
CH 15

The Crown Prince felt like he’d been slapped. His face was a little stiff as he tried to think about what to say to save face after Dan Yi’s rejection. “Shizi, do you find staying in the Eastern Palace to be inconvenient? I’ve heard that the Phoenix King of every generation starts training in the Danyang Divine Martial Arts from a very young age. Could I ask what level Shizi has attained?”

By saying this, he was trying to insinuate that Dan Yi was unwilling to stay in the Eastern Palace because he didn’t want others to see him practicing his martial arts and thereby know his cultivation level.

He waited for some time, but Dan Yi didn’t respond, as if he didn’t even hear his question. He continued selecting cherries casually and popping them into his mouth.

The Crown Prince’s face was livid now.

Lan Shanyu bent down and served Dan Yi some food so that he wouldn’t just keep eating cherries. He put the serving chopsticks down, then smiled at the Crown Prince. “Dianxia, you have asked a Heaven-class question. If you wish to know the answer, you may exchange it with one of the Heaven-class tablets you received earlier,” he said.

This was considered a Heaven-class question? The Crown Prince’s face reddened, his teeth clenching together as he struggled to maintain his composure. “No, that’s fine. It was just a casual question,” he said.

The Jiyang Sect’s leader, Yao Xiong, couldn’t help speaking up on hearing the conversation that was going on on the dais. “Since the Cloud Palace’s Young Master will be staying in the palace to study with the princes, I’d very much like to also have my child do so. He can be one of the Crown Prince’s designated study partners too,” he said.

Yao Xiong clapped his son on the back. His son’s name was Yao Guang, and he looked very much like Yao Xiong – six feet tall, and very sturdily built.

All conversation on the dais ceased immediately. Lan Shanyu opened his fan with a flourish. “What does Sect Leader Yao mean by this? My Young Master is merely visiting the palace for a short time. He is not here to be anyone’s study partner,” he said, his expression frosty.

Chen Ziqi was in the midst of drinking soup, and choked when he heard Lan Shanyu say this. He raised his head to look at the people on the dais, and saw that the Crown Prince’s face was changing from pale to red and back again in a marvellously entertaining fashion. He looked like a malfunctioning chameleon.

The Second Prince elegantly raised a winecup to his lips, allowing his wide sleeves to cover his face, the better to hide his amused smirk. The Crown Prince’s self-important attitude always inadvertently produced hilarious results. The Second Prince hoped the Crown Prince would never change – look how entertaining today was!

Yao Xiong thought about what the Zhenlong Emperor had said earlier. “The Phoenix King has agreed to let you stay in the Imperial Palace for a while” was what he had said. This didn’t mean that Dan Yi was here to be anyone’s study partner, and he felt a little embarrassed. The rest of the audience also realised their mistake. By staying in the Imperial Palace, Dan Yi was not indicating that he submitted to the Emperor’s power, but was just here to visit as a family friend.

The Crown Prince’s face had taken a sound beating today, and he didn’t dare to antagonize Dan Yi again. He couldn’t offend Dan Yi if he didn’t speak, so he chose to remain largely silent until the banquet ended.

As the Jiyang Sect’s leader was putting his first legitimate son in the palace to be the Crown Prince’s study partner, the other sect leaders also started clamouring to have their sons in the palace as well. However, the number of study partners the Crown Prince could have was limited, and they couldn’t accept everyone. The final decision was for Yao Guang and the Crown Prince’s younger cousin, Luo Zheng, to remain in the palace.

The Sword Alliance decided to have one of the disciples that Huang Huacan personally trained remain in the palace as the Second Prince’s study partner. This disciple might be called a ‘study partner’, but everyone knew that he was here to teach the Second Prince the sword arts.

Naturally, no one bothered giving princes with no power and no influence, like Chen Ziqi, any study partner. 

The banquet ended, and the princes left the main hall with the Emperor. Eunuch Yuan rushed over immediately. “Reporting to the Emperor, the Danyang Palace has been in a state of disrepair for many years, and two of the large windows are broken. The renovations will take a few days, and it’s not in a livable state right now,” he said in hushed tones.

In a state of disrepair for many years…

Chen Ziqi rubbed his chin. The palaces in the Imperial Palace were usually maintained on a regular basis even if no one was staying in them, unless orders were expressly given to leave the place unattended. Danyang Palace was where the Phoenix King of every generation was supposed to stay when he visited the Imperial Palace. How could it have been allowed to fall into this shoddy state?

He turned to look at Dan Yi, who was standing at the front of the main hall. That exquisite little face was still calm and expressionless. As Chen Ziqi looked at him, he started to harbour some wild thoughts. Dan Yi was really good looking and had a great personality. If they could be friends, how great would that be?

Since the Danyang Palace needed a few days’ repair work, Dan Yi would have to live elsewhere during this time.

“Given the situation…” the Crown Prince said, his tone reserved and hesitant. He had been taught a number of hard lessons today, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself again.

“Perhaps Dan Yi can live with one of the princes for two days?” the Second Prince cut in. He wore a warm, welcoming expression on his face, and but there was a predatory kind of anticipation in his eyes.

The Crown Prince glared at the Second Prince.

“I’ll live with the Seventh Prince for a few days, then,” Dan Yi said suddenly.

Huh? The Seventh Prince? Everyone was speechless. Chen Ziqi looked left and right, then raised a finger to point at himself. “Me?” he asked in confusion.

Dan Yi walked over and took Chen Ziqi’s hand, the same hand that he was using to point at himself.

The Second Prince had not expected this at all. He had only wanted to annoy the Crown Prince and give him some trouble, but he didn’t think that Dan Yi would really live anywhere else but the Crown Prince’s Shuangxue Palace these few days. Dan Yi had not only chosen to live with someone other than the Crown Prince, he’d chosen Little Seventh, who had no clout or influence to speak of.

The Crown Prince was intensely jealous. “Why Little Seventh?” he couldn’t help asking. These two couldn’t have known each other beforehand, right?

Chen Ziqi, whose hand was still held in Dan Yi’s, also gave him a mystified look. Dan Yi’s hand felt clean and warm, and he felt his heart grow a little warm, as if it were wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. He also felt strangely exultant; this was something that even the Crown Prince couldn’t get if he wanted, but he had obtained it. 

“He’s good looking,” Dan Yi said matter-of-factly.

“… …” The rest of the princes were dumbfounded.

“Hahaha!!!” The Zhenlong Emperor looked at the two adorable, fair-skinned children holding hands, and couldn’t help bursting into laughter. He’d been too cautious earlier, thinking that the Phoenix King’s Shizi was a dangerous person he needed to be on guard against. Now, it seemed that he really was just a child, selecting his playmates based on whether they were good looking or not. “If you like Little Seventh, then by all means, live with him. We’ll get your Danyang Palace sorted out in the meantime. Hahaha…”

After saying this, the Emperor directed Eunuch Yuan to make the arrangements, and left with a broad smile on his face.

“Have fun, you two. If there’s anything you need, come look for me,” the Second Prince said, smiling gleefully. He was very pleased with this outcome. Little Seventh was in his camp, and if he got along well with Dan Yi, that meant that Dan Yi would also be on his side in future.

“What a phony!” the Crown Prince sniffed disdainfully. He instructed his servant to send some nice things from Shuangxue Palace to Qingyun Palace, then spoke quietly to Chen Ziqi. “Little Seventh, don’t forget what we discussed the last time.”

Chen Ziqi winked at the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince nodded in satisfaction upon receiving this “secret sign” from Chen Ziqi, then turned to leave.

Everyone had left other than Chen Ziqi, Dan Yi and their servants. The two were still holding hands.

“Why did you wink at him?” Dan Yi asked, slightly displeased.

“I’m messing with him,” Chen Ziqi said, raising his head and winking at Dan Yi. His huge peach blossom eyes made him look particularly adorable doing so.

Dan Yi’s lips, which were pressed firmly together in a straight line, relaxed when he saw this. He studied Chen Ziqi for a while. “My name is Dan Yi, and I’m eight this year,” he finally said.

This sudden introduction drew a gasp of laughter from Chen Ziqi. “I’m Chen Ziqi,” he said simply. With that, he pulled Dan Yi toward the Qingyun Palace.

“You haven’t said how old you are.”

“I’m bigger than you. You can call me gege,” Chen Ziqi said cockily, swinging their linked hands.

“As far as I’m aware, you’re only six,” Dan Yi said, giving Chen Ziqi a sideways glance. The fellow was a whole head shorter than he was.

“What are you looking at me like that for? I just haven’t hit my growth spurt yet,” Chen Ziqi said. He bounced twice on the balls of his feet. “If you already know how old I am, why bother asking? They say that it’s rude to ask a question to which you already know the answer. You have to compensate me.”

“Huh? There’s such a saying?” Dan Yi asked, furrowing his brows.

“Of course! You should read more.”

“… …”

“How do you write the word “yi” in your name?” Chen Ziqi asked, bounding happily in front of Dan Yi.

“The “yi” in san shui yi,” Dan Yi said. He looked at the confused Chen Ziqi, then smirked at him. “You don’t know that? You should read more.”

“Bah, you probably don’t even know how to write it yourself.”

The two bantered noisily as they entered Qingyun Palace. Chang Er was embroidering in the garden pavilion, and when she saw that her son had returned, she happily called him over to drink some green bean soup. She then noticed Eunuch Yuan following behind him, and quickly stood up to greet him.

“Greetings, Chang Jieyu,” Eunuch Yuan said, smiling as he bowed to her. He explained what happened earlier, and that Dan Yi would be living with them for a few days.

“So this is the Phoenix King’s Shizi? He’s very good looking,” Chang Er said, squatting down to look at the exquisitely handsome little Dan Yi. She couldn’t resist reaching out a hand to caress that fair-skinned, tender-looking little face.

“Jieyu niangniang, my greetings to you,” Dan Yi said, dipping his head respectfully.

“Good boy,” Chang Er said, smiling broadly. This was the first time she’d seen a child that was actually better looking than her own son. Pfft, even the feel of his skin was too good to be true.

Eunuch Yuan was both astonished and horrified by Chang Jieyu’s actions. He was afraid that the little lordling would throw a tantrum. However, Dan Yi just stood there obediently and let Chang Er do what she pleased, with no sign of throwing any tantrum whatsoever.

“These are for the Shizi’s use,” Eunuch Yuan said, pointing to the boxes in the junior eunuchs’ arms. “We came in a hurry, so we haven’t assigned any palace maids or eunuchs to wait on him yet. We’ll send them over later today.”

“Nn,” Dan Yi said. He was eating the green bean soup that Chang Er offered him. “Lan Shanyu will send two maids over. Eunuch Yuan, if I could trouble you to make arrangements for them to come here.”

“Certainly,” Eunuch Yuan said, smiling. He motioned to the young eunuchs to set down the large boxes containing items for the Shizi’s use, and asked other servants to bring some cut fruits over before leaving Qingyun Palace.

The Cloud Palace’s two maids arrived in the evening. They were a pair of twins called Linghe and Lingguan who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. They appeared to be bright, intelligent girls, and their voices were sweet and pleasing to the ear.

Chen Ziqi had originally thought that the Imperial palace servants were the epitome of good service, but when he saw how the two Cloud Palace maids waited on Dan Yi, he realised he was mistaken; his servants could be considered lazy next to these two.

Lingguan opened one of the boxes and started swiftly arranging all the items contained inside. Before an hour had passed, Chen Ziqi’s room looked completely different, as if it were brand new. 

The green gauze bedcurtains had been changed to indigo curtains made of soft, fine silk, and the bamboo mat on the bed was replaced with a jade mat made of fine, polished jade. The incense burner was filled with Sanyun incense, a cool scent that repelled mosquitoes, and the ice bower was filled to the brim with ice, cooling the room down considerably.

Chen Ziqi took off his outer robes and climbed onto the bed in his thin snowsilk underclothes. The smooth, cool jade slats were a hundred times more comfortable than the bamboo mat, and he couldn’t help rolling over on the bed in glee. He rolled over to where Dan Yi was sitting propped on a plush cushion reading a book.

Dan Yi extended a hand and stopped Chen Ziqi’s hairy head from rolling into him. He glanced at Chen Ziqi. “It’s the dog days of summer* now. Don’t you feel hot sleeping in your underclothes?”

*T/N: The hottest days of summer are called “dog days” or san fu tian (三伏天). 

Of course he felt hot. Chen Ziqi pulled at his underclothes. Ordinarily, he slept without a stitch on, but he had a roommate today…

Well, they were both boys, so what did it matter? Chen Ziqi let the bedcurtains down, removed all his clothing, then dived into the blankets, flailing his legs about excitedly.

Dan Yi put down the book in his hands and slid into the blankets as well.

“Why aren’t you taking off your underclothes?” Chen Ziqi asked, turning to look at Dan Yi. He reached out to tug at Dan Yi’s underclothes, which had an odd, cold gleam to them.

“This is made of frost silk, and makes the wearer feel cool,” Dan Yi said, yawning.

It was indeed very cool to the touch. Chen Ziqi couldn’t help caressing it a few more times.

Lingguan took her leave, and Linghe brought out an embroidered mat to sit by the bedside. She held a round, woven fan in her hands and fanned the two children on the bed with it.

“Linghe, you should go and rest,” Chen Ziqi said, turning to the girl seated beyond the silk bedcurtains. He was not used to being waited on like this; was she going to fan them the whole night?

“Don’t worry, Dianxia, I have neili in my body, and it’s no matter even if I don’t sleep for three days,” Linghe said lightly, smiling.

Chen Ziqi had always had a gentlemanly nature, and tended to worry about women and girls exhausting themselves. Satisfied that Linghe would be fine, he turned back to Dan Yi and gave him a huge grin.

Dan Yi looked helplessly at Chen Ziqi’s bright, shining eyes. The boy obviously was in no mood to sleep.

“Dianxia, if you cannot sleep, perhaps I’ll sing you a lullaby?” Linghe suggested.

“Okay!” Chen Ziqi said, nodding enthusiastically. He had never heard a lullaby before.

The fan in Linghe’s hands never stopped moving as she cleared her throat, then started to sing in a soft, sweet voice. 

The Jade Mountain has a hundred spirits; they call at sunrise, they call at sunset.

Morning and night, birds return home; they chirp at moonrise, they chirp at moonset.

Little ones, sleep on a branch, soar over the high cliffs and gardens.

Quickly grow up little ones, to pass through the clouds, and into the highest heavens.

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