
Chapter 193 - Help....


The hands that laid tightly over hers didn't loosen at her tears, they hardened forcing her further into the wall. Her cheeks were now pressed against the wall, her tears rolling unto the cold walls and being meshed into her cheeks.

She bent her body back a bit, preventing her stomach from hitting the wall and her hands curled up into a fist, a groan leaving her lips. 

She hated it. The fact that she had to go through all of this suffering, the fact that she had to endure the words that they whispered about her, demeaning words and slurs they didn't know her well enough to prove. The fact that she was forced to work through this all, the fact that she was seen as this usable sex slave now, and the fact that others have begun to see her as the same. She hated all of it so much. So much to kill them all one by one, slaughtered.

But she hated one more thing more than all of that. It was the human in her body. The fact that all the troubles she was facing right now were that thing's fault, the fact that it was created by a monster that used her almost every day, and the fact that it was the only thing people could hold against her. She hated it so much. She hated that little thing so much. She hated the thought of being able to see his face every time she looked at it, but even more at the thought that she would see her face mixed with his on its face. 

She hated the thought of being able to recognize his tendencies in it, and the thought of raising something with that last name attached to it. She wanted to kill it, to poison it slowly to the point that died before being born. And if that didn't work, she would kill herself. Just to get rid of it.

But she couldn't. No matter how many times she thought about it, when she'd raise that bottle of poison to her lips, or when she'd stare at the edge of the cliff multiple times a day for hours, she could never do it. 

She hated it so much. That in the midst of all the horror, all the suffering she had to go through because of it, her first instinct was not to kill it, but to protect it. To protect that monster's baby that was growing inside her. 

To protect her child. 

Her hands wrapped around her belly as another surge of pain ran through her, her legs weakening by the moment. Another contraction. 

Alice's lips trembled as she opened them. " HELP!! HELP ME PLEASE!! HELPPP" she screamed as she held her belly, her legs slipping as she slid to the floor, her face being scratched by the wall. "HELP ME! PLEASE ANYONE… ANYONE PLEASE!! PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME!! HELP M-" 

Her mouth was covered by the voice's hands. 

"SHUT UP YOU SLUT!" the voice yelled, their hands pressing into her face. "No one's going to come and ave you anyways so shut up-"

Alice bit down on the guy's hand, her teeth biting into the flesh so deeply that it bled. 

"AHHH!!" the voice screamed, yanking their hand away. It looked down at the red blood flowing down to the ground and then back at Alice, a deep sense of hate igniting in their eyes as anger plastered onto his face. "YOU LITTLE…" their hands began to raise, "YU LITTLE BITCH!" 

Their hand was brought down on Alice's face harshly, slapping her with such might that her lip tore, and blood began to flow down her chin. She looked u[p at the stranger again, her body shaking intensely in fear as their hands raised again. 

She saw it come down on her again in slow motion almost. Coming in fast… close and closer… she flinched, immediately covering her face with one hand and another to hold her baby. "HELP ME!!" she screamed as the hand neared her face.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE WHORE!" the voice yelled, their hand inches away from her face. "DIE YOU BITCH-"

Alice tightly shut her eyes waiting for the hit of the hand as another contraction hit her, causing her to hunch over slightly in pain. She stayed there, waiting for the hit. It didn't come. She looked up at the stranger, locking eyes with the hate in their beady black voids. Their hand was held back by someone's hand. 

"What the-" the voice muttered, turning back to look at the hand that held its hand back. Immediately after looking back, it trembled, its hand losing all the strength in it. "Mas...master…"

Alice flinched at the name the stranger had called out, her eyes adjusting to the darkness as a figure pulled the voice's hand back, dragging him to the ground. The leg of the stranger rose up and slammed down hard on the voice's body, kicking it again and again and again and again. Blow by blow, each hit as strong or even stronger than the last. 

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" The stranger yelled as it bent down, picking up the voice's body by the collar and driving a fist into his face. "I ASKED YOU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!!" 

The voice whimpered on the ground as it was being stomped on, their voice quivering. "I-it was my mistake master, I apologize, I a-apologize, I apologize, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I apologize, p-please forgive me… pl-ease forgive me…" 

The stranger paused, looking down at the voice's body. "You're sorry? Why are you sorry to me, you little bastard?" The stranger picked up the voice's body by their hair and dragged them to Alice's foot, forcing them to bow to her. "Apologize to the one you tried to rape you fucking bastard."

The voice hesitated, their eyes looked up at Alice, a scowl forming on their face when they locked eyes. Alice flinched, crawling back a bit to the wall. 

"Who are you making that face towards?" the stranger growled, slamming the voice's head into the ground. "I SAID FUCKING APOLOGIZE YOU PIG!"

The voice immediately began to spill out slurred words as they begged for forgiveness. "I-I'm sorry- please forgive me-"

"Is that an apology? LOUDER BASTARD!" the stranger yelled, their hand pressing the voice's head into the cement ground again. 


"LOUDER!" The stranger pressed. 


"Stop it…" Alice muttered, her body crawling back towards the wall. 


"I SAID STOP IT!!" Alice screamed, her back pressing against the wall, "SHUT UP! STOP IT! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" Tears flowed down her cheeks as she covered her ears. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" 

The stranger flinched, looking up at Alice, their grip on the voice's head decreasing. "Why… whY?! HE DID YOU WRONG!"

"BUT HE'S NOT SORRY!!" Alice screamed, her body shuddering as another wave of pain hit her. "THEY'RE NEVER SORRY! Every single time… any time you force them to apologize. They aren't sorry. They would do the same thing to me, again and again, to watch me tunnel into desperation. They aren't sorry… so stop it."

"But-" the stranger began. "But- he hurt you, he hurt-"

"No…" Alice muttered, looking up at the stranger, their eyes locking, "You hurt me, Justin. Not them. So stop it…"


"Stop it, Justin," Alice muttered, her lips quivering. "Enough."

Justin flinched, dropping the voice and rushing over to her side. "Are you cold?" he asked, "are you ok?" 

His hand reached for her shoulder but she flinched, her eyes turning to him, widened in fear from his touch. He stopped, lowering his hand. 

He turned back to the voice on the ground, annoyance, and anger forming on his face. "Get out," he commanded, his eyes glaring at the voice. "Get out of my sight, and out of the mansion in 20 minutes. You're fired."

"No!" Alice yelled, her trembling hand reaching out and holding Justin on the arm. "Please don't fire him… he doesn't deserve to get fired over this."

"Doesn't deserve to get fired? He almost assaulted you. It was almost rape, Alice. He was going to TAINT you!" Justin yelled, brushing her arm off gently, "I know you'd rather him stay but he needs to go. At least let me do that."

Alice flinched, turning away from Julian.. She looked away and Justin stared at her for a moment before turning back to the servant laying on the ground, staring at them with fearful eyes.

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