Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 497: not very good

[.hujuge.] When Lin Feng returned, the Fenglin faction was full of joy. [.hujuge.]

More than two years ago, Lin Feng fought **** battle at the top of Huashan Mountain and used his own strength to compete with the four prestigious families in the martial arts world. Although he was defeated, he was still honored.

The disciples of the Fenglin faction all know that Lin Feng is a master in the late stage of transformation, and the return of Lin Feng means that the Fenglin faction will also have a real master from now on.

Xie Jili, Lin Hu, He Zhang and others gathered around Lin Feng to greet him for a while, and then backed away. Lin Zhan immediately led Lin Feng to the conference hall of the Fenglin faction.

In the conference hall, Lin Feng sat at the top.

Luan Xingxing, Zhiyuan, Xie Luanyang, and Xie Xingmei were seated on both sides. Li Haidong, Lin Zhan, and Ran Yuchen stood at the bottom.

Although Lin Feng knew that several women had a lot to say to him, but now was not the time to be courteous, he glanced at the three of Lin Zhan and asked, "Has the development of the Fenglin faction been smooth for so long?"

Li Haidong said: "Smooth. The boss became famous at the top of Huashan Mountain, and our Fenglin faction's martial arts resources are too attractive, so there is an endless stream of disciples who come here. Now, the internal and external disciples of the Fenglin faction add up. There are already more than 3,000. There are also hundreds of masters who have entered the transformation realm."

Lin Feng looked at Li Haidong and said, "Yuchen needs to refine medicine pills. It's excusable that he hasn't entered the transformation environment for the time being. How about you? Why didn't you enter the transformation environment?"

Li Haidong was quite embarrassed, so he stepped aside.

Lin Zhandao: "I can't blame the senior brother for this. Many things of the Fenglin faction are arranged by the senior brother, which delays the senior brother a lot of cultivation time."

Lin Feng knew that Lin Zhan was just looking for a step down for Li Haidong. As his disciple, he basically didn't need to practice much, he just depended on taking medicine. Li Haidong is just a little less qualified.

Lin Zhan pondered for a while, and then said: "The development of the Fenglin faction is indeed worthy of joy, but there is a lack of masters above the mid-transition stage in the sect."

The growth of the Fenglin faction made Lin Feng quite gratified. Although he knew that the development of the Fenglin faction would be very fast, he did not expect that in just two or three years, the maple leaf faction would actually have hundreds of masters in the early stages of transformation.

The martial arts resources Lin Feng obtained at Xingwumen can only support the cultivation of the disciples of the realm, and there are no resources to support the masters of the realm of transformation. But this time, Lin Feng went to practice the world, but he got a lot of Earth Spirit Pills and Heaven Spirit Pills. Among them, the Earth Spirit Pills were of great benefit to the masters in the early stage of transformation, and the Tian Ling Pills had obvious effects on the masters of the middle transformation stage.

Although Tianling Pill and Earthling Pill Lin Feng still have a lot of inventory, he may need to rebuild the attached veins at any time, which requires a lot of medicinal pills. Therefore, the Heavenly Spirit Pill and the Earth Spirit Pill cannot be given to anyone.

Lin Feng also has some selfishness. If it is his own woman and disciple, of course it will not be ambiguous to give a lot of medicinal pills in the past. In addition, other people who want earth and heaven pills cannot give them casually. Only Only those who are talented and worth cultivating can get more Earth Spirit Pills and Heaven Spirit Pills. As for the casual disciples, only when their cultivation base has risen to the peak of the early stage of transformation, or the peak of the middle stage of transformation, can they get an Earth Spirit Pill or Heaven Spirit Pill to help them break the barrier to advancement.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng asked: "For more than two years, the Fenglin faction has no masters in charge, and no one has come to ask for trouble?"

Lin Zhandao: "Yes. Two years ago, two mid-transition experts broke into the Fenglin faction, but they were scared off by Liu Yingquan, the elder of Elysium Gate."

"Liu Yingquan?" Lin Feng was taken aback.

Lin Feng first bombarded the Valley of Bliss, destroying the gate of Bliss, and then beat Liu Yingquan again in Beiying. This time at the Jade Maiden Palace, Liu Yingquan was rewarded with a palm. The enmity between Lin Feng and Liu Yingquan is not too deep. According to Liu Yingquan's character, I am afraid he will take revenge on the Fenglin faction.

Seeing Lin Feng's worried expression, Lin Zhan said hurriedly, "In the past two years, I have been letting my disciples serve Liu Yingquan well, and Liu Yingquan did not embarrass us."

At this time, Zhi Yuan also said, "Old Demon was originally the great elder of the Elysium Sect. He was used to being served by others, and the Elysium Sect was destroyed. Of course it would be difficult for him to be alone. The Fenglin faction came to Elysium Valley and served the old demon meticulously. Of course the devil is happy. If I were the old devil, I would not embarrass the Fenglin faction."

Lin Feng felt that it was not so simple. With the strength of the old demon, it was not a trivial matter to get a few people to take care of him? However, in any case, the old demon did not attack the disciples of the Fenglin faction, nor did he attack Luan Xingxing and Xie Luanyang, it was all fortunate.

Thinking that a few days ago, the old demon ran to the Jade Maiden Palace to kidnap Xia Jingtian, Lin Feng felt a chill in his heart, and was going to meet the old demon. This time, he would not let the old demon escape.

In the Bliss Valley, the highest mountain is called Bliss Peak. A stone house is built on the mountainside. This stone house is the residence of Liu Yingquan.

Liu Yingquan had long hair and a shawl. He was naked, with a pair of white trousers underneath. His red robe was placed on the chair next to him. On the ground on one side, there is a young woman with a full body. The woman's face is gray and motionless.

It's already dinner time, why hasn't anyone brought food?

Liu Yingquan's face was a little gloomy. Over the years, such a thing has never happened.

After waiting for a while, Liu Yingquan felt very uncomfortable. He put on a red robe and walked out of the stone house, preparing to teach Lin Zhan a small lesson.

snort! When I Liu Yingquan is really a soft-hearted person?

As soon as he walked out of the stone house, Liu Yingquan saw a group of people approaching from a distance. At this time, the old demon also knew that things might change. He stopped and looked at the people coming down the mountain.

There were eight people in total, four men and four women. Seven of them knew Liu Yingquan. The men were Li Haidong, Lin Zhan, and Ran Yuchen. The four women, Liu Yingquan, knew each other better, namely Luan Xingxing, Zhiyuan, Xie Luanyang, and Xie Xingmei.

Liu Yingquan has coveted these four women for a long time. Of the four women, only Xie Xingmei is a little less beautiful, and the other three are stunning. Luan Xingkong has been very mature for a long time, and he wants to squeeze Luan Xingkong's chest. There is also Xie Luanyang, who is slender and beautiful, and must be very cool to work. Well, the paper kite has also grown up. Although Xie Xingmei is a little less beautiful, she is still a beauty, especially Xie Xingmei's **** are very large, which is the size that Liu Yingquan likes.

Although Liu Yingquan had long wanted to get these four women, and no one could stop him, the old demon held back for long-term consideration.

During the battle at the top of Mount Hua, Lin Feng fell from the Shura Cliff, and there were no bones left.

The Fenglin faction settled in the Bliss Valley. Within ten years, other martial arts sects were not allowed to invade the Fenglin faction. Then, what about ten years later?

Although Fenglin sent a lot of masters in the early stage of transformation, Liu Yingquan also discovered that once these people entered the transformation, the progress of cultivation would be greatly slowed down. Ten years later, the Fenglin faction will not be able to get out of the middle stage of transformation. However, at that time, the ten-year appointment had passed, and there would be more people coming to the Fenglin faction to look for trouble.

At that time, Liu Yingquan stood up, knowing his interests, he might be able to incorporate the Fenglin faction and make the gate of bliss return to the arena. At that time, the four girls could play whatever he wanted.

Suddenly, Liu Yingquan's face changed greatly.

Among the eight people, a young man took the lead. This young man, Liu Yingquan, looked a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he was startled immediately. It was him, and he was not dead?

No wonder he didn't bring food to himself. It turned out that Lin Feng was back.

At this time, Lin Feng also came to the bottom of Bliss Peak. He raised his head and looked at Liu Yingquan, feeling that something was wrong in his heart.

"You're not dead?" Liu Yingquan asked sharply.

"How could I die?" Lin Feng was even more surprised. He had fought against Liu Yingquan two days ago. Why did Liu Yingquan ask this question?

"Jie Jie! Lin Feng, I thought you were dead, but it doesn't matter, I'm already at the peak of the late stage of transformation, and you will soon become a dead person."

Lin Feng became more and more strange. He turned his head to look at Lin Zhan and asked, "Did Liu Yingquan leave the Bliss Valley a few days ago?"

"Not for the past ten days." Lin Zhan said.

Lin Feng was stunned.

No wonder!

No wonder that as soon as Wang Yi left the Jade Maiden Palace, the old demon went to the Jade Maiden Palace to attack. No wonder the old demon at that time was the pinnacle of transformation realm strength and spoke in a shrill voice. No wonder the old demon caught Xia Jingtian. No wonder the old demon kicked himself three times without hitting hard. No wonder the old man kept his promise after kicking himself three times. No wonder when the old demon escaped, although he and Qin Susu stopped him, he did not hurt Qin Susu.

Thinking of the feeling of hitting the old demon's chest with a palm at the beginning, and the fact that Wang Yi went to the cave to kick his **** with his feet, Lin Feng understood that the old demon who appeared in the Jade Maiden Palace a few days ago was actually Wang Yi.

In the Valley of Bliss, the old demon did not attack Luan Xingxing and Xie Luanyang, nor did he embarrass the disciples of the Fenglin faction. In addition, the old demon who went to the Jade Maiden Palace two days ago was not the old demon, so Lin Feng felt a lot of killing intent.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, "Liu Yingquan, you leave the Valley of Elysium now, and don't step into the Valley of Elysium again in the future."

"Jie Jie."

Liu Yingquan laughed twice and said: "What a big tone. Lin Feng, it's okay. You actually appeared today, and I will talk to you. You destroy me first, as long as you are willing to lead all the disciples of the Fenglin faction to join in. I am the Bliss Gate, I can not kill you, and I will also pass on your "Acacia Dian". How about UU reading"

The person Liu Yingquan hated the most was Lin Feng. Followed by the four major families. But he also knew that even if he was the pinnacle of Transformation Realm, it would be easy to repel Lin Feng, but it would be difficult to kill Lin Feng, so he planned to use a strategy of slowing down. Even if Lin Feng agreed to join the Elysium, he would find an opportunity to kill Lin Feng.

Luan Xingxing, the four daughters of Xie Luanyang, and the three disciples including Lin Zhan are still a little nervous. Although Lin Feng is the late stage of transformation, more than two years ago, Lin Feng had just entered the later stage of transformation, and it has only been more than two years in the past. , he can't increase his cultivation, and Liu Yingquan is already the peak of the late stage of transformation.

Luan Xingxing had called Lin Feng's husband, she did not hide her worries at all, she stepped forward, obviously wanting to fight side by side with Lin Feng.

Zhi Yuan also stood next to Lin Feng, but she was not afraid of the sky.

Xie Luanyang and Xie Xingmei also stepped forward.

Li Haidong, Lin Zhan, and Ran Yuchen are also facing great enemies. Although they know that their strength is too poor, they will shine with a little strength.

Lin Feng just smiled indifferently and said, "Not much."

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