One test for two or three days, the days of the test will be used to the days. When the end of the final exam, the high school students have not had a tension in the end of the first period of time.

But not tense does not mean that you don't care.

"The Tianling Lingling Lingling, the Buddha bless my progress ..." The chapter can do ten closed eyes and pray.

Jiang Wei passed, I took a cross in the chest: "I wish you good luck, Amen."

Yin Che is behind him: "People worship Buddha, you worship God?"

"Double prayer, double blessing."

Jiang Yan's is really inspected, and the results are sent, and the chapters can make more than 60. Although ranking is still not high in the grades, it is also a quality leap.

"The first test of the bedroom is so high ..." The chapter can be like a transcript like a baby. "Math is actually concurrent, and the history is oh, thank you for your encouragement, thank you, Yichao My topic, thank you teacher to teach, thank you for your recognition ... "

Chen Yingying: "Stop stop, are you published a winning saying?"

Wu Guob will also praise the chapter in the class class, and I am excited to thank you for the whole class. Chen Yingying hit it.

"Also, this time our first, and the first grade first changed, congratulations, Yin Che, successfully squeezed you with the table." Wu Guo beam joke, "It should be given to him, do not roll each time Divided, finally being exceeded? Is it not a taste? "

After the class, Han Meng learned the tone of Wu Guo Zhong: "Jiang Yan, is it uncomfortable? Is it unwilling? I dare not dare to drop my heart next time?"

Jiang Yan's arm is in the brain, leisurely: "Hey, we blame the boyfriend to be too charming, the evening makes me unattractive learning, this time I have a test room, watching his cute back, I really envy you. Nothing. "

"..." Han Meng jeally retreated the chat.

Discuss this achievement more than one class, the post bar has set off a hot discussion on the schoolmaster:

"I still doubt what he cheats, how can it be so high, is it black technology?"

"Even if it is really the first? Change the fact that you can't make a bad practice."

"I heard that? He dared to pull him with his boyfriend in the classroom, I was so big enough."

"Not this, how to seduce alpha? I estimate that Jiang Yan also played with him, who will come with such an Omega."


After the end of the year, I will talk about two days next week, and I will be the whole school meeting on Wednesday.

On the weekend, Yin Su turned over again.

Joe Yu Yun entered the door to send nightfare, see him still writing planning, heartache: "Xiao Che, the exam is finished, relax a little."

Since the last test, she learned that her strength is amazing, she is a little worried.

Don't be in the school's score to remember.

"Who are you want to test to do it, your mother supports you, don't be tired."

Yin Su took a bowl: "Well, not tired, very easy."

"Brother, I ask you ..." Yin Ze pushed in, saw him, stunned, "Nothing, I am gone."

Joe Yun called him: "Don't go, come over, I haven't talked with you for a long time, let Mom care for you."

Yin Ze has only closed the door, and he wily came over. He saw the silver ear soup on the table. He said: "Mom, you care about him, he is Omega, Jin Gui."

Joe Yunli took him below: "The kitchen is still, give you a bowl for a while."

"I don't want, I am going to sleep right away, I have something to say."

"Hey, you have this child." Qiao Yuyun took his hand back, "grew up, but also as a child."

"Where is I?"

"You still say, before, I want this for a while, I want to do it later, I can't cry, I will be wrapped in your brother, let him find a way."

"Is there, why don't I remember ..." Yin Ze muttered.

Qiao Yuyun held a hand of one person, putting two hands together: "I forgot to forget, before, anyway, all the past. You are now growing up, my parents are old, I will later To support each other, don't count the things when you are less than you, know? "

Yin Ze took the hand: "Mom, some things, not what I want to forget, you don't advise."

Qiao Yuyun helpless, and he had a few words and went downstairs.

"Mom is still ejection you, what is your good?" Yin Ze disdain.

Yin Chi doesn't care about him: "What is going on, say."

"Look at the post? I have already said that you are thinking about it, and you will have a boyfriend to kiss me, and the population is embarrassing?"

"No matter what I do, they will say."

"Then you really have the convergence point, I still slip out the private meeting in the evening, I will come back in the morning, don't think that I don't know if you go, Mom I am running in the morning, I don't believe it."

Yin Che The Cough: "The brother is inserted."

Yin Ze is cold: "I look like this, you have become the whole school. Your unreliable boyfriend does it eat? Know your own omega?"

"He has protects me." Yin Chis smiled, "I can protect myself, don't worry."

"I am worried, I certainly know that my smart brother will have more" self-insurance ", but don't be too confident, forget the matter of the year? You think it is good, it is not to be taken away."

Yin Chi hasn't recalled this matter for a long time, listening to him, and flashing in my mind, I flashed a picture of the kidnappers at the time: "That's because ..."

Suddenly, a piece of face is fixed in the mind.

Familiar, gloomy eyes.

Yin Che is standing.

"What are you doing?" Yin Ze is confused, "suddenly the soul is not reluctant."

"It turned out to be him ..." Yin Cheryn.

Unfortunately. In this way, everything happened in this semester has explained.

He is simply taken by the other party, so obvious clues, actually discovered it now.

"He? Who do you mean?" Yin Ze asked.

Yin Chun returned to God: "Nothing, I think a person will wait, you go to sleep first."

Yin Ze turned and went: "Okay, I don't listen to your secrets, find your boyfriend, I will, I will do it in the future."

He fell, Yin Ca did not explain with him in a hurry, and he went by him.

The night is deep, but this must be understood immediately.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to check, the Internet is searched for half an hour, basically all the clues are confirmed, he guess is right.

Everything is planned.

The phone on the table is verbing, Jiang Yan called.

It seems that the first sentence of Jiang Yan is: "I went back to think about it, the other party hates you, even if you are dead, will you be the relevant person you have for you? Remove you?"

"I am going to tell you, I ..."

Jiang Yan waited for a few seconds: "What do you tell me?"

Yin Chi touched his forehead: "I seem to have a little fever, I will come to you, and I will know clearly."

"No, you stay at home." Jiang Yan lied, "I arrived in 40 minutes, you can bear it."

"it is good."

Jiang Yan took the key to the downstairs, passing through the living room, called: "Where is it so late?"

"There is something like classmates, I will help."



"Do you have on the table?"


The laughter came from the living room: "Well, go, it is best not to come back tonight."

... when is it exposed?

Jiang Yan temporarily tangled this problem and put on the shoes.

His Omega is waiting for him.

The locomotive is on the night, leaving a roar in the night. When I arrived at Xicheng, I just took 40 minutes.

Jiang Wei stopped the car, I want to call people, the mobile phone just picked up, seeing people have waited for him at the gate of residential area.

"How long is it, cold is cold?"

Yin Che Kong is red, but the look is a bit abnormal, watching him, did not speak.

Like just crying, the nose is red.

Jiang Yan took people into his arms: "What happened? Don't panic, I will give you a temporary mark first, you should compress a few days, wait for you to think clearly, I have to suppress the inhibitor or keep up with me, I can accept it. "

Yin Chun looked up from his arms and took a deep breath: "Brother."


"let's break up."

The author has something to say:

Yin Cal: I am frozen nose red, what do you write? A block: Sorry, I am sorry for ORZ, so that the bad guy will be offline for a gap!

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