
Chapter 137 - Float

Antonio stared at the stage, watching the new girl perform. He was entertained, but still had this pending boredness stirring in his chest. He didn't want to see anybody else, but only the three sisters.

He wondered about the performance, what they were going to say, do, how they were going to look, if they were going to wear the veil again or if they were going to, and even how they would dress. 

There was this, excitement building in him from anticipation. It was shown on his face despite his attempts to hide it.

"Are you curious?" Justin asked, his eyes fixed on the female performer.

"Of course I am-" Antonio began before he cut his voice off, his voice turning in surprise to the person beside him. A blush spread on his face, "Oh... um, I meant, yes I am."

Justin grinned turning to Antonio, "Really now?" he cocked his head, his expression in a playful grin.

Antonio looked away quickly, a bit flustered at Justin's comment. He looked at the performer for a bit before smiling, "If I had to be honest, yes, very curious."

"Oh really?" Justin asked, pressing for more information. 

Antonio nodded his head sheepishly, "Hmm. I mean, who wouldn't?" Antonio grinned. 

"What do you mean?" Justin asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"So far, their performances have been amazing," Antonio replied. He looked at Justin for a moment to see if that was enough of an answer. It wasn't. "If I had to say, one of the performances I loved the most, is definitely the ones with your sister and without that, one of her majesty to be."

Justin listened intently. He wasn't going to lie, he was curious too. Less of his sisters and more of Antonio.

"They were so… captivating honestly. The aura, the feeling one would get just from watching them was incredible. It almost felt like you were dancing along with them or just floating the entire time," Antonio continued, "I'm sure I was not the only one who thought that in the audience and certainly would not be the only one that the emotion would stick."

His eyes stared into the audience, light brown eyes shimmering as he remembered the moment. "It was so captivating… it was amazing."

He could remember her dancing. It was such a light feeling, one that kept him peaceful but at the same time on the edge of his seat. Her eyes were so fierce, piercing one with just one stare. It was amazing. 

"Maybe it was because she's around our age or something but it just seemed so unbelievable. Like someone that close to what I am now is able to pull off something on that scale and pull it off so immaculately. It was so stunning, I was shocked," Antonio chuckled, "and then you'd have her right next to you breathing the same air and it's like- wow. I'm in a room full of talented people. How lucky I am to be here."

Justin smiled as he watched Antonio smile. It was a contagious grin, that smile of his. Justin chuckled, he liked that. 

"It's that feeling, that feeling of unrealness that makes it so appealing, it would be weird if someone was curious about it after watching a performance like that. I'm sure everyone in the room felt the same way," Antonio smiled, tiny wrinkles forming under his bright eyes when he beamed. 

He turned to Justin with the same smile. "I'm sure you felt the same way."

Justin stared at him blankly for a moment, a bit taken aback at Antonio's expression for a moment. They locked eyes for a minute, blue mixing with hazel before Antonio pulled away from eye contact in surprise, his cheeks slightly pink. 

Justin continued to look at Antonio for a moment before bursting into laughter. 'How cute,' he thought to himself.

"Yea, I get the feeling," Justin chuckled, a big smile coming onto his face. "But doesn't the same feelings come off the queen-to-be?"

Antonio gave a shy smile. "Of course! But it's so much more intense, it's magical when she dances. It's not just us that's floating, it's like revolve around her for a moment, like she ascends to a completely different level when she dances and we watch her become a goddess. The queen-to-be is on a completely different level than her dancing."

Justin's smile wiped off his face quickly. "Are you trying to say that my sisters are not good at dancing?"

Antonio's eyes widened, "Of course not! They are beautiful when they dance! I'm just saying that the queen is kinda overwhelming for me. Like I'm scared of what might happen to me when I watch her dance. She completely pulls you in and renders you speechless. That's scary."

"Ah… but then what about my sisters?" Justin cocked his head.

"Your sister…" Antonio muttered as he slipped back into the moment again. "She's just the right amount. I don't want to be drawn into the point of not even knowing what's going on, she keeps me on earth but makes me levitate, makes me feel like my feet are lifted off the ground, like I'm floating. It's this feeling of just being comfortable in the moment, like time slows down for a moment and you just stare."

Justin watches Antonio intently as he explains. A smile crawled onto his pink lips. 'How cute…'

"She's not too too much but not enough. She's a little over the right amount but the right amount to me that makes me just feel... At peace," A small smile appeared on Antonio's face, like he was admiring something from afar. 

It was the most subtle but warmest smile.

"Something makes me think you can talk about this for ages," Justin chuckled.

Antonio blushed, "I've been talking for a while now haven't I?"

"Hmm," Justin grinned, "just a bit longer than expected."

"Haha…" Antonio nervously chuckled, his hand running through his hair. "I'm sorry…"

Justin grinned, taking a sip of his tea. "No worries, it was entertaining. I didn't mind."

"Oh…" Antonio let out a smile of relief, "that's good."

Justin's ears perked up at that a bit before he sipped his tea again, a little smile hiding behind his cup. He watched Antonio for a moment as he turned back to the performance floor as another girl was being introduced. 

He set down this teacup on its little plate. "Oh, and by the way," he began.

Antonio's head turned to him immediately. "Yes?"

Justin turned to the girl on the performance floor. "Were you talking about my sisters or just one of them?" his blue eyes turned to meet Antonio's widened stare, "it seems like you've been describing one of them this entire time."

Antonio flinched and he ran back on his words. His face heating up immensely when he remembered all that he said. 

"Ah.."Justin's eyebrow raised, a smirk seeping onto his face, "looks like I was right."

Antonio's head lowered as he tried to hide his face. 

Justin chuckled, turning back to the girl performing before him. "I would love to know who that is."

Antonio hid his face for a few seconds while his cheeks calmed down. It was a bit embarrassing… humiliating really but for some reason, it didn't feel all that bad. A tiny smile formed on his face and he chuckled. He was a bit nervous, his intentions were being read before he could say them but as much as he felt that he had to be on his best behavior, he also felt calm. 

He let out a deep breath and grinned. It felt easier now, like there was less suffocating and more breathing. The seat finally felt comfortable beside Justin. 

"How many people has it been?" Justin asked. 

"13?" Antonio replied. 

"Wow… they seem to be passing by quickly," Justin sighed. "When do you think they'll show?"

Antonio thought about it for a second before nodding his head. "Soon."


Jena looked in the mirror one more time and brushed her hair behind her ears revealing a little gold circle on her ear from which beaded strings hung from. She brushed down her puffy dress and stood up, a long cape flowing behind her. 

On her head her ornaments jingled, white wing-like ornament on both sides on her head from which a piece of jewelry almost identical to those on her ears hung on. 

Her slightly puffy hair brushes against her right eyebrow while the other, her hair was slicked back into the long straight brown waves of hair that flowed down against the cape down to her waist. 

On her neck was a thick choker from which the cape was attached to and hanging down the middle of the choker onto Jena's chest was a ruby. 

She rubbed her red lips together and walked towards the door, standing in front of it for a moment while her servant said a word of encouragement. Slowly she pulls open the door and is led by the woman out of the room and into the hallways. 

Her white heels made a satisfying click as they walked down the hallway, her servant following behind her with something large in her hands.. She was ready.

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