
Chapter 145 - Realization

Antonio sat there in contemplation for a moment, his heart falling to the ground immediately. The realization had scared him.

Realization? He should have seen the pattern from early on. It wasn't realization, it was acceptance. An acceptance he wasn't ready to accept. 

Antonio blushed, his cheeks getting increasingly hot. He looked down at the girl on the ground and let out a deep sigh. "What am I going to do now?"

"What are you going to do now? You are going somewhere?" Justin asked, leaning closer to Antonio. 

Antonio couldn't look up at Justin again. He felt like he had committed a crime. He didn't know it was like that… he thought it was simply curiosity. 

Every time his eyes would wander to her, he thought it was curiosity, Every time his heart would thump when he looked at her he thought it was 'liking' her presence around him, every time he thought of her… envisioned her… Antonio's blush spread further and the thoughts started to manifest. 

'Am I stupid? How did I not notice until now??!' Antonio thought to himself. He finally looked up at Justin, his eyes shining in pure alarm. 

'What do I do now? Do I tell him??' Antonio thought to himself. He hates dishonesty. He was sure he would hate it if someone who liked his sister began to harbor feelings without getting consent first. But was that the case for Justin? How could he be certain of Justin's reaction?

Antonio's eyes nervously searched in Justin's for a moment. He then looked away immediately, his eyes shutting tightly as he downed his tea immediately.

'Arg you dummy, this is your fault,' Antonio thought to himself. 'How can you sit there and admire someone for so long without even realizing that you're gaining feelings for them?? And you even dared to think you 'like' them without first confirming the type of like that you were talking about.' 

He looked up at Justin again briefly, before shyly turning away. 

'AND I made a bet with Justin too without not first realizing what type of 'like' was in my heart,' Antonio thought to himself. He made a pouting face, one that Justin noticed. 

In fact, Justin was noticing all his faces. He watched him as they switched back and forth nervously like he didn't know which emotion to make at that moment. 

First came awe and then he looked away to talk to Falls when he looked back at Antonio to find him looking like he was having a life crisis.

"Hey," Justin tapped the shoulder of his friend. "Are you ok?"

Antonio jumped immediately, even his ears turning pink. "Y-yes," he nervously replied. 

Justin's eyes peer down at Antonio and his eyebrow raised. "Tell me why I don't believe that," he muttered. 

Antonio flinched, looking back up at Justin. 'Would I be able to tell him? It seems like he likes to hear the truth rather than lies for things like this. Would I be doing myself a disservice by telling him that I like his sister 'like that' or should I just tell him to make sure that I never find any secrets to keep from him?'

Justin's face turned in concern when he saw Antonio's face turn in concern. 'What was he so worried about? Does he think he drank something that's poisonous? That he had to go to the bathroom? Maybe he didn't like Maria's- Nah that's impossible... But then what was it…?"

Justin nearly banged his head against the table from curiosity. He wanted to know. 

Antonio nervously glanced at Justin again before looking away. 

This was the last straw. Justin leaned in close to Antonio and stared straight into his eyes. "Tell me what's wrong. Now."

Antonio flinched, his blush filling his entire face. "I-I u-um so.. This-"

Justin looked at him with an 'I'm waiting,' expression, and Antonio let out a long sigh. He didn't know what to say in return to that. 

'Should I just tell him now?' Antonio thought to himself as he locked eyes with Justin. 'There has never been a more perfect time for this. It would be very abrupt if I just send in a marriage proposal without making it known to the brother first that I have something going on in my mind about his sister.' 

His eyes grew a certain confidence in them as he looked up at Justin. He wanted to say something about it. Right before his mouth opened, they pursed against each other immediately. 

"Nothing… never mind," Antonio muttered. 

Justin's eyes searched in Antonio's. He seemed crestfallen. 'This is unfair though… how is he going to have that type of expression on his face, then tell me that nothing is wrong? Did he actually get sick? What will happen to me? I was the one sitting right next to him. If something were to happen, I'd be the prime suspect immediately.'

Justin glanced at Antonio. 'Do I wait until he tells me then?' Justin thought to himself, 'it doesn't look like he's going to tell me anything though. Should I get him to tell Falls? After all, that is his brother. If there's anyone in this group that is entitled to know about Antonio it would be Falls so why am I the one sitting here all worried about what's on with Antonio?'

Antonio lowered his head and ran his hand through his long locks. Justin's eyes were still looking. 

'I know I should tell Falls but why do I get this feeling that it's about me?' Justin thought.

Antonio turned to Maria, his heart calming down a bit when he looked at her. Her music was soothing. She was visibly calmer too. 

He turned down to his teacup and was about to take another sip when he realized that his cup was empty. 

Slowly the end of the music drew near and Maria's gentle strokes drew to an end. She was building up anticipation with her piece, slowly bringing the tension in the room to another level as her piece ends, and finally, she plucks her final string and her piece is over. 

There was another silence in the hall. There always seemed to be silent when the Crowly daughter performed. The people always seemed so obsessed with them. From their beauty to their skills, there was nothing they couldn't marvel at. 

It was hilarious that Antonio just realized that. How he was being drawn into the performance himself, or rather how he didn't realize that his gaze was a lot more different than the others.

If he had to be honest, he carried on the waves on the song but was barely paying attention to his surroundings for the majority of the piece. Maybe that was the reason why he was able to realize it then. His feelings for one of the Crowly sisters. 

He sat in silence for a moment before turning to Justin. He was going to say it. 

"Justin… I have something to say," Antonio called out to Justin. 

Justin turned to him immediately, his face shining in anticipation. He was excited to hear. So excited that his eyes beamed so brightly. 

It served as both a motivator and demotivator for Antonio.

He cleared his throat and looked at Justin shyly, who looked back at Antonio with a slightly confused, excited expression. 

"I…" Antonio began. His voice cut off immediately after as he pondered once again whether this was acceptable or not. 'Maybe I should just be quiet… I'll just end the marriage proposal like everyone else then… what if I ruin the bond we're forming right now because of this?'

He let out a long sigh. 

"Hm?" Justin probed. 

Antonio flinched. "No... it's nothing."

Justin frowned, a pout forming on his face. "No way! You have to tell me now too! You can't just tell me you have something to tell me and then NOT tell me what it was that you had to tell me."

Antonio flinched, his face twisting up into more frustration. 

"Right? Sighhh," Antonio muttered. 

"Now that you know, stop taking so long to say something and just tell me now. Your silence is slowly stifling me and it hurts," Justin jokes, "I want to know. Now."

"Ok," Antonio sighed, turning back to Justin, his voice dripping to just above a whisper. "I favor one of your sisters."

Justin's eyes widened. It was just a facial reaction, he wasn't that surprised. "Really?!" Justin asked, he had to hold back the sparkle that was begging to be let go in his eyes. "Who is it?"

Antonio flinched. He turned to Maria who had finished playing and talking with the king. 'This is all your fault,' he thought to himself as he looked at Maria. He turns back to Justin shyly. He hesitated at first before continuing. 

"I like-"

The round of applause could be heard in the waiting room. It was louder, stronger than the last due to the strong note that Jena's performance had ended upon. 

Annabeth was super excited, it was going to be her turn soon.

She looked into the mirror and smiled.. She couldn't wait to ace her performance and then bank out on the candy and foods of the world in the banquet room.

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