Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 457: Difficult to guard against thieves

Chapter 457

As usual, Lin Feng explained to Gu Qingcheng the skills of a day's inspection during the day, and at night he studied the martial skills in the storage ring by himself. No matter what kind of martial arts, Lin Feng recites them all by heart and practices them carefully.

In the dead of night, Lin Feng showed a somewhat ambiguous smile on his face.

It's time to complete the mission!

Thinking of Gu Qingcheng's hot body, Lin Feng couldn't wait.

The task triggered by the collection was 'the naked body and Gu Qingcheng were sleeping together', and Lin Feng took off himself without hesitation.

After walking out of the room, Lin Feng strolled around the living room for two laps first, making a little movement, then he walked directly towards Gu Qingcheng's door, grabbed Gu Qingcheng's door handle and twisted it.

The door was locked, which was what Lin Feng expected, but in front of Lin Feng's brute force, a mere lock was useless. Lin Feng twisted the lock with just a little force, and it didn't make too much noise.

Gu Qingcheng was lying on the bed. At first, she heard the movement in the living room and didn't pay much attention to it. After so many days of getting along, she concluded that Lin Feng had sleepwalking, and Lin Feng would get up and sleepwalk on the mountain. The scope of Lin Feng's sleepwalking was limited to the living room, which did not cause any adverse effects on Gu Qingcheng's life.

Tonight, Gu Qingcheng thought that Lin Feng would go to sleep after working in the living room for a while as usual. She was shocked when she heard the sound of her door lock.

Before Gu Qingcheng could react, Lin Feng had already pushed in the door.

Since it was night and the light was too dark, Gu Qingcheng could only vaguely see a white figure walking in, and she knew that that person was Lin Feng.

Gu Qingcheng was in a hurry and didn't know what to do, but Lin Feng walked to Gu Qingcheng's bedside, lifted the quilt and went up. Lin Feng didn't say a word during the whole process.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't do anything out of the ordinary, Gu Qingcheng felt a little at ease. She knew that Lin Feng must have gone back to the room after sleepwalking and went to the wrong room.

Lin Feng was lying on Gu Qingcheng's bed, not sure if it was a psychological effect. He felt that Gu Qingcheng's bed was extra fragrant and comfortable. He also knew that Gu Qingcheng had already sat up in fright. Looking at Gu Qingcheng's delicate body next to him, Lin Feng felt a little impulsive.

However, Lin Feng knew that he and Gu Qingcheng were far from being able to have a skin-to-skin kiss.

Lin Feng was also naked now, and he was sleeping with Gu Qingcheng, but he didn't feel any movement in the collection.

what happened? Could it be because Gu Qingcheng was sitting and didn't sleep?

Having reached this point, of course Lin Feng couldn't give up halfway, he turned around, put a hand on Gu Qingcheng's waist inadvertently, and hugged Gu Qingcheng forcefully, letting Gu Qingcheng sleep on the bed.

Gu Qingcheng was wearing silky cotton lace pajamas, and the pajamas were softly attached to Gu Qingcheng's body. When Lin Feng hugged Gu Qingcheng's waist, he could feel the slenderness of Gu Qingcheng's waist. When Lin Feng asked Gu Qingcheng to lie down, his head just touched Gu Qingcheng's chest, and Lin Feng felt that he was about to explode.

Lin Feng tried his best to calm himself down, but there was already a pillar below him.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng thought to himself, is he always sleeping naked now?

However, Lin Feng still did not wait for any movement in the collection. Instead, Gu Qingcheng struggled to push Lin Feng away and quickly turned on the lights in the room.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, looked left and right, and when he saw Gu Qingcheng, his face suddenly showed a look of surprise, and said, "Qingcheng, you... why did you come to my room? I..." Lin Feng seemed to understand something, but suddenly became a little shy Get up, "I'm not ready."

"This is my room, please go out." Gu Qingcheng said coldly.

"What?" Lin Feng glanced around, a bit of confusion on his face.

"You're sleepwalking, you're in the wrong room. Get out."

Lin Feng showed a hint of enlightenment on his face and stood up.

"Ah!" Gu Qingcheng exclaimed suddenly and turned his head away.

Lin Feng was not wearing clothes, and when he stood up, Gu Qingcheng saw him. Gu Qingcheng was so big, and it was the first time he saw that thing.

Lin Feng was also a little embarrassed and left quickly.

Gu Qingcheng's face was flushed, and her heart was beating very fast. She was already a very mature woman. Although she usually didn't have such thoughts, she suddenly saw Lin Feng's, and her heart was somewhat turbulent.

Long after Lin Feng left, in Gu Qingcheng's mind, he still thought of Lin Feng's.

For Lin Feng breaking into her room, Gu Qingcheng did not blame Lin Feng, she felt that Lin Feng did not do it on purpose, but because of sleepwalking.

Lin Feng returned to the room, feeling annoyed for a while.

He was naked and slept with Gu Qingcheng, but the task triggered by the book was not completed.

Based on Lin Feng's understanding of the collection, after thinking about it carefully, Lin Feng understood what was going on. Naked body, Guang Linfeng can't do it alone, Gu Qingcheng also needs to be naked.

Gu Qingcheng didn't have the habit of sleeping naked, so it was a fool's dream to make Gu Qingcheng naked.

After thinking hard all night, Lin Feng didn't think of a good solution.

The next day was the weekend. Lin Feng planned to continue teaching "Eye Doctor" to Gu Qingcheng. However, there were more people in the clinic on weekends. Every weekend, Gu Qingcheng would personally diagnose patients.

Lin Feng also followed Gu Qingcheng to the clinic.

It was still early, and there were not many patients in the clinic. When Lin Feng and Gu Qingcheng went to the clinic, several Chinese medicine practitioners were talking about the news in the newspaper.

"This thief is really perverted. He actually steals women's underwear." An old Chinese doctor said with a lewd smile on his face.

"That's called a fetish." The young doctor said.

"What's wrong with being in love? No, I have to call my wife and ask her to put away the underwear that's drying out..."

Seeing Gu Qingcheng coming to the clinic, several people quickly stopped the discussion.

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and Lin Feng's heart froze.

There are many people who come to the clinic to see a doctor on weekends. Lin Feng has no interest in attending the clinic. In the morning, Lin Feng left the clinic.

After leaving the clinic, Lin Feng immediately took a taxi and went straight to Gu Qingcheng's home.

After Lin Feng got off the car at the gate of the community, he found a phone on the telephone pole for urgent unlocking, and hurriedly called the locksmith to come over.

An unlocked man quickly rode a motorcycle to the gate of the community.

Lin Feng took the unlocked one to Gu Qingcheng's door and pointed to the door.

The master who unlocked the lock looked at Lin Feng up and down and said, "Is this your home? Show me your ID card, or it can be certified by your neighbor, neighborhood committee, or public security bureau."

"If you don't drive me, I'll find someone else." Lin Feng said displeased.

The master said nothing, immediately opened the toolbox and helped Lin Feng open the door.

After Lin Feng entered the door, he went to Gu Qingcheng's room and opened Gu Qingcheng's wardrobe.

Gu Qingcheng is a beautiful woman, and appreciating Gu Qingcheng's clothes is also unique.

In particular, Gu Qingcheng's underwear actually had the black lace that Lin Feng liked very much, and the front of the underwear was still hollowed out. Lin Feng suddenly had a physiological reaction.

If Gu Qingcheng was made to wear this black lace, and Lin Feng also took off Gu Qingcheng's underwear and pierced it directly from the hollow, what kind of ** scene would it be?

Soon, Lin Feng took out Gu Qingcheng's underwear and pajamas and put them in his room.

According to the character of taking care of Qingcheng, she takes a bath every night. Tonight, even if she finds that her underwear has been stolen, Gu Qingcheng will take a bath. However, she didn't have any close-fitting clothes after taking a bath, so she should sleep naked.

At that time, if Lin Feng 'sleepwalks' into the wrong room again, he must be able to complete the task.

Before leaving, Lin Feng entered Gu Qingcheng's room and searched carefully to make sure that no fish slipped through the net, so he went out with confidence.

Lin Feng took a taxi, and just arrived at the door of the clinic, he saw a lot of people surrounded by the clinic, and the situation inside the clinic was not right.

When he walked to the front, Lin Feng realized that it was Guo Zifan who came to the door.

Guo Zifan sat on the chair carelessly, with a bit of coldness on his face. He was hacked by Lin Feng that day, his ligaments were torn, and he was hospitalized. After a little improvement, he came to seek revenge.

Now Guo Zifan also knows that Lin Feng is a trainer, so this time he brought more than 20 people here. These people were borrowed by him from a young master. It is said that all of them fight to death.

Gu Qingcheng is negotiating with Guo Zifan.

In this kind of thing, Lin Feng didn't need a woman to stand up for him, he strode into the clinic.

Enemies were extremely jealous when they met. Guo Zifan saw Lin Feng, and immediately stood up with a bit of a grin on his face, and said, "Okay! You haven't left yet?"

Lin Feng said, "Why should I leave?"

Guo Zifan nodded and said to a black-faced man he brought over: "Brother Li, this person is the one who hurt me, please Brother Li to repair him."

The black-faced man known as Li Ge didn't think that Lin Feng was so powerful. He despised Guo Zifan for being hollowed out by the wine. He looked at Lin Feng and asked, "You let Guo Zifan split a horse?"

"Not bad." Lin Feng said.

The black-faced man saw that Lin Feng had no fear, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable. He felt that Lin Feng was a stunned young man, so he planned to make Lin Feng suffer a little before.

The black-faced man suddenly punched Lin Feng with a Thinking that he could complete the task triggered by the book at night, he didn't need to stay in the clinic any more, he could leave at any time, and Lin Feng would not be so polite.

He grabbed the black-faced man's hand, twisted it hard, and twisted the black-faced man's hand 360°.

"Ah!" The black-faced man couldn't help screaming, cold sweat broke out.

Seeing this, the others hurried up.

A group of ordinary hooligans, no matter how much Lin Feng came, would not pay attention to them. He grabbed the arms of the hooligans and twisted them. Seeing that Lin Feng's expression was calm and unhurried, it didn't seem like he was hurting people at all, but rather like he was taking bones.

In just one minute, all the local ruffians had their arm twisted by Lin Feng and thrown out of the clinic.

Guo Zifan was already bitter in his mouth, and looked at Lin Feng in two battles.


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