
Chapter 132 - Hated Plans

Dinner came around quickly, about 30 minutes after the announcement while servant dances entertained the big audience. The Crowly's were seated at their table, their father trying to keep the conversation alive. It was drowned out immediately. 

The aura of the air around them had returned to its truest form. A heavy blanket of distrust, disappointment, and calm tension. Mr. Crowly, trying his best to live with the environment and peacefulness his family had had since coming into the building, tried to interact with his wife. 

There was a cold silence.

The Crowly's turned to their own silent worlds, easing the air around them when someone neared their table or a curious eye was drawn to them. Their facade was thicker than any wall and stronger than steel yet as flimsy as a sheet of paper from the inside, one flicker and it would be burnt down to shreds. 

Jena looked up and smiled at her mother, she smiled back and the air loosened.

"Here are your meals Lord and Lady Mannerism," a female server bowed her head and pushed a cart of food to their table. 

"Thank you," Mr. Crowly smiled, he turned to Justin as the server loaded the table. "How is the celebration for you going my son?"

"Pretty well," Justin replied. "We met a group of people here that I know will make fine friends for me."

The server placed down the last dish and took a deep bow, wheeling the cart away.

"A lot better than expected," Annabeth spoke up after the server left. 

"I can triple that. We met 3 duke's sons today. Duke Christian Hane's Antonio, Duke Martin Merdia's Walter and Duke Thomas Dove's Louis," Justin continued, "they all seemed like decent people. Trained with decency and knew just how much to say and not to say."

"Something I wish you could relate with," Annabeth rolled her eyes. 

Justin couldn't even find a comeback to that so he kept going. "There was also Knight Ciergo who works for Antonio. I think that he's also in the army. Holds the position of a Lieutenant of some sort."

"Aren't those dukes one of the most trusted in the system currently?" Mr. Crowly asked.

"Yes. The Hane family are currently known as the closest to the king as one of their members is his right hand Lieutenant General Grayson Hane was it?" Jena jumped in, "Marquess Antonio's father also is a big part of the army just like Lieutenant General Grayson but he is higher than Grayson as he is one of the Lieutenant Governors. Antonio is bound to join the army in his footsteps."

Mrs. Crowly looked up at Jena before turning away. "Then he seems like the best option for you doesn't he?"

Jena flinched. 

"He seems like the best option for you. As the eldest of the family you need to get married to an influential family," Mr. Crowly nodded, repeating herself. "Check to see if any marriage proposals from him come in today."

"But mother, I am older than him," Jena interrupted, "I cannot marry a man younger than me, I would be seen as a woman from those harems! Eating off men younger than me for their money."

"Isn't that what you do already?" Annabeth muttered, unlatching a section of her mask to be able to eat. 

Mr. Crowly cleared his throat. Despite the fact that no one spoke, it wasn't by his command but simply by their own. 

"He cannot be that much older than you," Mrs. Crowly rolled her eyes. 

"He's nineteen mother," Justin interrupted, "the same age with me."

"Then what about Walter? Is he fit for Jena?" Mrs. Crowly asked. 

"He's in the same rank with Antonio's father as both of their families are really close," Jena spoke up, her teeth grinding against each other, "He is one of the squires too, training to be a knight and has earned many medals for sports and games. But mother, I still don't think I need to be-"

"What is his age," Mrs. Crowly interrupted. 

"22," Justin answered.

Mrs. Crowly looked up at Jena with a smile. "Ah, look at that. He's older than you and in a high position. You wouldn't mind marrying him right?"

"I- mother," Jena called out. 

"Check for his name on any of the letters we may receive," Mrs. Crowly sighed. 

"Mother, am I really that much of a nuisance to you? Must I be married off like this?" Jena asked, her voice choking up.

Mrs. Crowly looked up, holding back everything in her from hugging Jena. "Yes. You are."

Jena looked away, her eyes dropping to her food. 

"Then Maria will take Antonio and Annabeth, Ciergo?" Mrs. Crowly cocked her head. She looked at Annabeth, "I don't like the thought of that. Were there other people present with you?"

"Lord Dramio, son of Marquess Menitio, Lord Santigio and Lord Falls, brother of Antonio," Justin answered, "Marquess Louis is soon to be married to Lady Addison."

Mrs. Crowly's eyes brightened. "Brother of Antonio? Then that can be it. Annabeth and Falls."

Annabeth flinched, her fork dropping to her plate. Her head turned to her mother and a blush was hidden behind her veil. "What?!"

Mrs. Crowly turned to her daughter, surprised at her surprise, "What is it? You'll be fine with him, right? Lord Falls."

Annabeth tried not to blush at Lord Falls' name. "It's too early for me to be wedded with someone."

"Oh really? Would you like to be like your sister then? Other girls at her age have long been wedded. Will you like to wait till you're 21 before marriage too? Have people skip over you because of your age?" Mrs. Crowly asked, her eyebrow raising. 

"If I get married into the wrong family and start getting abused and eventually cheated on and dumped, what will you say then? How will I be looked at by others?" Annabeth retorted, "is it going to be easier to find someone for me then? Wouldn't I spend the rest of my days alone?"

Mrs. Crowly flinched. A neglected married woman was like a taboo, a tainted woman and no one else would dare to touch in society. Some are very lucky and get picked up again but others just spend their days alone with no one to give them comfort. That was worse than marrying late. At least the being will still be pure then.

Mrs. Crowly flinched, "As soon as you turn 20, you will be married and my mind is made up Annabeth. As for your sisters, they will be married this year."

Jena and Maria's head rose to their mother immediately, their eyes widening. 

"Justin too. I will have him engaged this year and as soon as his birthday comes around, he will be married," Mrs. Crowly announced. 

"Don't you think this is a bit rash?" Mr. Crowly tapped his wife's arm. She shrugged it away. 

"Would you like to shield them away from the world until they're 30 then? Who would want them then? It's thanks to you that they're still here like this," Mrs. Crowly snapped, not even turning to look at her husband.

Mr. Crowly shuddered.

"Don't be surprised now," Mrs. Crowley chuckled. "Did you get too used to the illusions? Make your way down to earth then because nothing down her is worth smiling at. The fact I have to hide my emotions should show you that where we're at right now is laughable," Mrs. Crowly rolled her eyes, "You have no right to interfere with this."


"Before you start believing you have some power please remember all you've hidden leading up to now. Don't sit down and wonder what it will take to make me happy again. Your flowers and jewels won't work. Figure out what to do with this family," Mrs. Crowly continued, she turned to Mr. Crowly, looking past him. "Only then will this smile-" she gave a big grin towards the direction where one of her friends was sitting. She turned back to the table, her smile disappearing. "-become real."

Mr. Crowly had nothing to say back. He shouldn't. Anything else he would say would ruin the situation, worsening her mood. 

"Let's try to be more cooperative this time around, ok? I'd hate to go home with no outcome our of this just because of a glitch in your personalities," Mrs. Crowly smiled. "Get your acts together and I'll work on me." She picked up a fork and began digging into the steak on their tables. 

"Let's keep it like that," Annabeth smiled, "now can we eat or are we going to uselessly argue again? It's not like anything we've just said here hasn't been heard before. Some of us here just have really bad hearing."

There was nothing else to be said after that. The Crowly family bit into their food quietly for the rest of the time they had together before another performance. 

Annabeth almost laughed twice. Not because the servant dances were funny but because of the situation. It was so tense that it seemed hilarious. So pathetic it became a circus act. 

She wanted out. Away from them to a little corner by herself. The dinner table was not a place to eat. It was a way to watch over each other and keep each other in check. She hated it. 

She wanted out.

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