Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 454: Good doctor cures disease

Chapter 454

Seeing that Guo Zifan was already drunk, Lin Feng checked out and took Gu Qingcheng away.

Gu Qingcheng was not surprised by Guo Zifan's performance, she was very calm, because she and Guo Zifan were not familiar with each other.

Lin Feng drove Gu Qingcheng's car and sent Gu Qingcheng back to the clinic.

The car was parked at the entrance of the clinic, and Gu Qingcheng was not in a hurry to get out of the car.

Lin Feng said: "Guo Zifan made such a big appearance in the cafe at noon. When he wakes up, he will definitely come to me. If I'm not there, he may take anger on you. If possible, you can take me in for a few more days. ."

Gu Qingcheng didn't speak, and Lin Feng pretended that she was the default.

After a while, seeing that Gu Qingcheng didn't mean to get out of the car, Lin Feng finally understood Gu Qingcheng's thoughts, he took out the letter and handed it to Gu Qingcheng.

After getting the letter, Gu Qingcheng blushed slightly and got out of the car in a hurry, but instead of going to the office, he went to the pharmacy.

In the pharmacy, Gu Qingcheng opened the envelope, and Lin Feng only wrote two sentences.

'If there is no predestined relationship, why are there three thousand great thousand worlds between the six realms and millions of Bodhisattvas, why do you smile alone with me, and only see you? If there is a predestined relationship, after the lanterns are tied, three feet of snow will turn white overnight, so far there is nothing to say, but there are only ashes, no rekindling? ’

Gu Qingcheng hurriedly put the letter away, her heart beating very fast.

She felt that she and Lin Feng would definitely not have a result, and it would only get deeper and deeper in this way, but she couldn't bear to let Lin Feng leave.

Because Lin Feng was in the office, Gu Qingcheng stayed outside all the time, treating patients.

Lin Feng stayed in Gu Qingcheng's office. Seeing that Gu Qingcheng didn't come in, he knew that Gu Qingcheng was hiding from him, but the mountain wasn't just me, I could be the mountain.

Having grown to the point where he is today, Lin Feng has already transcended the world, so why should he stick to the laws of the world? Since God destined him to commit a peach blossom, why should he abandon Gu Qingcheng?

Gu Qingcheng is a Chinese medicine practitioner, and Gu Qingcheng likes Chinese medicine from the bottom of his heart.

The biggest problem in medicine is actually diagnosis, not treatment. Diagnosing the patient's disease, and then prescribing the right medicine is very simple. In many cases, many patients cannot be diagnosed at the first time, and the disease gradually worsens, and finally develops into an incurable disease.

Lin Feng learned "Ophthalmology" and can see at a glance whether others are sick and what kind of disease they have. To put it bluntly, "Ophthalmology" is the observation diagnosis in Chinese medicine, but the realm of this observation diagnosis is somewhat superb. Lin Feng felt that Gu Qingcheng would definitely be interested in "Eye Doctor".

In fact, the so-called "seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting" the four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine are all for the purpose of diagnosing diseases.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng left the office.

Gu Qingcheng's clinic has been expanded a long time ago. The clinic is very large. In addition to Gu Qingcheng, there are several doctors. There are two old Chinese medicine practitioners, apparently hired by Gu Qingcheng after retirement. However, there was also a young Chinese medicine practitioner who was a bit contrived. Lin Feng knew that he liked Gu Qingcheng.

When Gu Qingcheng diagnoses a disease, he usually first asks the patient what is uncomfortable, then looks at the patient's tongue coating, etc., and finally helps the patient to check the pulse to determine what the patient is suffering from.

I have to say that Gu Qingcheng still has a very high level, even if it is better than Zhi Ye Rennuan, it will not be much worse.

Seeing a young man supporting an old man to see a doctor, Lin Feng frowned slightly, then looked at Gu Qingcheng with interest.

It was the old man who came to see the doctor, and the young man was the grandson of the old man.

The old man said: "Doctor, I feel a little numb in my hands and feet, and I can't feel the strength on the right side. Are you getting old?"

Gu Qingcheng nodded and said, "Do you feel upset and irritable, and bitterness in your mouth?"

The old man nodded again and again and said, "It's true."

"Open your mouth."

Gu Qingcheng looked at the old man's tongue coating and said, "Old man, you have to pay attention to exercising, you are a prelude to a stroke. I will give you some medicine and combine it with acupuncture, you will be fine. However, the important thing is you. You must pay attention to exercising more in the future.”

Lin Feng nodded secretly.

After seeing the young man taking the medicine, he was already planning to leave. Gu Qingcheng didn't say anything. Lin Feng hurriedly said, "You two, please wait."

Lin Feng took a few steps forward and asked Gu Qingcheng, "I ask you, what is the highest state of medical skills?"

Gu Qingcheng hesitated, not understanding what Lin Feng meant.

The young doctor on the side was unhappy with Lin Feng for a long time, and he said displeasedly: "The highest realm, of course, is like Bian Que Hua Tuo, which can heal the bones of the dead and bring the dead back to life."

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "Wrong! The living dead heal the bones, which proves that the patient's condition is very serious, the patient is in great pain, and the patient's family is anxious. Even if you can cure the patient, the pain and torture suffered by the patient cannot be avoided. "

The young doctor looked a little disdainful and said, "What about your opinion?"

Lin Feng looked calm and said, "In my opinion, if medical skills have to be graded, treating the bones of the living dead can only be regarded as the third class! In the second class, when the patient's illness first begins, the symptoms are still high. It’s not very obvious, and the patient doesn’t feel too much pain. At that time, it’s time to diagnose the patient’s disease, and then prescribe the right medicine to really reduce the patient’s pain.”

The clinic gradually became quiet, and Gu Qingcheng listened very carefully.

Only the young doctor was still a little unconvinced. He said, "What about the first class?"

Lin Feng said indifferently: "The so-called good doctor cures the disease. The first class, of course, is before the onset of the patient's disease. At that time, the patient himself does not feel that he is ill, you can diagnose what the patient is suffering from, so as to prescribe the right medicine. , directly nip the disease in the bud. Let the patient not suffer from any disease."

Gu Qingcheng's face already showed admiration.

"It's good that a good doctor can cure the disease. Good!" An old Chinese doctor also agreed.

The young Chinese doctor retorted: "Who can't talk about soldiers on paper? Everyone can say it. The patient has no obvious symptoms. How do you diagnose it?"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, "Since he is already ill, how can there be no symptoms? The patient didn't find it. As doctors, of course we have to find out for the patient."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng turned to look at the grandfather and grandson he had just left behind. He looked at the young man and asked, "How is your appetite lately? Do you feel sick sometimes?"

The young man also listened to Lin Feng's high-level talk just now, and when he heard Lin Feng asking himself, he panicked and said, "Doctor, what's wrong? I'm not sick, am I? Is it serious?"

Lin Feng smiled reassuringly: "It's not serious. You answer my question first."

The young man thought for a while and said, "I have really lost my appetite recently, and I have lost some weight, and I seem to feel sick too. But I don't feel any discomfort."

Lin Feng nodded, turned to Gu Qingcheng and said, "The young man's facial skin has darkened, his face is dark and dull, and his skin is dry and rough. You can see that he also has dark circles under his eyes. These symptoms are all characteristics of early liver disease. I can confirm that the boy has liver disease."

The young man was startled and his face turned pale.

Lin Feng comforted: "Don't worry, if you find it so early, it can be cured completely."

The young doctor listened and refuted: "Can liver disease be diagnosed just by looking at skin color? His current complexion is not too bad, even if he doesn't rest well, he will still be in this state."

Lin Feng smiled playfully, and said, "It's a small difference, it's a thousand miles away, and you can see the changes from the subtleties. Of course, your qualifications are not enough, and I will teach you to get twice the result with half the effort."

The young doctor's face turned red, and said, "Who wants you to teach? Are you a doctor? Have you studied Chinese medicine? Don't open your mouth here, you must know that human life is at stake."

Lin Feng said to the young man suffering from liver disease: "Life is at stake, go to the big hospital."

The young man nodded and hurriedly led the old man away.

Gu Qingcheng believed what Lin Feng said.

What Lin Feng said was right, a good doctor can cure the disease! But how many people in the world can do it? Even Ye Rennuan, the leader of traditional Chinese medicine, couldn't do it. If practitioners can cure diseases before they occur, then the birth of many incurable diseases can be reduced.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at Gu Qingcheng and said, "Your qualifications are not bad. You know, I just used the observation of Chinese medicine. The purpose of Chinese medicine is to diagnose the disease. You are good at all four things. Specialization is the same. I only need to see a doctor, and I can diagnose the world's diseases."

Lin Feng's words are right. In fact, many Chinese medicine practitioners basically specialize in one of the four clinics.

Gu Qingcheng loves traditional Chinese medicine, and is eager to use her medical skills to relieve the pain of patients. Lin Feng said that a good doctor can cure the disease, which is her dream state.

Hearing Lin Feng say that his qualifications are good, Gu Qingcheng was full of expectations.

Lin Feng added: "Actually, my ideal is to be a Chinese medicine practitioner, to help the world, and to carry forward Chinese medicine. If you are willing to carry forward Chinese medicine, save lives and heal the wounded. I can write a book on TCM diagnostics based on my life experience. Then teach you."

When the young doctor on the side heard it, he sneered and said, "Stop bragging. You are still writing books. Do you think you are Hua Tuo's rebirth? Bian Que is reborn?"

"Of course I'm not Lin Feng grinned, "They're not as good as me. "

The young Chinese doctor almost vomited blood, thinking that Lin Feng is really a wonderful person in the world. He felt that Gu Qingcheng would definitely not believe Lin Feng.

However, what surprised the young man was that Gu Qingcheng looked at Lin Feng with expectant eyes, a little flattered and a little nervous, and asked, "Can you really teach me? Can I... learn it?"

The young doctor was taken aback. He didn't understand what happened to Gu Qingcheng, who was always calm and rational. He felt that Lin Feng must have said something to confuse Gu Qingcheng.

He decided to dismantle Lin Feng.

He stood up and said to Lin Feng, "Humph! Since you are so powerful, that's fine. Look at me, what's wrong with me?"

Lin Feng glanced at the young doctor and said, "You are sluggish and have difficulty concentrating. It is obvious that you are over-handed. Too much hand-handling can cause premature ejaculation, and can also cause symptoms such as kidney deficiency. It is recommended to do it once a week."


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