
Chapter 239 - Introductions

The room stood in silence as Axel, Desilva and Litian walked forward, stopping beside Dominic's seat. Dominic turned to look at them, flashing them a welcoming smile before turning back to the council members. 

His eyes ran over their expressions and he let out a little sigh. 

"I'm guessing we'll be needing a bit more context to this, won't we?" he chuckled.

"I'm guessing these were partnerships you created during the war?" Limar spoke up, directing Dominic's attention to him. 

Dominic nodded his head in agreement, "Correct. They are," he grinned. "When I was sent out into the war, I brought with me, many soldiers and left with thousands more but I was also able to gauge out the most important people in those soldiers that would be more beneficial in my everyday life. Those of them, being these three beside me."

Dominic turned to them and smiled once again. "Mind doing introductions for us?"

Litian nodded her head, turning her eyes to the council members. Placing her hand on her chest, she bowed her head and looked back up at that, lowering her hand. "My name is Litian Roman, from the Roman family. I am one of the many soldiers in the army, my position being Head Commander."

The expressions on many of the council member's faces twisted as they recognized her name and face.

"Commander Litian," Falls echoed, his voice certain and calm as he said her name with distinction. "A warrior from one of the most influential families in the wars, daughter of one of the greatest generals ever seen in the kingdom. It is an honor to have the chance to meet with you face to face once again."

Litian nodded her head, "As it is to you, your grace," she replied, piercing dark green eyes peering at him as she spoke. 

The room clenched in silence as the council members observed quietly, their eyes soaking up her impactful presence. Litian was not someone that needed introduction. She was well known throughout the palace and even out in the kingdom as the fiercest female warrior and only female soldier ever to reach the title that she gracefully sat at. She was stronger than most of the men in the army, with a gaze that could stifle one's words before they even left their lips and always held her stern expression even in front of people she was familiar with.

Dominic chortled lightly. "You're still a little stiff in front of other people, Litian," he commented playfully as his eyes met with hers, "It would help with releasing some of the tension if you're not so formal with others or maybe even a smile?" 

Litian flinched, a flash of embarrassment moving through her eyes. "I've never been one that's good at social interactions, your highness," she responded quietly, causing Dominic a chuckle at her shyness. 

"You are pretty consistent with that, ever since we were young," Dominic grinned, remembering the first time he had met her. 

Boris looked up slightly from his position, his eyes pinning themself on Litian as soon as he heard Dominic's comment. 'So that's Litian..' he pondered, his golden gaze trying to analyze her. He eyed her stance and then moved up to her face, his eyes resting on them for a moment. 'She's beautiful,' he noted, golden eyes gleaming in curiosity, 'and with her reserved attitude, she's quite the match for his highness.' 

The thought lingered in his mind as he stared at her before he pushed it aside and was about to look away from her when a gaze caught his eyes. A cold blue gaze peered at him intently, like they were trying to drill holes into him. Their eyes met, golden rays calmly staring back at icy blue eyes. 

"Then should we move on to the next person?" Dominic announced, his eyes shifting to the person beside Litian, Axel. "Take it away, Axel."

Almost immediately the blue eyes snap out of their lock on Boris and Axel turns to the council, a little smile forming on his gentle expression. "I am Axel Lewis, from the Xicheng family. I am a physician, serving the position of the head medic in the war."

Almost immediately Limar gasps, his eyes growing at Axel's words. "Lord Axel Xicheng, one of the most renowned physicians in the whole kingdom stemming from a war family, who against his families previous heritage, went on to become a doctor rather than another member who would dedicate themself to the army," he muttered, his face widening in both surprise and delight. 

Axel chuckled lightly, focusing on Limar. "Yes."

Wattson flinched, immediately smiling at Axel. "Wow.. it's an honor to meet you, Physician Xicheng. My family is indebted to you from saving my mother's life from a few years ago."

Axel smiled, bowing his head in reply. "It is my duty." 

"Seems like you're quite the famous one here, Axel," Dominic teased to which Axel smirked.

"All in the days work of being a doctor," he remarked with a proud grin on his face. 

They laughed together for a few second before Dominic's gaze shifted to the person beside Axel, someone who seemed like she was on the very edge of trying to melt away into the ground.

"Desilva?" Dominic worriedly called out to her.

Desilva twitched, her eyes immediately darting to Dominic and her stance straightening up as all the eyes in the room landed on her. Her hand trembled. "Yes, your highness…"

Dominic peered at her for a few seconds before smiling and standing up from his seat. He walked around his chair and towards Desilva, stopping beside her. He leaned in to her ear, his voice dropping down to a little whisper as his hands grabbed her shoulders and led her to his chair. 

Boris' eyes immediately turned to them.

"Are you nervous?" Dominic whispered to which she nodded her head slowly, grayish-blue eyes nervously glancing around the room. 

"Mhmn, and I don't think you doing this is helping the situation, your highness," she whispered back. 

He stifled a little laughter as they stopped beside Litian and Dominic's chair, Dominic pushing her in between the two. "I might be, but hey, I'd rather you get the best introduction here than you having a meltdown and failing to make a lasting impression. Besides, I know you have a strong personality in there so just channel it," he murmured back before letting go of her and moving away to get back to his chair. 

Desilva flinched, almost calling out to him. She turned back to the council, her pupils shaking in anxiety. She had always hated situations like this where she was put on the spot in front of random people of power despite how head-strong she may have been.

Her eyes drift down to Dominic to who was now seated at his chair, emerald eyes looking back up at her. 

She looked back up at the audience before her and her hand trembling increased. 

"Your highness?" Noah called out, glancing at Dominic before looking back at Desilva. "Who is that?"

Dominic smiled, his head tilting as he gave Desilva a reassuring gaze, his eyes urging her to begin. "I think she can introduce herself, right?"

Desilva looked down at Dominic, her eyebrows raising slightly and eyes widening as she signalled him a "No-I-Can't" look.

Dominic shrugged in return with a smug smile as he looked away. She knew that look as well as how she was doomed for a meltdown of social anxiety now.

"Is that…" Anatinez called out, to which Desilva's eyes snapped to her, alarmed but yet relieved that someone might be able to introduce her without her speaking. Anateniz turned to Dominic, a smile spreading on her face. "I do assume that it is time for his highness to have someone like that."

Desilva flinched, already put off by the tone in Anateniz's teasing tone.

"Hm?" Dominic muttered, his eyebrow raising, "you know who she is, Anateniz?"

Anateniz grinned, beady eyes locking on Desilva. "I might have a little inkling of whom. A young beautiful young lady who is dressed in delicate, elegant wear. A gentle face, interesting eyes and a flattering figure," Anatinez muttered, analyzing Desilva. She turned back to Dominic and nodded her head. "Though I am unaware of her origin, I think you've made a good pick, your highness."

Dominic winced, seating up at her description. He didn't like the way it sounded. "What do you mean?"

"She'll make a fine concubine," Anatinez nodded approvingly.

"NO!" Dominic yelled out in unison with Desilva. They turn and lock eyes with each other, Dominic slinking back into his seat with a heavy sigh. 

"My name is Desilva Milti. I am the future head of the Qulan Tribe, daughter and predecessor of Memoline Milti, and an ally with his royal highness, Dominic Aarvi."

Dominic smirked, emerald eyes locking with hers. "See? I knew you could do it."

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