
Chapter 199 - One More


It was hell. She was in hell. 

She had always thought she had been living in hell before. She was a slave, being forced to work every day. She was treated worse than the other slaves though. She was different, she and her brother were different. They had fallen from people to slaves, from humans to rats. They had been reduced to hell because of a decision they had no control over. 

Their family was broken, their status the same as the dirt that others stepped on. In that broken state, they were taken and put to work. Every day, she would do the work of three. Cook, clean, wash, sweep, garden. Her list of work was endless. She would wash even the slave's clothes and then there was the work that she only could do. 


A job she and her brother were forced to do from day one. They were toys. Forced to entertain their masters and beaten to pools of blood when they weren't pleased. A job that they did 24/7 just by breathing. 

And then there was the job that was her specialty. One that she would be teased off daily. Her relationship with the young master of the house. His s*x slave. His toy. She hated it. It would have been ok, it might have been more bearable if it had just stopped there. If she wasn't forced to conceive a son for him that later died or that she was forced to conceive another and if she wasn't mocked by slaves of her status. She wasn't even a slave at that [oint. 

There was a rug, a mat, a brick. But even those would have more purpose in life than her.

It made her wonder why she had to be alive through all of this, through the bullying she took from the lowest in society that still managed to step on her, through the whippings she endured, through the harassment she faced, and even watching the number of slashes on her brother's back increased. Why did she have to be alive? Why did she have to watch him grow weaker with every hit, to fake a smile and pretend he was ok when he wasn't for her. 

All of this. All of this suffering. 

These were the thoughts that would hit after all of this. The thoughts that she would be covered with the moment this baby was out. The moment she gave birth to another shackle in her life.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

A tear rolled down her whin as she screamed once again, giving another strong push, her body growing weaker by the second, her vision now black. 

'Why me?' she thought to herself as she screamed again. 


'WHY ME?!'

And then she heard it, a new voice, a different voice that called out to her from the chattering of the world around her and the words the physician tried to reassure her with. A voice that called her name with such tenderness and anguish. A voice that shared her misery. 

"ALICE!!!" The voice called out, a hand reaching for her hand and grabbing it. 

Her brother, Kamin. 

Kalmin ran down the hall, his eyes spotting a room where people ran in and out of, rushing with bloodied sheets. He didn't stop once and kept on running. Straight forward, pushing through the crowd and into the room. 

Almost immediately, he was overwhelmed by such strong odors. 'Blood…' he thought to himself as his body seemed to freeze. 'Blood... its blood…' He stood there as a shiver ran through him, his mind beginning to space out again. 'Alice… bleeding…'

He was scared. Terrified. He didn't want to see what was waiting for him, he didn't want to see her screams, her thrashing, her bleeding. It was terrifying, petrifying. So he froze. Stood there with dazed eyes as his hand trembled. 

He wasn't ready. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the voice called out again. It pierced into his mind, shaking him. Stirring him. 

He didn't have the time to be afraid.

His eyes looked up and he pushed through the crowd of people into the room, his eyes laying on the body that laid on the red bed. From that little body came a scream as tears rolled down her cheeks. Such soft smooth cheeks. Such a young body that jerked as they screamed, their hands holding tightly on to a servant's hand and the other clenching the sheets below her. 

There she was, his sister in a state that was terrifying to even look at. Tears fell down his face as she screamed again, her eyes rolling back and her body rising slightly off the bed before falling again. 


His body moved forward without hesitation towards her. He shoved past as servant, his lips opening and calling out her name. "ALICE!!"

He fell to his knees, his hand reaching for the hand that held on to the servant and grabbing it. "ALICE!!!" he cried as she cried out again as she pushed. 

He trembled, his hand shaking as she held on to it tightly, gripping his hand so hard that his finger felt like they were going to break. But he didn't care. His sister, the light of his world was before him in such a broken state. Weeping, yelling, and giving birth to another being. 

"Who are-" the physician began, turning to Kalmin with an annoyed face. His expression settled when he locked eyes with Kalmin. He could see the desperation in his gaze. The physician looked away, turning in the direction of Alice's legs. "can you hold on to her tightly?" he asked. 

He didn't need to check back to look at Kalmin. He knew he was going to. 

"Alice!" Kalmin called out, turning back to his sister, his other hand wrapping around her hand. "Alice!!" 

She barely stirred, dazed eyes turning to look up to him but though she couldn't make out his figure, she knew who it was. She knew his hand and his voice that called out to her so softly and lovingly. Her eyes shone with recognition. "…"

Kalmin stared back at her with tears in his eyes and held on to her tightly like she did with him. She barely had the time to reassure home with a smile, a bone-chilling scream leaving her lips as she pushed again. 

Her nails dug into Kalmin's skin as she reeled back, grunting in agony. 


"i-It's ok…" Kalmin muttered shakily as his grip on her hand tightened. "You're going to be ok… it's going to be alright."

Alice bellowed again as she pushed, her skin digging further into Kalmin's hand. "It hurts…" she muttered in a weak voice, "IT HURTSSSS- ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" 

Kalmin Flinched, inching closer to her, his forehead pressing against the side of her sweaty head. "It's- it's ok… we're ok… you'll be fine.. Just a little more…" He muttered, holding her hand back. His lips trembled. "Just a little more Alice, just a little more..."

His words were words of encouragement. But they weren't just for Alice. They were for him, a reassurance that he muttered to keep himself stable in this, a few words to make him the person she needed the most by her side. The words of comfort that he muttered to himself that he hoped could reach her. 



"It's ok Alice… It's ok…"


"Just a little… you got this… we got this… you'll be fine soon, it will all be over soon Alice. Just another push…"



"You got this… you're strong…"


"We'll be ok, just one more… just one more," 


"ONE MORE!!!!" 

"This will all be over soon,"


"It'll be fine soon. We'll be ok soon. One more."






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