"Uncle Li Zheng, we don't mean to embarrass Xiaomeng. As long as she is willing to apologize to all of us, we can forget about today's affairs. We adults, she is a little girl, and we will not worry about her." Li Chunfang smile, a peacemaker look.

Li Zheng's thick eyebrows are twisted together.

Today's matter is easy to handle, but not easy to handle.

These people clearly want Xiaomeng to look good.

"All right, you all say less. It's not right for Xiaomeng to beat people today, but it's not right for you to say bad things in front of people. If you want to apologize, who should start first, who should apologize first? After that, I'll let Xiaomeng apologize to everyone, OK?"

Is Xiaomeng so hot? Why didn't he find out before.

"She dare not let people say, we did not say anything wrong, we do not apologize." Wang Yu raised her head in a reasonable manner.

"Yes, we didn't say anything wrong. Why should we apologize to her Zhang's waist was also stiff.

"Why should we apologize to her? We are elders. Li Zheng, you can tell us that she is a younger generation beating her elders. Should this be the case?" Tian Youming is angry. Which side is Li Zhengshu.

"I don't accept apologies either." Tian Xiaomeng talks.

"This..." Li Zheng is also in a dilemma.

One by one, he is a bad speaker.

"Li Zheng's grandfather is here. I'm the same. I won't admit what Tian Xiaomeng didn't do. Don't lead people in for no reason. If you let me hear some irregular words again, I'll listen to them once and call them again." It's not that she's crazy, it's that she's really angry.

"Xiaomeng, you..." Is it really good to threaten villagers in front of him?

"Grandfather Lizheng, today's matter is related to my reputation and integrity. I will not compromise. If my grandfather feels embarrassed, it can be ignored." Xiao Meng doesn't want Li Zheng to be embarrassed.

Xiao Meng's words made Wang Yu and Zhang's heart afraid.

Tian Xiaomeng really said what he said and did. This slap was really painful.

Evil door is, they have no chance to backhand.

"Uncle Li Zheng, you hear me. She dares to be so arrogant in front of you. If she is behind others, she doesn't know what to do. She has no respect for us. She not only disrespects us, but also beats and scolds her grandparents. Such people should be driven out of tianjiacun. Our tianjiacun people have always been honest and sincere. There is no such person." Tian Youming turns his eyes, looks at Tian Xiaomeng and proposes to Lizheng Tian Zongxian.

"That's right. It's a disaster for such a crazy girl to stay in the village sooner or later. Such a person should drive out of tianjiacun, so as not to be implicated by her one day." Wang Yu's expression was happy. Yes, she didn't expect to drive this crazy girl out of the village. There was nothing wrong with her.

What's more, she was not born in tianjiacun. What would she do in tianjiacun? Would she be domineering here?

"Yes, Uncle Li Zheng, look at her. You can beat people easily. If you start to beat us today, you don't know who to hit tomorrow. It will be a disaster for such a person to stay in the village sooner or later. It's better to let her leave Tianjia village earlier." Zhang also spoke.

Don't blame her for her ruthlessness. She must give up her voice today.

"No Liu's face turned white. Xiaomeng is her daughter. They can't treat her daughter like this: "don't drive Xiaomeng away, don't."

"Don't drive her away. OK, you ask her to apologize to us and say that she shouldn't have done something to us." Wang Yu is in a good mood.

Look, look what scares Liu.

It seems that this is a useful move.

Isn't Tian Xiaomeng good? If you are good, you will leave Tianjia village.

Liu looks at Xiaomeng in embarrassment. She can't say that.

But she doesn't want to see Xiaomeng be driven away.

"Xiaomeng..." Liu's hard mouth, she sorry Xiaomeng, this time not only can't help her, but also to drag her back.

"I won't apologize." Tian Xiaomeng didn't look at her mother. She knew what she wanted to say by listening to her mother.

It's impossible to make her soft.

Liu was in a dilemma to cry: "if you have a bright daughter-in-law and a native daughter-in-law, you can let my Xiaomeng go. What's wrong with my Xiaomeng? You have to embarrass us so much."

Wang Yu turned her head to one side, which was quite helpful to Liu's soft tone.

Zhang bowed his head.

She doesn't want to, but Xiaomeng's personality is so hot. If she is like this, we can't tolerate her.

Seeing that they didn't talk to each other, Liu looked at Tian Zongxian: "Uncle Lizheng, Xiaomeng in my family is still young. If it wasn't for the bright daughter-in-law, she wouldn't have hit them on the spur of the moment. The fault lies in me. I'm not a good mother. Let's say 3:4 to my daughter-in-law. Please don't drive Xiaomeng away. Although Xiaomeng is not my own daughter But from childhood to adulthood, I have always regarded her as my own Liu began to cry.Xiao Meng presses her temple with headache. What is her mother doing.

"If you have a hair daughter-in-law, don't worry. It's just a big thing. I didn't say I'd drive Xiaomeng away." Li Zheng also has a headache, one by one, how can't get along with a little girl.

"Uncle, you can't be partial. Tian Xiaomeng has no respect. If you don't drive her out, we won't comply. We'll take her to the County Yamen and let the county magistrate come to judge her." Tian Youming's eyes flashed. Today, I must drive Tian Xiaomeng out. If I let Tian Xiaomeng stay in the village, I don't know how to revenge them.

"Yes, the emperor of the great Su Dynasty paid attention to filial piety. If the matter was reported to the county government, she would be sent to prison if Tian Xiaomeng didn't make a good scene. Today, we just let Tian Xiaomeng get out of the village, which can be seen from our friendship with the village for many years. If it is really reported to the county yamen, it will not look good on anyone's face." Tian Youming spoke again.

Tian Zongxian has a headache on his face.

Tian Xiaomeng sneered all the time.

Then he gave a cold drink: "is that right? Then you can sue. I'm not afraid of Tian Xiaomeng. " Take Liu's hand and go back.

One by one, we have to drive her away.

To tell you the truth, she is nothing strange about this Tianjia village.

In accordance with her present ability, she is also able to buy a house in the county.

But why did she go.

If she leaves today, people will say that she was expelled from the village, that she has no respect for her superiors and does not respect filial piety.

So, to go is not to go now, she has to let these people have a good look at how she is living in Tianjia village.

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