Peach Youth

Chapter 376: The best beauty says she loves him

Meizhu still didn't know Lin Feng's plan to buy a house, and naturally she didn't think that Lin Feng had borrowed a lot of money from Ye Ye. Thinking of this, Dai Nan was relieved and didn't plan to let Meizhu continue to guess, but after walking into Lin Feng's house, Dai Nan was relieved. Before the room, Dai Nan didn't plan to say the answer.

The mysterious point can be more shocking.

Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Feng opened the door. At this time, seeing Dai Nan and Tian Qingzhu, he was even a little nervous, probably because he was not used to the changes in his room, so his face was very unnatural.

Dai Nan said, "Why are you a piece of wood, don't stand in the door, Qingzhu and I are going in."

"come in."

Lin Feng stepped aside, Dai Nan and Tian Qingzhu walked in and saw a pile of suitcases lying on the ground. Dai Nan counted them and exclaimed, "Ten suitcases!"

"It's ten." Lin Feng said.

"One is 300,000 yuan? How can one hold 300,000 yuan for such a big suitcase? It's such a waste of suitcases."

"One is one million!" Lin Feng said.

The blood in Dai Nan's body rushed upwards. Fortunately, she was not hypertensive and would not suffer from cerebral hemorrhage easily. She trembled: "That's 10 million! Are you a little too that? Take ten million?"

"Since I'm having fun, then I'm going to spend a lot of money. Buying a house is not a trivial matter for me. I want to live more comfortably for myself, and I also want my future wife to live comfortably, so I headed for the mansion."

Lin Feng's heart turned upside down, but he spoke in a calm tone. At the same time, he also said in his heart that it was Ye Ye who forced me to borrow 10 million from her, otherwise I planned to borrow 3 million. The spirit is all forced out, some are forced out by competitors, and some are forced out by friends, and now I believe it.

Dai Nan touched his head, walked a little wobbly to the edge of the sofa and sat down. At this time, Tian Qingzhu was already dumbfounded, her thoughts had stopped, her pure and beautiful face was extremely pale, and she couldn't understand why ten suitcases full of banknotes appeared in Lin Feng's room.

Dai Nan beckoned to Tian Qingzhu, but Tian Qingzhu didn't respond at all, Dai Nan called out Qingzhu, come here. Tian Qingzhu still did not respond at all.

Sure enough, Mei Zhu was frightened, Lin Feng walked over, supported Mei Zhu's arm and walked over together, and sat down.

Dai Nan said: "I called Ye Zi, but I said three million at the beginning. I didn't expect you to be so cruel."

Lin Feng told the scene at that time. But he didn't say that Ye Zi forced him to borrow so much, but said that it was his own intention. This white lie made him seem very arrogant.

Dai Nan admired Lin Feng's courage very much, and admired Ye Zi's righteousness even more, and shouted that Miss Ye Ye was enjoying her work.

I thought that the beautiful bamboo would cry a lot, but after she was in a daze, she showed a sweet smile. The voice was even sweeter as spring water: "Brother Feng, I know you bought a house to keep me, you buy it, I won't let you down."

Lin Feng was stunned.

Dai Nan was also stunned.

Is this what Tian Qingzhu said? Contrary to her style, but she really said it.

At the same time, Lin Feng and Dai Nan also believed that Tian Qingzhu would not suddenly become a material girl just because she saw 10 million, a girl who had never pursued material things and was willing to give up the prosperity of a metropolis to teach in a backward mountainous area. It is not easy to materialize.

Lin Feng has a lot to say to Tian Qingzhu. Although the house has not been bought yet, he even wants to discuss with Tian Qingzhu about the decoration of the house and the brand style of furniture and electrical appliances. Anything will bring a lot of pressure to Tian Qingzhu, Qian sees it. Seeing the IOU, he doesn't seem to have to say anything more.

Although all this has happened, Lin Feng can't conclude whether it is correct to let Tian Qingzhu see this.

Of course, Dai Nan would not miss such an excellent performance opportunity. He smiled and said: "Qingzhu, see, how much Lin Feng loves you! He has never been so fierce to Shen Bingqian and Shang Yunna before! He wants to buy a mansion of more than 10 million yuan for you to live in, isn't he very fierce! Actually? A woman is very happy to have a fierce man, and living in a spacious, bright and luxurious house is called a comfort."

Tian Qingzhu smiled and said nothing. Dai Nan said a lot, but Tian Qingzhu still didn't say anything.

But both Lin Feng and Dai Nan could see that Tian Qingzhu's heart was overturned at this time, and she was pretending to be calm.

Dai Nan went to the small shop, and it was time for Lin Feng and Tian Qingzhu to be alone. At this time, Lin Feng had already placed ten suitcases with banknotes side by side in the corner, but they still took up a lot of space.

Lin Feng is not afraid of people who suddenly come in to rob. With him, the money is safe.

Lin Feng sat on the sofa, Tian Qingzhu stood opposite him, about half a meter away from him, her face was calm, her eyes were warm, her chest was high, and her legs were slender Yes, she is beautiful to a certain level.

Lin Feng lit a cigarette and smoked, and exhaled two puffs of smoke in a row. Then he looked at Tian Qingzhu's face and said with a relieved smile: "Qingzhu, do you think I'm too crazy, I didn't scare you?"

Tian Qingzhu smiled and shook his head: "I have never seen so much money before, the time I had the most money was when I came to Beijin Normal University to report. That time my dad brought me 8,000 yuan, except for 5,000 yuan. In addition to the multi-yuan tuition fees and dormitory supplies, I still have more than 2,000 yuan left for living expenses. I must carefully manage this money to ensure that I can report smoothly and maintain a semester of life. I am very happy to sit on the train with this money. I was nervous, for fear of being stolen or robbed. At that time, I thought, if someone steals my money, I will go to the police station. If the police can’t catch the thief, I will not leave. I also thought that if someone robs me of my money, I will do my best. I will protect the money with my life. Fortunately, I am very safe along the way. I successfully brought 8,000 yuan to Beijin Normal University and completed the enrollment registration. After that, I still have more than 2,600 living expenses left in my hand. This is all my expenses for four and a half months. It is about 600 yuan a month in peace, and 20 yuan a day. I dare not buy any clothes, even underwear. I don’t even dare to buy it, I can only use all the money to eat, Brother Feng, maybe you will laugh at me, but I still want to tell you, I used to be reluctant to throw away my trousers until they were worn out. Pants with holes are better than no panties."

The living expenses of 20 yuan a day, even if they are used for meals, the average meal for three meals a day is only more than 6 yuan, and I can only eat the simplest things, no money to buy snacks, no money to buy fruit, and even get sick occasionally There is no money to buy medicine, and there is no money to give gifts to classmates and friends.

There is still one year left before graduating from college. In the past three years, although the beautiful Zhushen was studying in the prosperous metropolis of Beijin, she had always lived a frugal to pale life. The prosperity around her has nothing to do with her. Of course, she can take the subway or the bus. The cost is not high, but she can enjoy these public facilities. If she stands on the street and enjoys the bustling beauty, she does not charge any money.

Seeing Lin Feng's tears flowing out, Tian Qingzhu held back the tears and said with a weeping voice: "Brother Feng, don't cry, I know you love me."

Lin Feng said: "Qingzhu, as long as you stay in Beijin after graduation, I can make you live a happy life, and I will make everyone around you envy you."

Tian Qingzhu said: "Brother Feng, I have always understood your heart, but I also want to tell you that I am not frightened by ten million, even if your room has one hundred million, I will not be frightened, I know who I am and I know what I should do!"

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed, he smiled relievedly, and gave Tian Qingzhu a thumbs up: "I admire you very much."

"I admire you too!" Tian Qingzhu jumped into Lin Feng's arms and bit his ear with a little force, but luckily it didn't bleed: "Love you!"

The words "love you" said by Beauty Bamboo echoed in Lin Feng's ears for a long time, so nice and sweet.

Lin Feng stroked the belly of the beautiful bamboo, she had no opinion.

Lin Feng stroked the beautiful bamboo's chest, she didn't have any opinion.

Lin Feng's hand touched the edge of the beautiful bamboo trousers, but she still had no opinion.

If Lin Feng stretched his hand in, he could touch the moist softness, but his hand didn't go in, because Beauty Bamboo was too pure, so he didn't want to leave any bad impression in Beauty Bamboo's heart.

When facing Beauty Bamboo, Lin Feng is willing to give 100% perseverance to control his desires, and make the relationship between them a little cleaner before Beauty Bamboo is not his girlfriend.

The next day, Lin Feng put the 10 million in cash and the more than 2 million he had accumulated before, and the total was more than 12 million. The next task is to find a house, in the beautiful Zhucong from Shu Province, as a backer. Before the town came back, he was going to get the house done.

The house in Lin Feng's hometown is very ordinary. The house that Lin Feng rented in Beijin is first a partition room and then the master bedroom. What is a luxury house? He had never owned a mansion, although 10 million was borrowed, his heart was trembling when he owed the IOU, but when he bought the mansion, it was his own, and he couldn't help but be very excited.

The summer vacation is Meizhu returned to Kuoshan Town, Shu Province. Lin Feng and Dai Nan took her on the train. Meizhu was very reserved, but before getting on the train, she took the initiative to hug Lin Feng, and He kissed for three minutes, envious of the people around him.

The beautiful bamboo once again said to Lin Feng's ear, "I love you", the very simple words echoed in Lin Feng's ears for a long time.

Lin Feng really wanted to go back with Beauty Bamboo and enjoy the scenery of Kuoshan Town in Shu Province, but unfortunately, Beauty Bamboo did not let him go with him.

Lin Feng asked countless times in his heart, what happened to let me walk with you? But he didn't ask, because he knew that Beauty Bamboo wouldn't tell him the answer.

Maybe the answer is floating in the air, maybe the answer is swimming in the water, but he can't see it and can only guess.

What is certain is that the beauty Bamboo will come back, because after this summer, she will only be in her senior year, and she has not graduated yet, and she will have her graduation thesis and defense after that. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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