
Chapter 111 - Follow Me

"Good mother," Annabeth grinned, a sense of accomplishment ran through her. It all disappeared when she laid eyes on Justin. She felt like throwing up. 

"Justin Crowly…" Mrs. Crowly muttered. Her face scrunched up into a frown. She turned away from her son, "I don't even know how to look at you."

Annabeth gave a nod of agreement. "Mother… if you look at the girl he abused… you'd be terr- actually, should we go ourselves?"

Justin looked up immediately, his eyes widening in fear. He remembered what he did to Alice. The marks that ridiculed her boy, bite marks, love marks, whip marks, bruises, there were so many marks he had left on her. They were for his eyes only. He kept them on her for him to see them only, he didn't want to show it. He didn't want to share.

"N-no… please forgive me. What I have done is a sin. I should have never indulged in disgraceful things like that," Justin begged, pressing his head into the ground. 

Mrs. Crowly's expression wavered for a moment. She turned to Annabeth and shivered when she saw the resolve on her face. 'Ah… she isn't even bothered.'

"Shameful? Do you even care?" Annabeth spat back, "when and what did you do that was shameful?"

Justin stuttered, unable to form a reply to her question. 'What was shameful? How will I know?' he thought to himself as he searched for the possible answers she might want to hear. He stuttered to stall for time as he tried to remember the words Annabeth said to him about the things he did and tried to form the right sentences with them.

"I overstepped my boundaries and hurt her even though she begged for me to stop. I found actions of anguish as pleasurable and took advantage of them. I was anything but the expectations expected of a gentleman. I was a beast," Justin confessed, fully bowing down before his mother, "I didn't listen to her or your words and lied about the things I did to her, blaming it on my friends. I was truly the worst of the worst but yet, I beg you, please forgive me."

Annabeth peered down at Justin and felt a laugh coming over her. She tried to hide her face, cover her mouth before she could utter a single chuckle but failed. A shaky laugh danced oh her mouth. "HahahAHahAhAA," she chuckled.

The air hung in silence as she chuckled, no one daring to even mention a thing. She had lost her mind. Every action she made showed it.

"Hahahahohmylord. Boy am I unlucky to be born a girl. Or else I would have beaten you to the edge of death, and then shoved you off without hesitation," Annabeth giggled, her laugher soon dying off. "How dumb do you think we are?"

"Dumb?! I would never try to be on the same level as our sisters. I feel ever so guilty about the things I have done and wish to repent," Justin begged. 

"Dumb? Now you're belittling your sisters in order to get your way? When will you stop with this nonsense? Not only do your actions secret shamelessness, but they are everything but noble, just, and correct. YOU RAPED A YOUNG GIRL FOR GOODNESS SAKE! SAT ON TOP OF HER AND INSTEAD OF FEELING SHAME AND AVOIDING IMPREGNATING HER, you gave in to temptation and let her bear your child," Annabeth yelled, her voice practically shaking the room. "She was 12 when you first laid your hands on her. I remember walking past your rooms and hearing her shrieks. I thought that was the end of it but to this day you never stopped."

Justin flinched as his memory traveled back to the first time he touched Alice. He remembered feeling mad, upset when he realized he had hidden her gender, especially since he had grown a liking to the "male" her. He remembered feeling so betrayed that he had taken out his anger in her. 5 minutes into the memory all he remembered from that moment was bliss. 

He was obsessed with every curve on her body. The freckles on her shoulder that ran down to her collarbone, the softness of her skin and scent she had, her wide hips and moderately sized chest, all dotted with her golden-brown freckles, and finally her legs. Smooth, pale legs with a color that matched with the rest of her skin and her baby-ish cute face. Her body was perfect and before he knew it she was to him too. She looked like an unguarded angel. One that he wanted to own every part of. Ashamed? Disgraceful? Yes, it was but he didn't care. He didn't know what to call it but he didn't think what he was doing was disgusting. He enjoyed every moment of it. 

Annabeth knew of his obsession. She could see it in his eyes when he looked at her. It was lust filled with something she couldn't identify. She didn't want to identify it and she wouldn't acknowledge it. All she knew is that it was wrong and it was hurting someone. She couldn't stand to let it happen anymore, it was hurting her too. 

"Justin. You do not have the right to belittle or talk wrongly about another because nothing you have done is just but everything you have done is coated with sin. None of the words you just said you meant, because everything you said is based on things I have said before," Annabeth walked towards him, "you do not wish to repent either because you, unlike the rest, have never thought of stopping. I've watched Jena and Marie try to stop and take a break. They were too weak for that…But you- never even tried to give up."

Justin could see the bottom of his sister's shoes and could feel the chill from the stare she was giving him so he didn't dare to look up. The calmness in her voice was petrifying, but yet he couldn't be quiet. It felt unfair for this to be targeted at him, it felt unfair for him to be the only one taking the punishment for this, especially since it wasn't just because he wanted to hurt her that he did it. He just couldn't look away from her. 

He didn't know when it started but soon he started to get upset not because of her gender but because of the looks she never gave him. He would see her smile at her brother, talk to him without her voice trembling, and freely call out his name without being asked to. It was frustrating and he hated it so he wanted to remind her that he was there, always watching. He would try to talk to her normally but she would tremble in fear more and he even liked her trembling too. Everything looked so hypnotizing, almost like she was asking for it. How was it his fault? 

"Never tried to give up? H-how do you know that? I TRIED! I TRIED TO LOOK AWAY! B-but… I couldn't," Justin screamed, he looked up at Annabeth daringly, "have you seen her? The way she moves? Her face? How was I supposed to stop? I didn't know how to stop. It was almost like she was asking for it."

Annabeth's hand slapped Justin again. "ASKED FOR IT?! HOW I THE WORLD DID YOU COME UP WITH THAT TWISTED IDEA? THAT GIRL WAS CRYING, SCREAMING, KICKING! You call that asking for it? Are you sick?" 


"You-" Annabeth grabbed him by the collar. He trembled and shut his eyes but he didn't move. He didn't try to dodge it. "Lead me to her."

Justin opened one eye first and then the second, "No. Never."

"Ok then, I'll go there myself," Annabeth tossed him aside. She turned to her mother, "ready to go mum?"

Mrs. Crowly flinched but nodded. 

Annabeth gave a smile and turned to the rest of the people in the room, "you can come along too, come see what your brother-" she turned to her father, "or son has been doing."

"N-no, please don't go," Justin begged, grabbing the hems of Annabeth's dress.

"Seriously… what is with people and grabbing my dress when the-" Annabeth clenched her jaw, she glared down at her brother, "get off my dress. Now."

Justin immediately let go but then switched to her shoe. Annabeth kicked his hand away. 

"Don't be scared, we're only going to look at all the marks you're so proud of on Alice. You weren't possibly thinking of keeping them all to yourself right?" Annabeth smirked. 

Justin looked away guiltily. 

"You ba- let's go everyone," Annabeth growled, she shot her strained smile at Justin, "you can come along too, as it's your prized possession that will be on display now. Whether that may be the bruises you gave her, or the girl herself."

Annabeth turned away from Justin, ignoring his calls to stop, and continued out the room. She stopped when she realized nobody except her mother was following. She turned around and glared at the rest in the room. "Get up.. Don't make me wait."

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