
Chapter 119 - Golden Doors

"Mother, mother! It looks so beautiful here!" Annabeth sang, her steps like little skips on the marble floor.

Mrs. Crowly smiled and patted her daughter's head. "It is, isn't it?"

Annabeth nodded playfully. 'This is stupid.' 

They continued down the hall of the palace, their facade as a beautiful peaceful family was in full charge. The only emotion that wasn't fake on their faces was actually being mystified by the largeness of the palace. They had only stepped into the hall of the palace but were already overwhelmed by its size. 

If the garden outside wasn't enough, the palace's entrance hall was long and tall with a glass-domed building. Even though it was buzzing with people this time around, it's ize was empathized more with that since almost a hundred people stood in the hall but it was nowhere near filled. The more surprising fact was that it wasn't the ballroom hall, that was 2 times bigger than the entrance hall.

The place spoke wealth. From the lavishly decorated walls, draped in expensive paintings and painted colors almost impossible to get on the market, to the floor that was so clean it reflected their figures, to the beautiful flowers that hung in vases on the wall. There were unfit chandeliers that lined the ceiling but the sun rained down on them, masking the room in a sunset valley beauty. 

It was beyond beautiful.

Jena held the other arm of their mother while Maria held her arm. Justin and their father were one step in front of them. It was a standard noble formation, the ladies and the madam of the house walked behind the head of the house and the son. It was also typical that those actual roles were well switched in the family.

"Sorry about the amount of people pouring into the halls, Lord Mannerism," said a butler as he led him through the hall, "it is the lady-in-waiting picking today afterall."

Mr. Crowly nodded in reply. His facade was a well mannered, man of a few words. He played this role too well, it even seemed into his everyday life. 

The butler looked around and slowed down his speed to match Mr. Crowly's. "Nobody knows but the king will also be looking for his next queen and nobles of high ranking Marquess and up have a chance to present their daughters." 

His words were lies. Mr. Crowly and his entire family were well aware of this fact. It was very plausible that the other nobles were well informed of that fact. It was half of the reason why Annabet and her sisters were dressed to the T. Everything about them, from their hair to their clothing was touched by the hands of nobility, each having their own theme to run with their outfits. 

Jena sported elegance and beauty in the long, tight fitting blue dress. Her long brown locks were held up high in a bun decorated with pearls and tiny deep blue periwinkles. Her dress with tight fitting around the waist to highlight her tiny waist. With off shoulder puffy sleeves, her slim shoulders were also shown. Only a little section of her chest was shown as there was another section of clothing covering her chest and leading to the collar of the dress. ON that section was a little slit that revealed her chest. On her neck laid her most beautiful, high end and rarest necklace. Qualities she tried hard to match. 

Maria, beside her, was dressed with the idea of carefreeness in mind. It was a theme that was well fitted for her. Her dress was as fitted as Jena's but more free at the end, the dress moving with every step she took. With very movable flowy ruffles, the dress was a beautiful lemon shade, with a deep V-neck, white undergarment underneath and white tiny flowers lining the sides of the V-neck. Maria's hair was let to fall down to her waist, straight brown hair shining brightly as it swung from side to side at times when Maria moved. The sleeves were basically loose long pieces of silk clothing attached to her dress that wrapped around her arms and shoulders then fell loosely. On her head laid a crown of flowers

Annabeth was dressed with the theme of charming, a combination of elegance, innocence and carefreeness. As the second tallest out of the sister, her dress took the princess route. with a gold and rose pink theme, the dress had big ruffles and two layers on her dress, a bow on each side of her dress to separate the puffy levels at the bottom of her dress. The top of her dress was slim-fitting to show her tiny waist and had a heart shaped cut on the top. Her long hair was held in a half up half down style with pearl imbedded barrets on each side of her head. The sleeves of her dress were off-shoulder with big bows on each side and a simple gold necklace hung on her chest. 

With the girls looking like complete princesses, their mother was dressed to represent. Her outfit carried themes of her daughters in her outfit. Her dress was slim-fitting, highlighting all of her curves and her hair was braided and wrapped around her hair with flowers and pearls embedded in her braids. Her train was slightly long with ruffles at the end. Her sleeves were similar to Maria's and necklace similar to Annabeth's but her dress focused on flowers. 

Together they attracted the eyes of many in the room with their soft scent when they walked past and the exquisite dresses they had. But a viel hung over their faces, only to be revealed in the king's presence.

The butler looked behind Mr. Crowly, his intrusive eyes scanning Annabeth, Maria and Jena. "It's rumored you seem to have 3 gorgeous choices to pick from."

Mr. Crowly gave a nod, "All thanks to my beautiful wife."

It was no secret that Mr. Crowly's daughters were exceptionally beautiful, but as he was also very protective, their faces had never been seen by most of the people in the kingdom nor palace. The last time the king had even seen the girl was when they were little children. They had been hidden when his property increased and he became more well known.

Today was really their first day out in the real world, their entrance to the palace. Annabeth's entrance to the palace.

"I heard one of your daughters was pre-chosen to be a lady-in-waiting. This is her final exam, am I right?" the butler asked.

"Yes," Mr. Crowly grinned, he turned to his daughter momentarily, "she has been waiting for this moment."

"Hahah, amazing joke Mr. Crowly," the butler nodded as he burst into laughter.

The girl's and their mother cued short giggles after then silenced themselves after Mr. Crowly was done laughing. They weren't allowed to speak unless it was to benefit their father or if they were granted the permission to speak. 

"The king will be pleased to see her once again, he was the one that granted her the position after all," 

Annabeth was the young scholar of their family. A prodigy really. As one of the curious minds in the family, she lurked around her father growing up and secretly stle books from his library to read. Along with little teachings, she taught herself how to read and at the age of 4 had recited a poem she wrote for the king. There, she had gained his favor and was given the chance to become a lady in waiting as soon as she became of age. 

Years later to today, she was reentering the palace to meet other people and claim her title.

"What do you have prepared for the king, Lord Mannerism?" the butler asked, "I'm supposing not only Annabeth will be becoming a lady in training, you daughters will be bound to try too."

"Of course. But that's for the King only. It will be seen when the King will see it," Mr. Crowly smiled. 

The girls had their own things ready for the presentation. Jena and Maria carried the dance and beauty excerpt of the presentation while Annabeth was the artist. Her presentation mainly consisted of artwork and pieces of poetry that were rivaled by none. No one knew this. No one ever knew what the Crowly's had in plan. 

They moved from the entrance hall and moved down the big hallway past tall doors and one of a kind pictures that hung on the white and gold walls. As noble as they were, they walked past many above them that they stopped to greet each time. The hallways were filled with people from all over the kingdom of high ranking and high skill. It was a palace filled with talent. They reached the door of the ballroom and paused for a moment while the butler talked to another staff member.

"Sorry for the wait Lord and Lady Mannerism," the butler bowed in apology. He stepped in front of the door and pulled the doors open, "this way."

The family exchanged glances at each other, silent threats targeted at each other blanketed by smiles. Then after a brief nod by Mr. Crowly they stepped into the bustling room and stood on top of the stairs that led down to the ballroom. Another brief exchange and they plastered their prepared smiles on their faces and turned to the ballroom. 

The large gold door closed behind them.

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