform.

Now if someone comes in to force him, he even resists the strength of the resistance.

"Jiang Yan ..." He shouted weakly, slowly closed his eyes.


Knocking on the door, everywhere, Yin Che Eye, open your eyes, hold the last silk.

"Someone is inside?"

It is not the voice of Jiang Yan, nor is he familiar with the voice, the sound is cool, it sounds mature, not like a student.

"Someone." He responded, "I am locked inside, can I help me open the door?"

"I have no key." The other party said.

This is still in trouble. Sports teacher have already gone, if it is temporarily with a key, he is too time, he is estimated to support it.

At the time of the army, the outside people suddenly said: "You are far away."


"I will let you leave the door." The other party is not tapped, even a bit violent.

There is no other way, he can only listen to the other party, retreat to the place to leave the door: "Well."

"Well." The other party returned to the sound and didn't talk.

Yin Che is waiting for a few seconds, there is no movement outside the door, can't help but ask: "Hey, you ..."


A deafening loud noise, the entire equipment room is slightly shaking.

The faint brain is like a heavy hammer, Yin Che is clearly awake, and staying to the door.

The latching equipment room was violent to open, fell a door frame, shake the desire, like a murdered dead leaves.

The moonlight outside the door refined, pulled out a long black shadow of the people of the door.

The other party kicked all the debris of all the debris and walked to him.

Yin Chew, this person is very good. Black hair black, thin lips hook, arrogant and beautiful.

Moreover, some places in this face seem to be like someone he is familiar with ...

"Children, lost?" The other party supported him, and the body came up with peace of mind, "Don't be afraid, you are safe."

The author has something to say:

It is he is him, we drip cool comment:

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