
Chapter 143 - Curious

He wasn't going to ask now. There was no way he could, not in front of everyone. 

He wanted to know about it on his own time. Away from them in a room with only him and Ciergo. Only then would ever be able to get the full answer to his question. 

Whatever Ciergo could tell him now would only be words he was allowed to say in the position of a "Knight'' guarding a noble, not as a best friend. Answers from a title like that were never complete. They were twisted words, only half truth, barely any of his real thoughts included in them. 

No one ever spoke the truth in front of nobles unless it was out of sight. 

Antonio let out a sigh. Now he had more reason to be anxious and impatient. Not only did he want to see her perform but he also wanted to hear Ciergo's words. He hated feeling impatient.

"Sigh… if only I had the characteristics of at least one of them," Addison muttered and all the heads in their group turned to her. 

"What do you mean?" Louis immediately replied, a pout forming on his face, "you're perfect as you are," Louis patted her head.

"What did you use to call me before you gave me a ring," Addison cocked her head to the side, her eye-brow rising mischievously at Louis. 

Louis looked away guiltily. "At least you're not that unruly NOW," he muttered to himself. 

"Yea, yea," Addison nodded as she rolled her eyes, "you're completely biased."

Justin looked up at Addison, his eyes running up and down her figure and her face. She was a beauty too. She was finely curved, had a nice taste for clothing and had beautiful long brown locks that fell down to her back. Her face was blemish less and free of ache, they were light, smooth and very lively. 

She had a beautiful smile and a personality that attracted people from everywhere as soon as they laid their eyes on her. 

She may not have been on par with his or his sister's beauty but she was much better than any of them could aim to be moral wise and mentally. She was someone whose mind wasn't rotting slowly from the inside out, whose pure smile was actually pure. Her bright hazel eyes actually sparkled and her thoughts were light and fluffy not grey clouds that consistently rained down hell. 

Best of all, she was something someone could not regret getting to know. One that when they peeked under the tight wrappings, it would be the same underneath and even better, a beautiful present. 

She wasn't like Justin and his sisters, she wasn't a shell of a human. 

"I think you're rather nice," Justin spoke up.. He flinches when heads turn to him immediately. 

"I mean… you're beautiful and come from an amazing background. Not to mention that captivating smile of yours. You have a pure mind and soul and words that only know how to help rather than hurt," He continued, "I think you're an amazing woman just as yourself."

Addison blushed, taken aback at Justin's comment. "W-why that you," she stuttered. She looked back at where Maria had performed longingly. "It wouldn't kill to get just a tiny bit of them though. They're so… calm, reserved, mysterious, and best of all stunningly beautiful. Any girl in this kingdom would love a characteristic that they had."

'Except from the girls themselves,' Justin thought to himself as his eyes darkened a bit. "I think you missed the point here, Lady Addison," Justin smiled, "I'm saying that you don't need anything that they have. It might simply ruin your personality when you think it might be a good idea to make some else's traits, yours."

Louis nodded his head and Addison blushed again. 

"I'm sure that was the reason why you got engaged in the first place," Justin grinned. 

Addison finally nodded her head in agreement, the blush on her face strengthening into a blinding smile. 

"You almost sound like you're preparing the speech to make at our wedding ahead of time," Addison chuckled. 

Justin blinked in confusion. "Wedding?"

Addison's head tilted to the side in surprise, "You didn't know? About our wedding?"

Justin stared back at her blankly. 

Addison stared back at him before she gasped in realization. "Oh! That's right, it's your first time coming to one of these. It's your first time even meeting any of the people in the room probably and we're the only people you've been talking to this entire time and we never mentioned the wedding-"

Louis taps Addison's shoulder and she takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm guessing you don't know about the date of our wedding yet?" Louis grinned. 

Justin nodded in reply. 

"It's in a week actually," Louis proudly announced, to which Addison pouted. 

She punched his shoulder lightly, "Hey! I wanted to be the one to say it first!"

He flinched, acting like he was in deep pain. "Yes, yes, Madam. Your lowly servant was wrong," he chuckles as he pretends to be in pain. 

Addison puffs her chest in victory. "Humph! I thought so."

A little chuckle escapes Justin's lips as he stares at the couple. They were simply too cute. Their personalities, seemingly opposites on their owns were now so blended together he was almost unable to tell them apart. He couldn't wait to see them after marriage, he wanted to see their colors then. 

Maybe the lively shade of yellow Addison emitted would stand out blaringly against Louis's deep blue or maybe they would have mixed to form the beautiful shade of green. He wanted to know, he wanted to see. 

"Truthfully, the reason why we came here today was to get out a lot of invitations to our wedding in a week," Addison explained, "it is the only big event before our wedding that we could get a lot of royals to attend. We figured we would just give out all of the invitations today."

Justin nodded his head in understanding. "I see."

Addison grinned. "If you know then…" She jabbed louis with her elbow and waited for him to reach into his pockets for a few moments. Seconds later he pulled out a few envelopes and handed it to Addison. 

She passed it down the line to Justin who touched the envelope gently. 

"Come to our wedding please!" Addison called out. 

Justin's finger ran up and down the envelope, his fingers brushing against the black intricate designs on the edges of the envelope. He was hesitant. He wanted to take the envelopes but at the same time to shove them away. 

It was the feeling of unworthiness when the envelope that held a single piece of paper weighed down his hands. He was being invited to watch the happiest day of two people's lives. In his hand was an ending to a chapter and the beginning of a completely new chapter for two people and he was allowed to watch it. 

Was he worth it? What had he done to deserve it? An hour or more of conversation does not grant him enough of a reason to be able to be part of their lives, to experience it with them. Just because he sat with them doesn't mean he can drink wine with them to celebrate their wedding. 

The envelope felt so heavy. He was reluctant to open it.

"Are you sure?" Justin muttered, the question escaping his lips before he could realize it. 

"Hm? What do you mean?" Addison cocked her head to the side innocently.

Justin's eyes ran up and down the envelope. "Do I de-" he stopped his words and looked up at Addison, a smile seeping onto his face. "Didn't you bring a certain amount of envelopes? Doesn't that mean that you calculated who you wanted to give it to? What about the people that could have gotten this in place of us?"

Addison let out a 'hm.'

"You don't have to be courteous, the envelopes are meant for someone else, I won't dare to take something someone else was supposed to have," Justin smiled, preparing to pass the invitations back up.

Addison grinned. "Hm?" she muttered, soon bursting into laughter. "But we brought 15 extra invitations just in case."

Justin blinked, unsure of if he had heard correctly. "Huh?"

Addison chuckled. "I was going to count a specific number of people but it was Louis' idea to bring extra just in case we find people we didn't originally account for to bring to the wedding," she explained with a bright smile. 

"Looks like my idea was useful now wasn't it?" Louis bragged with a smirk.

"Oh shut it," Addison rolled her eyes as he bit back a grin that eventually came rolling out.

Ciergo looked in the direction of Addison and her fiancé. His lips twitched. He wanted to smile, to show something he should never show. 

He turned away from them and looked forward in time for the announcer to begin to announce the next performer. 'How cute…' he thought to himself.

'What a cute smile…'

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