Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 473: flame jungle

[.hujuge.] Lin Feng pulled out a spear flower from the golden spear in his hand, and smashed an ice arrow into pieces. He wanted to intercept other ice arrows, but he didn't know why. [.hujuge.] In an instant, Lin Feng's empty door opened wide, and seven or eight ice arrows stabbed heavily on Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng snorted and fell into the snowdrift.

"Hahahaha... Despicable human beings, you can't escape the palm of the honorable Lord Yingli in the end! Tonight, the honorable Lord Yingli will have a good meal. The honorable Lord Yingli has not eaten fresh and tender for a long time. Juicy human!" Seeing that the baby carp had successfully killed the intruder, she couldn't help laughing proudly. With a flick of its tail, the strong wind shattered the ice surface between it and Lin Feng, and the baby carp twisted proudly. He swam towards Lin Feng with his tail.

Lin Feng knew that with normal confrontation, he would not be able to kill this cautious and excessive monster. In the end, Lin Feng had no choice but to take risks. The so-called danger is to deliberately make a defensive flaw and let the ice arrow stab his body. And the moment the ice arrow hits the body, the big Luohan golden body is activated.

The Great Arhat Golden Body can only be used once a day. Casting it once can ignore the damage of the monster for three seconds. Therefore, when Lin Feng found that he could not win the victory normally, he decided to take a risk and used the method of pretending to be dead to lure the baby carp into being fooled.

Lin Feng's method is still a bit dangerous. With normal methods, there is naturally no way to fool this overly cautious monster. Therefore, he must let the ice arrow pierce his body to activate the big Luohan golden body.

In this case, Yingli will be convinced that he killed Lin Feng, and only in this way can Yingli's vigilance disappear.

Sure enough, Ying Li found out that the ice arrow he shot had successfully stabbed Lin Feng, and then revealed his figure. The baby carp is very confident in its own attacks. Not to mention a cultivator with strength in the late stage of transformation, even a cultivator at the peak of transformation, who was stabbed by so many ice arrows, would never think of living again.

Therefore, the baby carp is no longer wary. One minute after Lin Feng fell to the ground, the baby carp used its tail to smash the ice surface between it and Lin Feng, and swam to the side of Lin Feng.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer!

When the baby carp was about five meters away from Lin Feng, Lin Feng, who was pretending to be dead, let out a deep shout, the golden spear in his hand let out a crisp dragon roar, and the violent murderous intent locked onto the baby carp and raged towards the baby carp. . The raging internal energy instantly flooded the entire space, and Ying Li found out that it was wrong and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

'boom! ’

The golden spear pierced into the body of the baby carp.


The baby carp let out a baby cry, swung its tail, and plunged into the lake.

This blow, although Lin Feng did not succeed in taking the baby carp's life, but left a fatal injury to the baby carp.

Seeing Ying Li escaped, Lin Feng naturally wouldn't let him go like this, grabbed the golden spear suddenly, and was dragged into the icy lake by Ying Li.

Under the pain, Ying Li swam forward with all his strength, trying to get rid of Lin Feng, but Lin Feng worked so hard to gain the upper hand, and naturally he would not let go. In this way, one beast and one person traveled quickly through the lake.

The icy lake water seems to have frozen even Lin Feng's soul, he only knows to hold on to the golden spear and let the baby carp shuttle in the lake water.

I don't know how long it took.

The sunlight fell down from the broken leaves like a naughty child, and caressed Lin Feng's pale face. At this time, Lin Feng's clothes were broken like a beggar.

However, his hand firmly grasped the handle of the golden gun. And at the head of the gun, there was a fish with a baby's head.

Under the pain, Ying Li took Lin Feng to run around in the ice lake. Under the misunderstanding of yin and yang, he ran into a river valley that leaked. Following this river valley, Ying Li took Lin Feng away from the frost and cold. land, and finally flushed out of an underground hot spring.

The infant carp died shortly after rushing out because of the severe injury, exhaustion of strength and unsuitability to the hot spring. And Lin Feng was brought to the edge of the hot spring by the baby carp.

Lin Feng let out a long breath. After tossing for a while, I finally tossed the monster to death.


Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief and found that he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand. Lin Feng swallowed a strength-continuing pill. After his body recovered, Lin Feng began to take off the scales of the baby carp and the heart of the baby carp and put it away. That's when I started to look at my surroundings.

"Little loach, do you know where this place is?" Lin Feng asked himself for his understanding of the world's geography. There was no way he could compare to Qinglong.

"Xiaotou, you have a great life! You have not died after all this tossing!" Qinglong said with a sigh.

Although there was no way to do anything, Qinglong remembered everything Lin Feng had experienced clearly. If it weren't for the fact that there is such a hot spring leading to the ground in the drainage valley, and the baby carp took Lin Feng out of the underground drainage valley by accident, I am afraid that Lin Feng might not be able to kill the baby carp.

"Don't talk about those useless, little loach, what is this place!" Lin Feng sneered at Qinglong's sigh.

"Although your life is very big, your luck is not very good. That baby carp took you to the Fire Stream Swamp."

"Fire Swamp? What is this place?"

"Remember the overlord crocodile I said when I came to the Swamp of Death? This is the habitat of the overlord crocodile."

"What? The habitat of the Overlord Crocodile!" Lin Feng was taken aback. This Overlord Crocodile is the most powerful monster in the Swamp of Death! Why did the dead monster get himself to this ghost place so immortal?

However, no matter how depressed or surprised it is, there is no use in it, that is, there is no turning back here. I just hope I can be careful not to run into the crocodile.

After resting for a while, Lin Feng followed Qinglong's guidance and prepared to cross the Fire Stream Swamp and leave the Swamp of Death. Being brave doesn't mean willing to die. At least the overlord crocodile can't be solved by Lin Feng's current strength, so it's better to be wise. Getting a baby carp this time will take a lot of work, let alone dealing with the overlord crocodile.

The overlord crocodile is huge, like a hill, it does not live in muddy water, it lives in fire. The so-called fire stream is the liquid formed by the ground fire spewing out of the ground. Ordinary monsters will be incinerated when they encounter this kind of liquid, but the crocodile is just the opposite. There will always be a strange parasite on the skin of the crocodile. Although these parasites will not kill the crocodile, they will Very unbearable. It is precisely the fire flow that can help the crocodile remove those parasites. The crocodile's skin protects it from fire.

Moreover, because the tyrant crocodile has lived in the fire for a long time, the fire has refined the skin of the tyrannical crocodile as hard as steel. It is an ordinary weapon, and it is impossible to leave a little trace on the body of the tyrannical crocodile.

In addition, the overlord crocodile can also spew out a stream of fire, and anyone who touches it will burn. Without the water from the Well of Death, there is no way any water can put it out. With Lin Feng's current strength, to deal with the overlord crocodile is to hang the old birthday star, which is too long.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided to wait for everything to leave the Swamp of Death, refine the Heavenly Spirit Pill, and talk about it after the strength is refined.

According to Qinglong's guidance, Lin Feng walked all the way, around and around, and two days later, he entered the edge of the Swamp of Fire. From the Swamp of Fire Stream all the way to the south, after bypassing the territory of several powerful monsters, Lin Feng can leave the Swamp of Death.

Seeing that he was about to leave the most dangerous place, Lin Feng's mood couldn't help but improve.

Further ahead is a place called Flaming Stone Forest. There is the dividing point between the Swamp of Fire and other Monster Beast Territories. Although he has left the area where the crocodiles are most active, because of the existence of fire in this flaming stone forest, there will occasionally be crocodiles here, so be careful.

Walking into the Flaming Stone Forest, at a glance, hundreds of thousands of reddish-brown stone pillars support the sky and the earth, with different shapes. After thousands of years of weathering and erosion, these reddish-brown stone pillars have been riddled with holes. This is what the practice world calls the "Stone Forest Heavenly Play".

When Lin Feng stepped into the flaming stone forest, it was just as the sun was setting in the west, and the fiery clouds all over the sky contrasted with the reddish-brown stone forest, and the whole world was in a phantom red. Coupled with the occasional 'sound of the sky' from the stone forest, it can be described as a fairyland.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that there is such a fairyland-like place in this swamp of death that is full of the breath of death, and even the sky is gray!" Lin Feng couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Rare and strange! I tell you, this is the most beautiful place known in the world of practice! Moreover, according to legends, the sound of the rustling sound played here can clear the mind and speed up the practice. Therefore, those practices are in a bottleneck period. The masters of this place often come to this place to listen to the sound of the sky and see if they can achieve some kind of breakthrough..."

"Really? This sound is so powerful? Why can't I hear it!" Lin Feng said. , looking at the setting sun of the distant sky, the setting sun is desolate, and a few tired birds fly away, showing a bleak beauty.

"Xiaotou, ten people can hear eleven flavors. The key is to understand a word. If you can understand it, you will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck if you don't come here to listen to music. If you can't understand it, you will live here all your life and still There is no way to get a breakthrough!"

"Little Loach makes some sense!"

Lin Feng laughed and jumped off the stone and walked quickly along a winding path full of reddish-brown gravel.

According to Qinglong, the flaming jungle is only fifty miles in diameter, and with Lin Feng's foot strength and all-out efforts, he can leave within an hour at most.

Of course, in such a place, Lin Feng still has to be more cautious. But it is so, at most one day, Lin Feng will be able to leave the flame jungle.

‘Boob! boob! ’

There were two **** bird calls in the sky, followed by a variety of birds flying out of their nests, obviously frightened.


Lin Feng stopped abruptly and looked at the various birds flying in the sky. These birds were obviously frightened by some kind of powerful monster, so they left their nests one after another.

Just thinking of this, Lin Feng felt the earth tremble, as if it had been shaken. The surrounding stone pillars also fell on the soil and gravel, and a stone pillar that was more than ten meters high actually collapsed with a bang in the tremor.


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