
Chapter 147 - Lusinda

Antonio was sure he was not the only one that felt the tension. The unwritten glances of anger between the royals and Princess Lusinda who stood on the performance floor. 

He was sure he wasn't the only one that could notice how piercing the green eyes from above looked down at Lusinda and how she brushed them off easily, continuing on to her dance without a care in her mind. The room sat in silence. It was tense. 

Lusinda was like a ruby in a box full of diamonds. Despite the fact that she was of low quality, that she was less appreciated, that she was less strong, she stood out. She would be the one picked first simply because of her outer looks. 

That simple concept was something to keep in mind as the audience watched her. They were enchanted. Her red-brown hair swayed back and forth beautifully as she moved and her face glowed with an otherworldly shine, her skin as smooth as rocks on the shores, being lapped over by the rushing waves over hundreds of years, her skin as light as the shade of a pearl.

The standard of beauty had been run over and crushed to smithereens just by one look at her face. She looked like beauty in itself. 

Her rosy cheeks, petite lips, and small button nose were like little godlike features placed on her beautiful face. 

Antonio was astonished. There was something seriously wrong with the system today. He was glad he decided to come to the ceremony this time, it was flooded with beauties he didn't even know existed within the kingdom. 

He wasn't the only one that thought that. The entire room was in awe at the women present at the celebration. There were so many levels of beauty in the ceremony now. From the ladies that participated in the event to some rare beauties to some extra rare beauties that were present to golden beauties to deities to godly beauty and the otherworldly godly beauties. He was astonished. 

There were otherworldly beauty in the room, Theodore's fiance and Princess Claudia who sat on a throne high above the others. If that wasn't enough then there was Lusinda, a godly beauty. Antonio was overwhelmed. 

Justin eyed Lusinda and then looked up at the royals on the throne. There seemed to be this short fuse that hovered above the royals and Lusinda's head. Just one light and it was bound to explode. The tension was so real, however, it seemed to be helping Lusinda more as more eyes were locked on her. They laid sight on her once and never left off her. 

Justin was indeed pulled into Lusinda, but he was more interested in the faces of the people in the room and the pressing matters on his hands. If he wasn't, he too would have gotten hypnotized by her dance.

Lusinda twirled round and round on her toes. She was dancing ballet. 

In the middle of one of her twirls, her hand swiftly grabs the long piece of fabric that is holding her hair up into a ponytail and she pulls, the ribbon letting go immediately and red waterfalls roll down in waves down to her back.

She switches from her twirl and goes on her toes, walking towards the royal family for a few steps before she begins to twirl on her toes and stops just a few steps away from the steps leading up to the thrones. 

Theodore's fingers curled up into a fist as Lusinda looked up, her eyes meeting with his. Her hazel eyes still glinted as brightly as usual, they were calling to him. Their eyes bounce of each other, emerald clashing against the soft but precise and sweet shade of hazel. There was a little pause and she leaned in, her head turning up as she stared into his eyes, her eyes melting into his for a moment. His jaw clenched and a small smile passed on her face. 

She liked that reaction.

She turned back in one fell swoop and did more pirouettes on her toes, leading away from the throne, and then stepped out of them with two jump-like steps before her feet push off the ground and she leaps into the air gaining such height that the audience's eyes had to look up just to follow her movements. 

The air hung in stillness and the world almost seemed like it had stopped for a moment as she stayed in the air, a glorious swan stopped at its moment of utmost beauty. Her hair floated up with her, following her movements exactly and her train floated around her like feathers of a bird in flight. 

The world sped forward again as she returned to the ground on her pointed toes so lightly that not a sound could be heard but the fluttering of clothes in the air returning to the ground.

It was such a beautiful movement that the audience sucked in their breath, marveled at her elegance and her absolutely hypnotizing alluring beauty. They were in a trance. It was not as intense as when Adria had danced on the performance floor as that performance could never be topped. It would stay embedded in all's memory as the time a god danced. 

Lusinda in one word was an anomaly. She stood out in the crowd no matter how many times one tried to push her down, her beauty one that should not have been put on earth. It was tempting. 

Justin leans a bit and looks down at his empty teacup regrettably. This would have been one of the moments that required a sip of tea. He looked back to Lusinda, his eyes narrowing as they inspected her 

Her dance was different from the ones that he had seen throughout the celebration. He had seen charming dances, elegance, beauty, godliness, and even seduction. Lusinda's dance, like everything else about her, stood out. 

He stares at her for a moment, his eyes piercing into her every move trying to figure out a phrase to describe her dancing. Once he did, he nodded. A snake. That was what she was dancing like. 

The phase was the complete opposite of the dance that she let on. Her steps were elegant and everything about her seemed glorious really. But they were all so smooth and slick, like they were made up at that moment yet carried out so precisely. She was dancing with an intent to enchant, like she was laying a spell on everyone in the room with every step she took. His eyes narrowed as the red tint on her lips caught his eyes. No… his eyes were drawn there by her intentionally. 

She was dancing with the intent to seduce.

Her seductiveness was covered cleverly by her choice of dance and her mild facial expressions. She looked elegant to any eye that was to glance at her. Yet became painfully apparent when the person can't look away from her. 

She was holding the attention of everyone in the room in her hand and tightly grasped onto their every breath, pulling her in closer and closer. Yet there was this dismissal action with her eyes when they would open so blankly. 

Justin had watched his sisters dance for most of his life and had gotten used to spotting different types of steps in dances and the intent behind them. The dance his sisters had performed was seductive, it was meant to be seductive and it pulled through with its plan. Although it was also mild in a way that covered up the waves of seduction they were pushing out, it wasn't hard to tell that they were trying to be seductive.

It was the same for every other dance he had witnessed except for Adria's which was special in its own way. 

Lusinda's dance was seductive but it was hidden behind the facade of an elegant movement. She was a snake. One that pulls people in intentionally while hiding the fact that that was what she was doing. 

'It doesn't seem like she's trying to seduce the audience, but they are rather getting sucked into her dance as a whole,' Justin thought to himself as he continued to stare at Lusinda. 

He watches as she moves closer to the audience. Her hands swirl around in a motion that outlines her body, her hands hovering over her body and they run up her body, over her chest while slightly touching her chest on their way up and over her head when they stop, forming an oval. She was in the fifth position.

Her fifth position splits open and her hands slowly come down and arch forward, pulling in to her before pushing out, her body pulling the opposite direction her hands pushed forward to. Her hands pull back in and she pushes them back out again, this time running one leg on the ground in an arch and spinning onto the leg that she turned with. 

'Ah…' Justin turned to himself as he caught the stare that she shot towards the thrones. He smirked immediately after. 'So that's what it is,' he thought to himself. 

Now that he had noticed it, her steps were ever so noticeable. How had he not noticed it before? How clever she was.

'She is trying to seduce only one person in this room,' Justin thought to himself, his eyes following her gaze as she looked up at him again.. 'She is trying to seduce Prince Theodore.'

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