
Chapter 150 - Meaningless

It was meaningless for Theodore to even try and keep a smile on his face. He was so clearly annoyed, so deeply irked, so immensely disturbed, that if not for the fact that this event was for his wife, or that it was an event at all, he would have kicked Lusinda out without a second thought. 

She was like a lost puppy that never stopped coming back to you even when it found a new home, a new leash, and a new owner. 

He despised her every benign and could feel himself getting visibly disturbed at her appearance. The anger boiling deep inside him whenever they locked eyes, the deep sense of insanity when she smirked was slowly pushing him to the edge. Who knew what he was going to do when he was pushed off. 

The king looked down at Lusinda for a moment with blank eyes. He wasn't like his son, Theodore. He didn't have any personal grudge against her, neither did he have of her family but… he wasn't blind to all she had done. 

He wasn't confused as to how to react nor was he wasn't trying to hold back any other emotions. He was just staring at her in the way he felt like she had to be looked at. Blankly. To give a stare so unfazed and blank that it completely demeans her presence without even saying a word. 

He was dismissing her big entrance without even a wave of his finger. 

His ways of doing things were based on what was the best for his people and the best for his family. His love was well fueled towards the one who loved them, his sadness was directed at those who lay on the streets without a home to return to or food on their plates. The same went for his anger. 

It burned brightly at the sight of something that should have never existed, something whose presence needs to be reduced to the amount of attention a piece of cabbage got in a cabbage stew. He would make her insignificant. So useless that she didn't even have a way to get into the court through Adria. 

He wasn't going to do that by mindlessly snapping at her, or finding the right insults to bring her down. He was going to reply nonchalantly, making it known that she wasn't even noticed in the eyes of the king, let alone that of the one she wanted to please. 

Of course, that would depend on his offsprings and their actions. If they tried to demean her, if they tried to get annoyed or engage in petty exchanges with her, then his actions would be rendered useless. 

A wise one cannot be found in a fight between simpletons. 

The king continued to stare down at Lusinda as the claps in the room subsided. 

"Long life and prosperity to your graciousness!" Lusinda announced, bowing her head before him. 

The king nodded, seemingly dismissing her greeting. "What amazing manners, Princess Lusinda. It seems you have been taught well in your kingdom."

Lusinda smiled, her face glowing heavenly with every grin she made. "Of course, your graciousness, it would be a disgrace to my kingdom if I were to present myself to you in any other way."

"Is the king or queen present in this ceremony then?" The king asked, once again smoothly sliding over her words. 

Lusinda sighed, a slight pout appearing on her face. "No, your graciousness, they have unfortunately been able to the ceremony due to a pile of work suddenly rolling into the kingdom."

The king nodded. "That's a shame then."

Lusinda nodded's, her smile wavering a bit. "Isn't it? Mother and father would have loved to see the castle in its state as of right now. It seems to get more beautiful as it ages, your graciousness. Mind giving me the secret to an amazingly beautiful castle like yours?"

People in the crowd chuckled. The room tumbled down to silence when the king didn't chuckle along with her. He simply had a smile on his face. It wasn't one of pure happiness, nor did he look pleased by her. It looked like a formality. An expression forced onto his face because it had to be there.

"Do invite them over the next time you decide to pop in for a surprise visit," the king smiled. "I'm sure you would be busy by then right? It would be unexpected to find a princess in another castle during her busiest day of the year. I'm sure a swarm of suitors has already tried their best."

Lusinda blushed a bit. "Please do not exaggerate your highness. A few proposals would be nothing in comparison to how much I want to visit the castle. I would love to spend more time here."

The king peered down at her, eyes seemingly unfazed. "Then make sure to tell them my greetings."

Lusinda flinched, her head nearly looking up at the King without his permission. 'Huh?' she thought to herself, completely flustered at the situation. She didn't know how to react, she was utterly unguarded.

"I look forward to seeing your parents the next time. They'll surely have keen eyes for the nice men for you," The king clapped., seemingly happy. 

His lips smiled and he clapped happily but his eyes were far long dead. 

Lusinda didn't' know how to respond She was dumbstruck. 

The king looked down at her for a moment. "If I may, what is stopping your departure Princess Lusinda?

She flinched again, once again unable to understand the words that came to her mind. 'Is he.. Pushing me aside?' Lusinda thought to herself, a scowl nearly formed on her face. 'Why is he dismissing me like that? Did I not do good?' Lusinda continued to thin, thoughts running through her mind in a scrambled manner. She wasn't able to keep up. 

"Ah right!" The king grinned, his hands pointing down at Lusinda. "You may stand."

The audience began to give her another mini-clap but that was shut down in seconds with just one glance of the king, they were both silenced immediately. His glare had been strict, harsh, traumatizing, and yet so intriguing at the same time. They lost interest in Lusinda, their eyes turning to the Royals. They were so handsome and beautiful, each and every one of them being an other-worldly beauty.

Regina had this air of mystery around her. She made no sounds, and just sat there quietly peering down at the audience. It felt like they were being judged but they didn't know. Maybe she was just looking through them, but they didn't know.

Her eyes were the most beautiful of the Aarvi royal family. They were the most perplexing mix of prehnite and peridot, a swirl of a beautiful light green that looked just like the shade of the grass in early spring. Alive and bright. 

Somehow she managed to take such beautiful eyes and completely reverse the effects of them. They were still unnerving, so beautiful it looked so fragile even from sight but they held an air of coldness. 

Her face was never seen in a smile. Her pink soft lips were always seen in a thin line and there was never a moment in which they ever moved in the direction of a smile. 

Her words were so dignified and ladylike much as her gentle features displayed. Yet those dignified ones were held in such high esteem in court as she controlled a part of the army with her words. As a soldier trained in war strategy and fighting, she was straightforward, never one to take show-cuts to get to her answer and never one to make connections without knowing exactly what she would get out of that connection.

Her figure was amazing. So evenly distributed and a nice small waist. Her delicate features were not to confuse anyone as even when she was dressed in the brightest, liveliest clothing, her gaze still managed to always have an air of superiority. He knew where she was in life and where the others were. That was how she regarded everyone, exactly how their position in life asked for. 

It was to no surprise that her gaze at Lusinda was as blank as it could be but was so dominant. She towered over her with such a heavy gaze that Lusinda was forced beneath her finger. 

If there was anyone in the royal family that could disarm a soldier without even making a move, it would be her. Her aura exuded dominancy. 

The situation had completely turned against Lusinda and not even a notion of drama had been noticed in her exchanges in words with the royal family. She was being forced out of the room by her own will and was told to never return ever so politely that not a trace of hostility could be noticed to an unkeen eye. 

Slowly, she stood up from her position on the ground and took a deep bow before the king and his offsprings. Then another for Adria. 

It hurt. It hurt to bow before someone who was sitting in the same seat you were promised from a young age. 

Lusinda's gentle eyes expressed anger for a quick moment before being overturned with kindness. 

"I hope to see you soon, your graciousness," Lusinda smiled, "it has been an honor to be in your presence."

"Shall we meet where our rivers intersect," The king replied blankly, his eyes peering down at her.

Lusinda flinched, pushing away the frustration that was building in her. 

Smoothly, she wrapped her ribbon around her wrist and began her way out of the room.. Her steps were heavy, heard by all in the room as she waved to the people who waved at her on her way out.

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