
Chapter 232 - Kiss

WARNING: Getting a SLIGHT bit Risque here lol

The thought lingered in his mind for a few seconds after his mind whispered it. 'Kiss. I want to kiss him,' Boris thought to himself as his eyes ran up Dominic's face to his emerald gaze. They were dazed, awake but calm, like he had given in to whatever was going on right now. To this situation, to Boris' touch. Boris' eyes ran back down to Dominic's lips. 'Damn right I want to kiss him…' the thought slid into his mind again as his thumb slowly slid off Dominic' lips. 

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, slow and rhythmic but still pressing hard against its cages. He was aware of what was going on. His eyes were no longer clouded with sleep and neither was he under the influence of any drinks. He was very present in the situation, he was very aware of what he was doing and what he was thinking. But yet… whenever he looked into those eyes, whenever he took in the face of the person lying below him with not a single ounce of struggling or panic showing in their eyes. 

Whenever his mind remembered the name of the person below him. It was like all reason was slowly seeping out of his mind, the heat in his body increasing as something was welling up in him, begging to overflow whenever his eyes laid on those pink lips. 

'Why?' Boris thought to himself as he stayed there, hovering over Dominic, his thoughts tunneling towards only one thing. Kiss. 'Why do I want to kiss him?'

Dominic laid silently, his body unsure of what to do, his mind unsure of what was going on but at the same time, they didn't want to move. They didn't want to stop whatever was happening right now. 'He keeps staring,' Dominic mused, his eyes gazing at Boris' face, his mind seemingly at peace. 'What is he going to do?' he asked himself, his hand twitching slightly when his eyes would drop to Boris' lips, 'what do I want to do?'

There was something strangely tranquil about this but at the same time, he burned. It was hot, it was intoxicating, the scents wafting up to his nose and the closeness of the person above him. The way the black curls fell down from above him like a curtain, forcing his eyes to focus mainly on Boris, the way he could feel his soft and slow breaths, and the way his well-built body towered over him leaving him almost defenseless. Dominic let out a shaky breath. 

It felt right. Yes, dangerously right, like they were dancing along the lines of normal and another area that none of them knew. It was right, they were close. But not close enough.

The word lingered on Dominic's lips, waiting like a ready catapult to launch something at the person above him. But he hesitated, he didn't know what would happen next. 'There is barely anything that was keeping this from… escalating further,' Dominic thought, 'this might be the snapping point.' The precaution stayed in his head like salt dropped into water. It wasn't long before it dissolved. 

He wanted to say it.

Emerald eyes move back to the golden stare that loomed over it. Boris flinched as he saw Dominic's lips twitch slightly. 

'Is he going to say something? What will he say?' he thought to himself, 'it's because I'm taking too long. It's because I'm trapping him like this. What if he yells at me, or shrugs me off with something I'll never be able to get out of my mind? What if-' his thoughts cut off immediately as Dominic's lips open. 

A light breath trickled out first before the word came after. "...Boris…:

'Oh…' Boris pondered to himself as the words resonated in his head. 'He's calling out my name.' His eyes trail back to Dominic's lips and he swallows slightly. 'He's calling out to me… why is he?' he thought but before he could even figure it out, he could feel his head already descending. 'Fuck it, I can't wait anymore...'

It was like his breath was suspended in the air as his thick lips perched on the pink lips that he had been staring at so intensely. Just a light touch, for barely a second before they picked back up and long black eyelashes fluttered open to stare into Dominic's emerald sea. 

'It's soft…' Boris thought to himself as his eyes searched in the emerald sea for a reaction. For disgust, for hate, for repulsiveness, and immediate regret yet there was nothing there. Nothing but a wide sea, except the flicker of excitement and surprise. Nothing in the wide sea but a trigger for Boris. His lips felt warm as they remembered the soft touch it had felt earlier and his mind was flooded with a wave of refreshment and relief. Like he had released something he had been holding back. 

But there was something more in that wave of refreshment, longing. Longing for more. It was almost like he was panicking, like he was afraid the touch, the feeling, the tingling on his lips would wear off and he would be left with nothing but tension and anxiety. More, more, more, more and more! He wanted it, he needed it, he needed more. 

"Wha-" the words barely left Dominic's lips before they were stolen away by Boris, whose lips against Dominic's pulled him into a tight lock. 

Dominic's eyes stayed wide open, a tremble running down his body when Boris' eyes opened and their gazes met. He quivered, a shiver running down his spine. There was something in those eyes, something strong, something that lit up those golden rays, something that downed on Dominic like a splash of water, causing his heart to skip a beat. 'Oh…' he thought to himself as his eyelashes flicker, his eyes slowly closing as he felt Boris' lips against his, 'wow…' 

The flame of desire ran deeply in Boris' gaze. 

He wasn't sure what happened next after his eyes closed, but he could feel his heart thumping, faster, harder, as they continued. Again, and again, more and more. His arms rose up unconsciously and paused for a second before another shudder ran down his spine as his body heat rose. He sucked in a breath and his arms descended onto Boris, wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer.

'More,' he thought, 'more, more, more.' He pulled down on Boris, pushing their lips into each other. 

It was like he had broken, exploded, or like heating water, bubbled over and was overrun by the rough yet passionate kisses that drove him near insane. More was all that repeated in his head as he was swept away by Boris' continuous kisses. He was drowning in something he couldn't dare to admit yet but he knew what it was. Pleasure. 

And something about the way they were kissing, the rush, how hot it was, and how much his chest pounded, something told him that it was long-awaited. That it was about time. That he had been waiting for this. 

"Ah.." gasps of air escape Dominic's lips as Boris' continuous attack pushes him into the couch, his back arching up slightly as shivers run down them in little pulses each time Boris would lift his lips up slightly and then descend onto Dominic's waiting lips more passionately than the last. Again and again and again, more and more and more. He grew more impatient as he melted. 

They had tethered off the line of reason and were now rolling into tension, sensuality that drove them into insanity as they both longed for each other's touch. 

Boris' hand lifted from Dominic's face and ran down Dominic's body line to his waist, leaving a blazing trail in his wake. Dominic's back arched up more as shudders ran through him, gasps leaving his lips in between Boris' hot kisses. 

"Ahh-" his voice trembled when Boris' hand ran down to his thigh and then back up to his waist where his grip tightened, large hands holding him up firmly as they slid to his arched back. "Mhmn-" his grip around Boris' neck tightened as he curved his head back, another gasp trickling out his lips. 

They stopped, both of them panting as Dominic's head turned back to Boris, his eyes opening to a piercing golden gaze. It looked hungry. He trembled once again as he panted. His lips quivered for a moment as they remained in eye contact, shocks running through them as their bodies remained heated. 

"Boris…" Dominic muttered weakly as his grip on Boris' neck weakened for a moment before his gripping broad shoulders again, "Boris…" Hunger wasn't only in the golden rays that peered down at him but also in the raging waters of his emerald eyes. It was almost like he was insatiable. He wanted more. 

Boris watched Dominic from above, the heightened colors in his eyes gazing at Dominic intently as he panted lightly for air. It was a beautiful sight. Golden hair lying in a messy order against a fair forehead, blonde eyebrows twisting in confusion and impatience and emerald eyes shining brightly against a flushed face. Such a beautiful sight. His head skipped a beat. A beautiful and triggering sight. The look on Dominic's face, his heated pink cheeks, and his ruffled expression continuously incited the growing feeling in his chest. 

He watched as Dominic's lips opened slightly, as he whispered Boris' name once again. The gap between his lips was calling to him, luring him in, pulling him for more. It was like permission. An entrance that Boris was waiting for.

He lowered his head once again, their lips bumping into each other playfully before they lifted up and were about to touch each other once again when a sound broke into the thick layer of tension above them.

Boris' froze mid-kiss, his eyes flickering to the entrance of the room.


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