"How come you?" Yin Chew, "I am not letting you go back first?"

"I forgot, waiting for you for a long time at the door." Yin Ze turned all the fainted people on the ground, "Fortunately, I will come back to find you, or you use the boyfriend to be tied by this waste. "

Jiang Yan smiled: "Well, you will use the informationin to uniform him for later."

Two people look back and forth, the electric flowers, no one will retreat.

Yin Zezhen eyebrows: "That bit?"

Jiang Wei: "What?"

Yin Ze: "Whoever uses the information to let him shout his father."

Jiang Wei: "Okay."

Just awakened the enemy head, but also fainted.

Yin Che: "... You are enough."

A two childish alpha, the prospect is worrying.

Yin Ze screamed: "What is going on? What is the head of this guy? What is the deep hatred with you?"

"If you want to know, you will ask yourself." Jiang Yan threw out the camera, "By the way, you brought him to the police station, evidence here."

Yin Ze looked up his hand: "Why do you go?"

"Because I have to take care of you."

"My brother is lacking?"

"Some 'take care of" only boyfriend can give, understand? "Jiang Yan went to the tree forest, bending a waist, and hugged Yin Cheng," How do you feel? "


I feel very shame.

Holding a boyfriend who is born in front of the younger brother, the people compiled in the room.

But Yin Chi now has no strength to refuse, hook Jiang Yan's neck, burn hot face to cool down: "Take me to suppress the inhibitor."

"it is good."

Jiang Yan did not hesitate.

Yin Su looked at him, didn't see a regret or disappointed, the last line of the sky is all in front of Alpha's eyes, only concerns and gentle.

"Are you not uncomfortable?"

After the inhibitor, the three-year estrus is postponed.

Wait for him for three years.

"Is it difficult? I didn't say it early. I listened to you, you are my principle."

Yin Su quietly cleared his school uniform.

Jiang Yan is a person who is ignorant: "Hey, still eat too little, so light. Go to the hospital first, then take you to eat, celebrate our eliance."

Yin Ze is green in the face: "What about me?"

"You? You may not be able to eat today, and the trial should have been for a long time."


"Right." Jiang Yan took the man before going out of the small wood forest, turned back, "more chat with this guy, maybe there will be unexpected discovery."

The night wind is cold, and the heat is constantly climbing.

Jiang Yan recruited a taxi, and the air conditioner in the car was very high. Yin Che The forehead emerged, and it was groggy.

"Master, go to the city hospital, have there any air conditioning trouble? My boyfriend is fever."

"So cold days ..." The driver didn't want to turn off the air conditioner. Through the rearview mirror, "Your boyfriend is Omega? You gave him some pixels, not."

"It is useless." Jiang Yan did not explain, took the sleeve to Yin Chi wipe off, slammed, "I stick to it, I will arrive immediately. If I can't stand, I can give you a mark like it last time. It should be a while. "

Yin Chi is hot, leaning on his shoulder: "Do I want to estrine?"

In fact, he knew the answer.

After the adults in the equipment chamber were inhaled, his estrus was in advance, but he was inhibited a few days. Later, he heated, Jiang Yan's mark helped him press it for a few days.

I can't press this time.

Even in advance, Jiang Yan's information is sucking, wearing Jiang Yan's shirt, and resist the invasion of the catalyst.

Emostain, this time he is eager to alteration, it is coming.

Jiang Yan lightly touched his hair: "Well, is it afraid?"

What are you afraid?

Probably scared, just he doesn't want to admit. Jiang Yan always wore him at a glance.

Just like the first dormitory door that supported his, the alpha when the window was blocked.

[are you afraid? I am afraid that I have no shake. Everything is fearful, alpha is terrible, let alone you are just beta. ]

"I don't know." He looked up, watching the alpha before, and suddenly I would like to ask a strange problem. "Are you afraid?"

Jiang Wei smiled shallow: "I am afraid."

His voice is very light, but because of the ear, directly reach the brain, and have been echo.

"I am afraid you ... I don't need me during the estrus."

"Waiting for you to finish the inhibitor, I and you, there is no physiology between Omega and Alpha. Although we are not because this is coming together, there is less than this layer of relationship, I don't know if the feelings will not be light. "

Yin Chew Yan: "Maybe."

Jiang Yan smiled and quickly recovered: "I think it is, after all, it is a thing engraved in the gene."

The car is quiet.

The driver's navigation shows that there are three kilometers away from the hospital.

Outside the window, the bustling commercial street light is shining, but it does not enter the car.

"Can you say that I like me?" Jiang Yan asked, took out the mobile phone, "I have a feeling of feelings, I will record the sound first, and you don't like me, I can listen to it."

Yin Che I laughed, and I feel that my eyes were acid.

Even the way you like is the same.

The boys in front of you are proud and fearless, and they will always put him the first place forever.

But they are afraid that they can't be forever.

If you have a young love, it should be, you should not take care of everything, disdain, don't consider the future, but always think forever.

Can Jiang Yan.

Even if you believe in him, countless times, I have an oath of the sovereignty, in the face of unknown, in the face of unknown, in the face of the bifurcation of life, I will still suffer from being lost, afraid that I will get along with him.

Too much to be forever, big arrogance is this.

Commercial streets have been able to see the silhouette of the hospital building far away.

The driver turned to ask: "How to pay? Cash or scanning code?"

Jiang Wei's screen is dark, and he has not waited for an answer. Guess Yin Che is not willing to say.

"It's so cold, rabbit scorpion." He smiled and followed the mobile phone, opened the code, "Master, sweep this."


The broadcast "You have arrived at the destination ...", the driver stopped the car, holding the phone turned to scan code.

However, the screen was out of it.

"What?" Driver confused.

Jiang Yan also looked at the side: "What?"

Yin Chi recovered his hand, and his head moved forward and made it to his ear: "I don't want to fight."

Jiang Yan, "Don't make trouble, I will say that I will say it for a while, I want to say it again. And I went to the hospital, what do you do?"

Yin Che is gently said.

The driver has not responded for a long time, shakes the phone: "Hey, classmates, you let me scan the code."

Jiang Yan returned to the god, while the ear is popular: "That, the master, no sweep first."


"Let's go anywhere, trouble to Dongcheng, thank you."

"Don't go to the hospital?" The driver said while starting the car, slowly remiting the car, "Then I can go, your boyfriend is not tight?"

Jiang Yan joined the hand drilling into the hand: "Nothing, I will take care of him."

From the city hospital to Dongcheng, only half an hour.

Yin Su thought Jiang Yan will bring him to some hotels, and did not expect it to bring it back home.

"My sister, like last year, winter holidays go abroad to see my grandmother, I will leave two days ago, I didn't have to come back before school." Jiang Yan unlocked with fingerprints, his hand broke out, tried it several times successful, " come in."

Yin Cu has been unstable, and he went in him, and the door was closed behind.

The Villa of Noba is only their two.

Omega overflows quickly occupied the entire porch.

Jiang Yan throats, throwing the key, tightening people, and wants to be pro.

Suddenly, the arms struggled to run, attached to the wall.

Jiang Yanyi: "I want to suppress inhibitors?"

Yin Cheng lasted the Song school service tie: "Don't want ... I didn't want to play, just test you."

Jiang Yan sighed: "Don't you trust me?"

"Don't trust you, it is ..." Yin Che Toup, finally said, "is scared."

I am afraid that I can't get it, I am afraid that I will not go to this last ceiling.

I am also afraid that Jiang Yan is stunned by the pixel, not patient enough, not gentle enough.

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Yan walked forward, rebuild him, "I promise, no matter which step, as long as you stop, I will stop."


"I swear."

Yin Chi lips, no longer speech, look back, look at him half, then, loose open the lip, close your eyes.

Jiang Yuxin jumped, and he bowed his head.

This time, I took a softness.

They took many kisses, but they didn't have a more enthusiasticity than the current.

After a few times, I quickly drifted. The tongue of each other was wrapped together, accompanied by the featuring hot, the mouth was quickly warmed, the throat as if burning.

Yin Chi was kissed, Jiang Yan arrived at his tongue root, he couldn't get angled, and he didn't breathe.

The whole body is numb, and it is difficult to dry.

Jiang Yan slammed his waist, holding him gradually fell, pressing on the wall, got a kiss.

Hot air integration, pheromone is also blended, but one party is obviously suppressed by the other.

This is Yin Qing first, so I do so, I realized the strength of Alpha.

Being is not biss, almost forgot, as long as Jiang Yan wants, he can't resist it.

The long and fierce kiss will continue to take a century, and finally inhaled a fresh air, Yin Che is spent in front of him. Put gas, I feel that my lips are very wet, the appearance is probably a wolf, so I have a tongue.

Jiang Yan army army, joined him, bite his lips, hit, breathing urgently: "Go to my room? Still here."

Yin Chi swallow the breath in the mouth, the heat is in the throat, the whole person is full of hot, and the fingers, with the chest of Jiang Yan, deeply inhaled:

"... Your room."

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