Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 492: kill the enemy

[.hujuge.] Lin Feng's face was like golden paper, and he forced it out with luck. [.hujuge.] The corners of his mouth were bleeding because he bit his lip.

There is no way, the reality is so cruel, to sacrifice your life to save people, if you have nothing to do, people will thank you at most. If you die, honor, money, attention, gratitude, whatever.

When Lin Feng walked forward, he seemed to see the contempt in the eyes of the old demon, and he felt a little guilty. At the same time, I also felt that something was wrong with the old demon.

Seeing that Lin Feng was 'severely injured', everyone showed concern. Even, when several young female disciples of the Jade Maiden Palace looked at Lin Feng, their teeth were clenched, and there were still waves in their eyes.

Qin Susu hurried forward, grabbed Lin Feng, shook his head and said, "Lin Feng. Forget it. The old devil will not be honest with you, and you will die in vain."

Lin Feng smiled boldly and said, "As long as there is hope, I will do whatever I can, no matter what the cost."

Qin Susu grabbed Lin Feng and wanted to persuade him again, but she couldn't say what she said. After all, Lin Feng wanted to save Xia Jingtian. If she persuaded her, wouldn't she prevent Lin Feng from helping him?

Xia Jingtian looked at Lin Feng silently. Lin Feng's appearance at the moment made her feel a little distressed. She said, "Lin Feng, you are not worth it. Give it up."

Lin Feng pushed Qin Susu away, looked at Xia Jingtian with aggressive eyes, and said, "Jing Tian, ​​I, Lin Feng, am afraid of death, but I don't know if I can exchange my life for yours, all I know is that I Lin Feng couldn't do it, and watched his beloved woman in danger."

Xia Jingtian didn't dare to look at Lin Feng, and there were ripples in her heart.

She has never hated Lin Feng, and even, she still has a good impression of Lin Feng. Only this time, Lin Feng came to the Jade Maiden Palace to pursue her instead of saving Li Xiao Yao, which changed her view of Lin Feng. She thought that Lin Feng had changed and was no longer the Lin Feng who stirred the world at the top of Mount Hua.

But now, Xia Jingtian is sure that Lin Feng is still Lin Feng, and he has not changed.

Seeing Lin Feng pretending, Liu Yingquan's eyes flashed a bit of ruthlessness, and said coldly: "There is one more kick. I hope you can stand up after this kick."

There was also a flash of coldness in Lin Feng's eyes. He didn't take the last kick in his heart at all. At that time, no matter whether the old demon would keep his promise or not, he would find a way to kill the old demon.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng resolutely came to Liu Yingquan again, looked at Liu Yingquan with fearless eyes, and said, "I don't want to die. After I die, I should be able to calm the anger in your heart, I only have one request. , I hope that after I die, you can keep your promise and let Jing Tian go."

Liu Yingquan said, "Don't worry. Do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

Liu Yingquan stepped forward and kicked Lin Feng's abdomen heavily.


With a muffled sound, Lin Feng's body quickly retreated, smashing several trees with the thickness of the bowl mouth one after another, and finally his entire body slammed into a piece of bluestone, and then he slumped to the ground.

Anyone can feel the strength of Liu Yingquan's kick!

"Xiao Feng." Qin Susu had already exclaimed, and quickly swept towards Lin Feng.

Xia Jingtian's face was also a little pale, and she only felt that the softest part of her heart was gently touched.

Of course, Lin Feng was not injured. The old demon kicked the last kick. He used the big Luohan Jin to defend himself, and his body was not hurt.

However, Lin Feng was still extremely suspicious.

Ordinarily, the old devil's last kick should be a full-blown blow. Even if he doesn't kick Lin Feng alive, he has to kick Lin Feng to the end of his meridians, and he can't take care of himself. But the old demon's foot, although the strength is very strong, is far from the full blow of the top master of the transformation. There is also the position that the old demon chose, actually the lower abdomen, not the heart, the lower **** and other deadly parts.

Lin Feng felt that the old demon's foot should only exerted his strength in the later stage of Transformation Realm! Could it be that the old demon thinks that he is only in the late stage of transformation, so he is disdainful of taking all the shots?

In this case, the old demon is going to be unlucky!

The old demon is the pinnacle of the transformation realm. Even if Lin Feng is better than the old demon, it is impossible to kill the old demon head-on. Unless you can make a sneak attack, take the advantage.

Lin Feng lay on the ground, motionless, paralyzing Liu Yingquan.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, how are you?" Qin Susu picked up Lin Feng and choked.

Lin Feng's face was ashen, with a lot of blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. Originally, he wanted to keep his eyes closed, but it was not easy to observe the old demon, so he had to open his eyes and looked at Liu Yingquan with questioning eyes, his tone was also extremely weak, said: : "Liu Yingquan, I have already accepted your trip, can I let Jing Tian go?"

According to the inexorable feud between the old demon and Lin Feng, the old demon should not give up like this. What Lin Feng wanted to see the most was that when the old demon saw that Lin Feng was seriously injured, he became complacent, let go of Xia Jingtian, came to Lin Feng, and wanted to ridicule and insult him. In this case, Lin Feng suddenly attacked, maybe he could inflict heavy damage on the old demon.

As long as the old demon is injured, Lin Feng has a great chance to kill the old demon!

The look of contempt on Liu Yingquan's face was the same as before. With the last kick, he only used his inner strength in the late stage of Transformation Realm. Although it can make Lin Feng suffer a lot, it is impossible for Lin Feng to be seriously injured, but looking at Lin Feng's current appearance, it seems that You're about to take your breath away. Moaning for nothing, it's so cheap.

Everyone thought that the old demon should be laughing wildly next. However, what made everyone feel unbelievable was that the old demon really let go of Xia Jingtian.

Liu Yingquan's face showed a bit of admiration, and said: "Lin Feng, you and I are inseparable, I should have killed you. But, for the sake of your deep affection for Xia Jingtian, I will open the Internet. On the one hand, farewell."

After Liu Yingquan finished speaking, he flew away.

Everyone was relieved, but Lin Feng was not satisfied with the result. Unexpectedly, Liu Yingquan really kept his promise and left! Although Liu Yingquan did not kill Xia Jingtian, nor did he kill Lin Feng, it did not mean that Lin Feng would let Liu Yingquan go.

Liu Yingquan had threatened Lin Feng's ban in the Beiying beauty pageant before, but this time he came to the Jade Maiden Palace to kidnap Xia Jingtian, which made Lin Feng even more upset.

"Liu Yingquan, if you dare to threaten Jing Tian, ​​I will fight with you!" Lin Feng didn't care about being "severely injured", so he quickly swept towards Liu Yingquan.

"Xiao Feng." Qin Susu quickly followed.

There were also several masters in the middle stage of Transformation Realm in the Jade Maiden Palace, and they chased after them. They just swept away a few hundred meters and stopped. The gap between their strength and Liu Yingquan, Lin Feng, and Qin Susu is too great, and the three of them have already disappeared.

Qin Susu also lost her direction after chasing a few hundred meters away.

Liu Yingquan's strength is not very different from Lin Feng's, but Lin Feng has learned "A Reed Crossing the River", and his movement speed still has some advantages over Liu Yingquan. In addition, Liu Yingquan didn't expect Lin Feng to get up and chase him, so he didn't get far, and he caught up with Lin Feng.

Feeling the strong wind blowing behind him, Liu Yingquan was taken aback and turned back quickly.


The strong collision of the two top masters of the transformation realm is like a rainbow.

Qin Susu, who was lost in the distance, rushed over immediately after hearing the applause. Seeing that Lin Feng and Liu Yingquan were fighting, they immediately joined the battle.

The gap between the late stage of transformation and the peak of transformation is huge, but Qin Susu can't control that much.

Lin Feng was also a little depressed. If he fought against Liu Yingquan, he could play to the fullest, and he could even take out the golden spear from the storage ring. But Qin Susu was beside him, so he could only give up.

Lin Feng knew that it would be useless to kill the old demon today. In order not to let the old demon seize the opportunity to kill Qin Susu, Lin Feng did not dare to neglect, and the offensive was like a wave.

Qin Susu felt that Lin Feng was injured, and thought that Lin Feng could never be the opponent of the old demon.

Under the attack of Lin Feng and Qin Susu, Liu Yingquan began to retreat.

"Lin Feng. You are such a shameless and despicable villain." Liu Yingquan scolded extremely angrily.

"Each each other."

At first, Lin Feng was a little worried that the old demon would be fierce, looking for an opportunity to kill Qin Susu, but the old demon seemed to have no intention of fighting and just wanted to leave.

Even so, Lin Feng didn't dare to push too hard.

After fighting for a while, Liu Yingquan's situation was not good. He wanted to get out of the way. There was Lin Feng in front of him who was entangled in him, and Qin Susu next to him was also a threat.

Lin Feng had a lot of martial arts resources, and it would be extremely unfavorable for Liu Yingquan to consume it any more.

With a cold snort, Liu Yingquan suddenly gave up fighting with Lin Feng and attacked Qin Susu instead.

Qin Susu is only in the late stage of transformation, where is Liu Yingquan's opponent? With just one move, Liu Yingquan made Qin Susu dangerous, and the second move was on Qin Susu's shoulder.

Qin Susu groaned, and fell from the Lin Feng didn't miss this opportunity. He came to Liu Yingquan in a flash and waved at Liu Yingquan. Taking this opportunity, he quickly retreated, then turned around and flew into the distance, disappearing into the night after a while.

Seeing the old demon galloping away, the expression on Lin Feng's face was a little weird. Just now, he placed a palm on the old demon's chest, but it seemed that something was wrong.

Lin Feng shook his head, "Acacia Classic" is really scary, and I don't know how many realms the old demon has cultivated, and there is a tendency to change.

Lin Feng fell to the ground and looked at Qin Susu's injury. Fortunately, the old demon's main purpose was to escape, not to hurt the enemy, so he did not go all out when attacking Qin Susu, and Qin Susu had no problem.

Qin Susu was fine, but of course Lin Feng was going to have a 'problem'. He took a few steps back, staggered, and fell to the ground.

"Xiao Feng." Qin Susu was startled, and hurried over to hug Lin Feng in his arms, "Xiao Feng, how are you? Don't scare me..."


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