Peach Youth

Chapter 206: It's a natural seduction

Returning to the master bedroom, Lin Feng finally had the mood to code a little bit. No matter whether the spring and white snow would really disappear from tomorrow, his career as a writer will continue.

Maybe he and Yangchunbaixue will be beautiful, maybe he and Yangchunbaixue will be sad.

Lin Feng started typing on the keyboard, not very fast, but his thoughts were much clearer than in the afternoon.

Midnight was approaching, and Lin Feng typed out almost 4,000 words. He planned to type 4,000 words until about two in the morning.

Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Feng was a little depressed. At this time, he didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. No matter who he was chatting with, it might affect his thinking.

Lin Feng opened the door and saw Xia Caiqi in a nightdress, graceful and hot, with a strong aroma.

From the traces of the nightdress, Lin Feng could conclude that Xia Caiqi was not wearing a chest photo, and the traces of the two buds were faintly visible.

Lin Feng's face was covered with clouds, and he said coldly, "It's so late, do you have something to do with me?"

Xia Caiqi said, can I go in and chat with you for a while?

Lin Feng almost shouted, "Get the **** out of me," but he still suppressed his anger, and when he turned and walked in, Xia Caiqi followed.

When Lin Feng turned around and sat on the sofa again, Xia Caiqi just walked up to him, he could see more clearly, Xia Caiqi didn't even wear pants.

Because there are no traces, and it is impossible to wear thongs, she did not wear shorts.

He didn't wear a bra or trousers, he just wore a nightdress and ran to his room. What was it that wasn't intentional?

This is seduction.

This is a natural seduction!

Lin Feng lit a cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke resentfully. She looked at Xia Caiqi's face incomprehensibly: "If you want to chat with me, go back and put on your bust and pants."

Xia Caiqi just wanted Lin Feng to discover her hotness. Lin Feng found out, so she was very relieved.

She said, does it matter? Did you see me?

Lin Feng said, your nightdress didn't float, what can I see?

Xia Caiqi was not so impulsive to talk about her nightdress in front of Lin Feng, but instead, she rolled up the nightdress and made it look like she was afraid of going out.

Xia Caiqi said, don't think I'm annoying. I'm here to apologize. When I was in the store, what I said was a bit too much. Sometimes I can't control my mouth, but my heart is not bad.

Xia Caiqi must not be bad, otherwise Dai Nan would not have been her friend for so many years.

Lin Feng said, I accept your apology. I'll act like you didn't say anything and you can go out.

Xia Caiqi had no intention of going out, but Lin Feng wanted to continue coding. If he continued to spend it, he might not want to write after half an hour.

Xia Caiqi said. Are you tired?

Lin Feng said, I didn't do any physical work, so I wasn't tired.

Xia Caiqi said, in fact, sitting in a chair every day is very tiring, do you want me to give you a massage. I've done it in a beauty salon before and I'm a beauty guru. Also a master of massage, I will make you very comfortable, try it!

Lin Feng said, I will have a chance in the future. No, you go back to your room, and I plan to check it out.

Xia Caiqi didn't achieve the ultimate goal of coming in this time. She was obviously very unwilling. She smiled and said, I'll massage you for ten minutes, and then you code.

Lin Feng said, later.

Xia Caiqi snorted, got up and walked out, but left behind a strong fragrance, not very high-end cosmetics, but it is easy to make people imagine.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's thoughts were not interrupted just now. Sitting on the chair, the speed of typing on the keyboard was a little faster than before.

Before 2:30 in the morning, Lin Feng wrote out ten thousand words, closed the document, and leaned on the sofa to light a cigarette.

In the darkness, the flaming red of the cigarette **** was beating, and Lin Feng's heart was beating too.

More than an hour passed, and Lin Feng thought of almost any woman he had come into contact with since his junior high school days.

As for those people and things in elementary school, he still remembered but didn't think about it carefully, because the people who appeared around him in elementary school have developed almost no intersection with him.

The most beautiful girl in the school in elementary school has developed into the present, and her appearance is very average. When the women's college changed, she didn't get better. She was helpless, and those who were optimistic about her were also helpless.

It was after four o'clock in the morning that Lin Feng lay on the bed, and more than an hour later, after five o'clock in the morning, he still hadn't fallen asleep, but he didn't plan to get up with Dai Nan and Xia Caiqi to go to the store.

After six o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng's sleepiness arrived, and then he fell asleep in a daze. After another hour, Dai Nan and Xia Caiqi got up. Xia Caiqi wanted to knock on Lin Feng's door, but Dai Nan blocked it.

Dai Nan said, is your brain sick? Why do you do whatever Lin Feng hates? He is sleeping. If you knock on his door, I think you won't feel well if you don't take a meal.

Xia Caiqi said, we are both up, is he still sleeping?

Dai Nan said that he slept late, let him continue to sleep, let's go first.

Xia Caiqi said in her heart, I'm afraid he won't be there again during the day, and I won't see him in the shop. Do you know how empty I am?

It was past ten o'clock in the morning when Lin Feng woke up. The first thing he did when he got out of bed was to turn on the computer and open the pages of the book. He didn't see Yangchun Baixue's reward or message.

There is still a chance before evening.

Even if the spring and snow do not appear in the evening, there will still be a chance, because there is still darkness.

Before the new midnight, there was always a chance, and Lin Feng was looking forward to a result.

I was in a daze while browsing the web, and before I knew it, it was noon, and the spring and white snow had not yet appeared.

I didn't eat last night, and I didn't eat breakfast. Lin Feng knew that he was hungry, but he still had no appetite.

It was more than half an hour later that he walked out. He went to the restaurant and asked for a bowl of ramen. He ate more than half of the bowl, and there was a little left. He really couldn't eat it and didn't force himself.

After walking out of the hotel, I went to the nearby convenience store to buy a bottle of Coke, and then returned to the master bedroom. I opened the page and found that the spring snow still did not appear.

Lin Feng plans to write 20,000 words today, if he can. It indicates that he will meet Yangchun Baixue one day, if not. It indicates that it is impossible to meet Yangchunbaixue forever.

Under this strong psychological hint, Lin Feng's code word speed is very fast, and he came out with 9,000 words in less than two hours.

Lin Feng's hands are flying, and the plot is also flying. He is a little panicked when writing so quickly. After all, creating a plot is different from hitting someone with fists and feet. When hitting someone, the sooner the better. But that's not the case with codewords.

Lin Feng read the plot that he just coded, and found no problems. He wrote all the plots he wanted to write, and also wrote the feelings he wanted.

After smoking a cigarette and resting for a while, Lin Feng continued to code. More than an hour has passed. Today, he has written 13,000 words. He had no idea at all about stopping.

In the evening, Lin Feng wrote 18,000 words and came out. It was time to take a break. He closed the document, bought two meals at the restaurant outside, and went to Fengnan Fashion Store.

There were more than ten customers visiting, and all but two men were women. Xia Caiqi was very busy, Dai Nan had an intoxicating smile on her face, and she knew from her pride that today's turnover was very optimistic.

Lin Feng sat next to Dai Nan, and when he smelled the familiar aroma, he wanted to touch Dai Nan's thigh. After thinking about it, forget it, lest Dai Nan ridicule him. Lin Feng, you are a real flower. You have a girlfriend as good as Shang Yunna, and you still touch me secretly.

Lin Feng said, let's eat, I brought you a rice bowl with fish-flavored shredded pork, oh, and green tea.

Dai Nan said thank you and started eating. Lin Feng took a look at the account book. Today, the turnover has reached 1,300. Looking at the current momentum, there will be a considerable increase before the end of the business.

More than ten customers in the store went out one after another, and eight of them consumed, and the turnover increased by more than 200 yuan, approaching 1,600.

Xia Caiqi jumped over and said coquettishly, "I feel a sense of accomplishment. It's already 1600 in three hours before closing. It's definitely no problem if it exceeds 1800 today. Which of you two will bet with me?"

Neither Lin Feng nor Dai Nan responded, Xia Caiqi said aggrieved, you two can't cooperate with me.

Dai Nan said, I bet with you.

Xia Caiqi said, I bet more than 1800.

Dai Nan said, I also bet more than 1800.

Xia Caiqi said, you and I are pushed aside, what are you betting on!

Dai Nan said, if it exceeds, then both of us have won, and let Lin Feng invite Haagen-Dazs.

Xia Caiqi smiled charmingly at Lin Feng: "Hey, do you have any comments?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

Lin Feng stayed in the store until it closed, and the turnover really exceeded 1,800, just exceeded but also exceeded.

Both Dai Nan and Xia Caiqi won, and he did not lose, but he wanted to find a time to invite Dai Nan and Xia Caiqi to eat Haagen-Dazs.

Walking on the road together, Dai Nan and Xia Caiqi chatted non-stop, and Lin Feng was relatively quiet.

Xia Caiqi's buttocks touched Lin Feng's legs, and she said softly, "Why don't you speak?"

Lin Feng wanted to remind Xia Caiqi that even if your **** is very elastic, don't touch me with your butt, but if he said this, Xia Caiqi would say that he was walking carelessly, and he would quarrel with him because of it. meaningless.

Lin Feng said, I'm thinking about the plot, and I'll have to code it when I go back.

Xia Caiqi said, do you have no size during the day?

Lin Feng said, who said that if you code during the day, you can't continue at night?

Xia Caiqi said, you are really hardworking, if you are not a god, then there is no reason.

Lin Feng liked to listen to what Xia Caiqi said just, but did not praise her, lest she suddenly become overwhelmed.

The impression to Lin Feng is that Xia Caiqi belongs to the kind of girl who will be mad if she is a little proud. Once she is mad, it may be bad, and then she will blame herself.

It's really bad, what's the use of blaming yourself?

Returning to the master bedroom, Lin Feng realized that his body was extremely tall and straight, which may have been stimulated by Dai Nan and Xia Caiqi just now.

There are still 2,000 words to 20,000 words, and Lin Feng intends to complete it immediately, so that the great psychological suggestion can develop in the ideal direction.

After more than half an hour, Lin Feng typed 2,000 words. Today, he typed a total of 20,000 words. The next plot is also well-conceived, but he did not continue to code, so as not to affect the mentality of tomorrow.

Midnight is here.

Yangchun Baixue did not appear, Lin Feng knew that his guess was right, and Yangchun Baixue would not reward him in the future. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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