Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 425: please fight

There is no problem with Lin Feng's cultivation of the World-Defying Soul Breaking Spear to the highest level. As long as he learns through the "Peach Blossom Collection", he can learn to return to the basics.

You need 80 Peach Blossom Points to learn the Defying Soul Spear.

Lin Feng weighed it carefully, and felt that for now, the World-Defying Soul Breaking Gun was more suitable for him.

As for the gun, Lin Feng decided to get a peerless gun at any cost. Now, I can only find an ordinary one to use first.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng printed his hand on the page of the collection that contained the World-Defying Soul-breaking Gun, and spent 80 Peach Blossom Points to finish learning the World-Defying Soul-breaking Gun.

This is the second martial skill that Lin Feng has learned besides the iron sand palm.

Comprehending the mystery of the World-Defying Soul Breaking Gun, Lin Feng almost couldn't help screaming. At this moment, he had an unparalleled self-confidence. With a gun in hand, I have it in the world!

With the remaining 7 peach blossom points, Lin Feng didn't move, and he could heal his injuries and save his life at a critical time.

After solving the problem of martial arts, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He asked the disciples of the Fenglin faction to pass the word, and asked Lin Zhan and Li Haidong to come to see him.

"Boss." Li Haidong held his head high, he felt that he would be pleasantly surprised when he saw Lin Feng.

"Boss." Lin Zhan basically lost his temper in front of Lin Feng. He was completely convinced. If Lin Feng took out any martial arts resource, he could be stunned and refused to accept it.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of terrifying martial arts resources, Li Haidong has risen to the peak of the realm of inquiry!

Lin Zhan's initial cultivation of the transformation realm was also completely consolidated!

Lin Feng was very satisfied. He believed that within a few years, the Fenglin faction would grow into a behemoth in the martial arts world.

Lin Feng asked: "Huashan is talking about the sword, what exactly is going on?"

Cultivation has no time, during this time, Lin Feng has been teaching Ran Yuchen alchemy and medicine, and he himself is also painstakingly researching alchemy. Before you know it, several months have passed. It's time for Huashan to discuss the sword soon.

Lin Zhandao: "This time Huashan discusses the sword, the overseas barbarians deliberately provoked quarrels and troubles. The Japanese ninjas have always been ambitious and want to let the Japanese country get out of the small place. They coveted the great rivers and mountains of the Republic, and they made waves in the Republic a long time ago. Ten years ago, the king of Shushan, Yilong, killed Wakayama with one sword and one sword. Only then did Japanese ninjas make a promise not to set foot in the Republic for ten years. Now ten years have just passed."

Lin Feng's heart was full of doubts, Wang Yilong killed Wakayama with one sword and one sword, the little ninja should retreat in spite of difficulties, why did he just jump out after ten years?

Lin Zhan said again: "The ninjas came to the Republic again, doing nothing wrong and being aggressive. They also uttered mad words, wanting to compete with the martial arts practitioners in the Republic in Huashan."

Lin Feng said: "Can't it be enough to let Wang Yilong kill them?"

Lin Zhan shook his head and said, "Ten years ago, after the battle of Wakayama, Wang Yilong disappeared. Some people say that he broke through again with the great battle and soared in the daytime. Others say that Wang Yilong was seriously injured and died for the country. It's everyone's guess."

Lin Feng was secretly shocked, and it seemed that the Japanese country also had masters.

Lin Zhandao: "This time. It was Waka Ichiro from Wakayama who led the Japanese masters to the Republic. Waka Ichiro brought eight masters. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, he played in Huashan. He accepted the wheel battle of the republic's martial artist. The age of the martial artist, Must be under 100 years old."

Lin Feng nodded.

Even a small place like Yunling has received hero posts. It is conceivable that people in Xiuwu still attach more importance to this competition.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

Moreover, Lin Feng also speculated that the Japanese ninjas were aggressive this time, presumably the four major families and the seven major sects knew it. Only then did it announce to the world that Huashan was not allowed to seek revenge when discussing the sword, and even took the Old Demon's Bliss Valley as a reward, and also asked martial artists not to set foot in the Bliss Valley for ten years.

This time, Huashan's sword discussion will surely be a **** battle.

Lin Feng even suspected that there must be political significance behind Huashan's discussion of the sword.

Although now is the era of nuclear weapons, with strong soldiers and powerful countries, nuclear weapons generally have a deterrent effect, and the probability of their use is very small.

The current wars between countries are all unconventional battles. The 'phantom' is an unconventional fighting team that has always been strong. They have been baptized by war, defending the frontier with their blood, and promoting the prestige of our country.

Lin Feng believes that, in addition to the unconventional battles of regular soldiers, martial artists from various countries must also restrain and deter each other. In a peaceful environment, it is impossible to launch a large-scale war, so the unconventional small-scale war and the battle with the martial arts practitioners may become the dominant.

Just imagine, if the Republic's martial arts practitioners are exhausted, what will the country use to compete with ninjas?

Lin Feng didn't have any good feelings for ninjas. Ninjas assassinated Lin Feng in the capital. Later, Lin Feng spent 2 peach blossom points to learn "driving" and escaped on the Guiling Panshan Highway. Besides, count the time, now that Tong Weilue is in charge, Lin Feng will never watch the ninja become the constraints of the country.

Huashan Lunjian Lin Feng must go, but Lin Feng seems to have no way to prepare. Under the age of 100, there are only three people who have the strength to participate in Huashan Sword, one is Lin Feng himself, one is Lin Anyi, and the other is Lin Zhan.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I am the Fenglin faction. The people who participated in Huashan's sword discussion were selected as three people. I. Lin Anyi. Lin Zhan."

Lin Zhan blushed and said embarrassedly, "This disciple is already one hundred and five years old."

Lin Feng wiped his sweat and said, "Okay. I understand. You have to hurry up to cultivate, and strive to enter the middle stage of transformation as soon as possible." Having said this, Lin Feng paused and said, "I have come to realize something, researched it out. A set of marksmanship that reaches the height of the sun."

Lin Zhan was a martial idiot, and his eyes lit up when he heard it.

Lin Feng said: "This set of marksmanship is not suitable for your practice. I lack a good gun right now. Let's see if you can get it. Alright. Let's go to practice Lin Zhan."

Lin Zhan hurriedly left as soon as he heard it. He liked to practice breakthroughs the most.

Lin Feng looked at Li Haidong and said, "Haidong. I have a general idea about Huashan's theory of swordsmanship. I will tell you how to do it."

Li Haidong nodded.

Lin Feng said again: "My Fenglin faction needs to grow, and we must recruit more disciples. On the day of Huashan's sword discussion, it must be a gathering of heroes. How can we make everyone join the Fenglin faction with joy?"

The master and apprentice discussed for a long time, and finally reached an agreement, with satisfied expressions on their faces.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is less than half a month away. In the following time, Lin Feng devoted all his energy to alchemy and medicine.

Because of the resources that Lin Feng obtained from Xingwumen, he can still maintain the cultivation of the disciples of the sect, but if things go on like this, one day he will have to sit and eat.

What's more, Lin Feng is also going to take the opportunity of Huashan to recruit disciples. At that time, the medicinal pills consumed in the sect were even more terrifying.

There is no way, it is impossible for a new sect to grow up in a short period of time, and it is impossible for the disciples to cultivate step by step. Only on drugs.

There is no problem with refining medicine, as long as there are enough heaven and earth treasures.

If there is enough money, Tiancaidibao is not a problem. Lin Feng prepared to develop some medicinal herbs and sell them on Huashan Lunjian.

Huashan is about to discuss the sword, the four major families, seven sects, including some hidden martial arts families, and some loners, are almost all preparing for the Huashan sword.

Huashan on the sword is actually a contest between the Republic of Gaowu and the Japanese Gaowu. The grievances between the two countries have a long history, and everyone knows that the Japanese country wants to take this opportunity to weaken the republic's martial arts power!

The four major families, the Xuan family.

In the splendid hall, Xuan Ming, the head of the Xuan family, sat on the mahogany chair with a carved dragon and painted phoenix, with a gloomy look on his face.

In front of Xuan Ming, there are four Xuan family disciples.

Three men and one woman, three old men and one young woman to be exact.

The woman looked like she was in her twenties, she was not young, she had a middle-aged appearance, a plump figure, and the pitcher looked forward to her, but she had a mature woman's charm. It's just that there is a faint suffocation between the eyebrows.

"Xuanling, have you thought about it?" Xuan Ming asked.

As the head of the Xuan family of the four major families, Xuan Ming certainly knew that Huashan's sword theory was extremely dangerous.

Wakaichiro did not limit the number of Chinese martial artists to strike, and they swung their wheels to fight until the eight people who were brought to him were defeated!

In the Xuan family, there are many masters who have entered the transformation realm within a hundred years, but they are definitely not many. The most important thing is that Xuan Ming will not send so many people.

Xuan Ming wasn't that stupid, he didn't want to consume the Xuan family's power excessively.

Even within the Xuan family's 100-year-old age, there are about ten masters who have entered the middle stage of transformation. Xuan Ming can completely let these masters in the middle stage of transformation play. But Xuan Ming would not be that stupid.

For a master in the mid-transition stage, it would be a huge loss for the Xuan family to die! If the Xuan family master died, I am afraid that the Xuan family would be at the bottom of the four major families.

Xuan Ming had long planned to send three people to fight. There are two early stages of transformation and one middle stage. Of course, all three are nearly 100 years old and have no further potential.

However, what Xuan Ming did not expect was that Xuan Ling, who was less than twenty years old, would actually take the initiative to ask Ying. You must know that Xuan Ling has the dragon blood gene and her future is boundless. She is the key protection object of the Xuan family. What is commendable is that Xuan Ling is more diligent than any disciple.

Xuan Ming still remembered that Xuan Ling came from a branch of the Xuan family in a small town. At first, he thought that Xuan Ling was young and enthusiastic.

After listening to Xuan Ming's words, Xuan Ling nodded and said, "Yes. I have already thought about it clearly, please allow me to represent the Xuan family in battle."

Xuan Ming pondered a little, and said, "It's okay. You can go out and see the world. But you must remember that you don't want merit, but you want no fault."

"Thank you sir for making it happen." The cold light in Xuan Ling's eyes flickered.

Three years have passed, but Xuanling will never forget the hatred of the past! In the Xuan family in Nancheng, because Lin Feng changed hands, Xuan Ling's father, Xuan Li, ran away from home.

In the past three years, Xuan Ling has spent almost all her energy on cultivation. As long as she can be strong, she is willing to pay any price!

I heard that he has entered the transformation realm, I hope, this time in Huashan, I can see him!


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