
Chapter 124 - Events

Annabeth was a little taken aback but she simply nodded, knowing she had little to no say in the situation right now. She nodded.

Antonio smiled and started walking. It felt better to hold her hand while walking, that way he knew exactly where she was at all times and if she started to lag behind, he would simply pull her forward. He also liked her small hand and how it fits with his, along with the warmth in their hand when they stayed in contact like that. 

He continued forward, Annabeth closely behind him. She wasn't used to the concept of holding someone's hand but she didn't mind. She didn't want to get lost again. 

She looked down at where their hands were tightly holding each other. She had to admit, he had really big hands compared to hers. She held back a chuckle, not even Justin's hands were this big.

Antonio made one large turn and soon they saw the table in sight. Everyone was sitting around the table nervously. Annabeth and Antonio smiled. They made it. He quickened his steps and Annabeth hurried to match his pace as she lined up beside him. 

"We're here everyone!" Antonio exclaimed, waving to the group. 

They all turned their head to Antonio and sighs of relief escaped their lungs almost at the same time when they spotted Annabeth. 

"Thank goodness!" Addison sighed with happiness, standing up to hug Annabeth. She pulled away from Annabeth and scanned her body. "You're ok right?"

Annabeth nodded. 

"Not a single scratch," Antonio added with a grin. 

"That's good," Louis smiled. 

"Where was she?" Justin asked. 

"At the snack table," Antonio chuckled, he turned to Annabeth, "with a large pile of chocolates in her hand." 

"Haha, that's good then," Falls smiled. 

Antonio shot him a glare, 

"What?" Falls cocked his head. 

"You couldn't bring her back?" Antonio scolded. 

"No," Falls shook his head, "I had to do something with the knights. It is considered rude to bring a lady along with you as you did your duties as a Squire remember?"

"Right…" Antonio sighed. "But still-"

"It doesn't matter now," Walter smiled, looking at Annabeth, "she's ok and that's all that matters."

"Right," Antonio smiled, turning to Annabeth. 

"Why're you still standing, you should sit," Justin nodded towards the side he was sitting on with his sisters to Annabeth. 

Addison sat down and motioned to their side of the table to sit down. 

Antonio and Annabeth moved towards the places they were supposed to sit in but stopped, like lines being stretched to its limit. Together, they looked down at their hands. They hadn't realized that they were still holding hands. They turned to each other, their eyes asking the other to let go first but not wanting to let go either. They were stuck together and neither of the two wanted to let go for some reason. 

The rest at the table looked at each other in confusion for a second until they saw that Annabeth and Antonio's hands were interlocked. 

A few seconds had passed and Annabeth looked down at her brother who looked up at her in confusion. In unison, Antonio and Annabeth let go and both shuffled into their seats.

There was a moment of silence before Walter cleared his throat, Louis speaking up soon after. 

"Tables, we need to know our seating," Louis sighed. He turned to Justin "you haven't been to an event like this one right?"

Justin nodded his head. Falls chuckled as he looked at Justin. He was just as quiet as his sisters. 

"We are seated according to our ranks and also our closeness to the king and his royal sons. They sit at the front of the banquet room on their thrones while the people sit lined from highest rank to lowest and the closest to the king to the farthest," Louis explained. 

Justin did a nod.

"There are a lot of normal Ladys and lords here too so they sit at the sides of the banquet room," Louis continued, he glanced at Justin again, "do you understand?"

"Yes, I do," Justin nodded. 

"As for the people and the performances," Louis continued, he turned to Dramio, "he can explain in more detail than I can."

Dramio grinned, sitting up excitedly. "Since there are a lot of people there will be a lot of performances or presentations for the king and his sons. Most might be females and other males trying to show their wealth and appease the royal family. Many of the families are given the chance to show their daughters as this event helps to pick out ladies in training for the eldest son's wife but is also an event to find wives for the young men and the same for the young women."

"It's a marriage central," Santigio rolled his eyes. 

"Quite frankly, it is," Dramio chuckled. 

Santigio narrowed his eyes in displeasure, Dramio quickly cleared his throat. 

"There are a total of 30 female performances each night, and 15 male presentations. This year the numbers went up due to a mysterious family joining for the first time this year," Dramio continued, his eyes skirting to Annabeth and her sisters for a moment, "so that's 35 female performances and 16 male presentations."

"Ooo, that's a lot of entertainment for one night," said one of the girls, Mia. "This is bound to be one long night."

"It really is," Dramio grinned. He then continued. "The performers are supposed to leave the beginning phase immediately to get prepared to perform. They go somewhere I'm not sure of but are led by their family."

Justin's head perked up, he exchanged a side glance with Annabeth. They needed to leave soon. 

"First comes the intro where people transition to the banquet room, then the beginning prayers made by the Grand Duke and his wife and the entrance of the royals right after. Then there's tea and poems before another round of tea and the first round of performances are brought out. After, the king recognizes them and the meals are served and the second performances come up. They tend to be individuals to duets while the first round is held in groups," Dramio continued, seemingly entertained by just the thought of it. "After that, there's dessert, a short round of socializing, and the event is over. There might be surprise events in between but I doubt that."

Annabeth softly tapped Maria's thigh. They exchanged side glances through their veils. They had completely forgotten the plan about meeting with their parents. Annabeth double-tapped Maria's thighs who then double-tapped Jena who then double-tapped Justin's. It was a signal that they needed to leave immediately. 

Justin looked up to the group and smiled, "Shouldn't we begin moving then, before everyone has cleared out." He nodded towards the hall where the number of people had significantly reduced. 

"Oh my stars, you're right," Addison nodded standing up quickly. She tapped Antonio's shoulder, telling him to move out, he quickly complied. 

"We'll be going in together then?" Louis cooked his head, turning to look at Justin and his sisters. 

"Actually, no," Justin stood up, his sister's mimicking his movements soon after. They stood up and stepped out of the group table to stand, Justin, coming out behind them. He looked up at the rest of the group apologetically. "Sorry, but we made a previous arrangement with our families to meet up immediately after this event was over."

"Ah…" Falls muttered.

"Yes. So we'll get going now," Justin smiled, taking a bow. 

"Wait, what family are you from?" Walter called out. 

"The Crowly," Justin announced. 

"Ah, ok then," Walters nodded, exchanging glances with Antonio. They turned to look at Justin, their thoughts the same as the rest of the guys in the group. 'They are the new arrivals.'

"Sorry, but we have to start going," Justin bowed again. 

"Hm," Antonio nodded. His eyes skirted to Annabeth before turning back to Justin. "We will be seeing you guys later right?"

Justin grinned. "Of course." He waved goodbye and turned around, his sisters turning and following close behind him, their steps light and quick, smoothly fading into the bustling crowd. 

They quickly wove through the crowd, making sure to keep close watches on each other, and safely made it to the spot where they were supposed to meet their family. There, their mother and father stood. 

"What took you so long," Mrs. Crowly asked as she ran her eyes up and down her daughters, "you all need to hurry up or else you'll be late."

"Sorry mother," Justin bowed his head. 

"It's ok, let's go," Mr. crowly raised his arm up for Mrs. Crowly to hold. She hesitated before holding it. 

Quickly, the Crowly family filed out of the room and being led by a guard, were taken down the hall to another room. They walked down the hall, then took a left turn that led to a large wall with a door. 

"This is the preparation room, inside will be other performers. Please do your best to get ready and quickly," the guard smiled, opening the large door. 

Mr. Crowly watched as his kids stepped inside and his wife followed. "Good luck," he called out to them. His wife simply bowed and turned around, the door closing behind them.

He let out a steady breath and walked away from the door, walking back to the hall and stepping inside. He was nervous. Not for their performances but to show their faces to the world. The days after this celebration was bound to be filled with marriage proposals.. He wasn't willing to let any of his kids go yet.

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