"You cruel woman, do you think it's you? You found my grandson stealing your herbal medicine, so you killed them all, didn't you? It must be like this. You are a little wild creature who doesn't know where you come from. You are so vicious. You can return my grandson and my grandson. " Old lady Xu thought of a possibility and immediately yelled.

"Xiaomeng girl, tell your uncle whether you did this or not. It's wrong for these two children to steal herbal medicine. But you can't hide people. Where have you hidden them? Tell Uncle quickly. Uncle, for the sake of being together for more than ten years, will not make it more difficult for you. But if you do something harmful to the two children, we will not blame us for being rude." Tian Youliang's face is very ugly, wrinkling his eyes at Xiaomeng, hoping to find something from each other's eyes.

But to his disappointment, he saw nothing.

"You Liang, how can you say that? We are very sad that your child is missing, but it is not too inappropriate for you to say so about our family and Xiaomeng." Tian you can't get angry. No one wants to see this matter. Now, we don't want to find a child again, but we are here to investigate who is responsible, and even put the responsibility on Xiaomeng, so that he, as a father, can listen to it.

Li Zheng coughed: "now is not the time to investigate this. Let's work hard and look for all the attached mountains. If you can't, report to the official and let the government intervene." Missing two children, such a serious matter, must report.

Everyone saw that Li was saying this, and no one said anything. They continued to search around.

"Xiao Cao, what did you say about the visiting doctor yesterday? Have you seen it before? "Xiaomeng goes to Xiaocao and asks her some questions.

Grass's eyes cry like a peach general swelling, at the moment, she stood helplessly beside her eyes.

Hearing Xiaomeng's question, he looked at her with a blank eye: "the man was dressed like a beggar, with disordered hair. He had a cloth bag and a wine pot pinned on his waist. He met him at a fork in the road. At that time, he saw what he had in his hand, and his eyes were shining. Then he gave him one or two silver coins to sell his things to him."

The man was dressed in shabby clothes, even a beggar was inferior to white spots.

"What did he look like, did he say anything else, remember?" Xiao Meng frowns and looks back in her mind. She doesn't think of the existence of such a person.

"His face is smiling and his eyes are very magical. By the way, I can't remember anything else." Grass as much as possible to recall more detailed, only when she did not care about such a person, where will pay attention to see.

Xiaomeng tells Cheng Yu what the doctor looks like. After hearing this, Cheng Yu frowns deeply, and then says with uncertainty: "this looks like the man."


"It's a miracle doctor." If he had seen a fish 15 years ago, he did not know who was missing


"He also knows that you are here, young Lord. As for the two children, I can't think of anything to do with him." Bai Buxin is a strange person. He can save people if he wants to. He also kills people when he doesn't want to. Of course, as one of the four Dharma protectors of Ziyun palace, he will not be a good person.

"How can we find him?" If it is really the miracle doctor Bai Buxin, what is the purpose of his appearance.

"I can try to get in touch with him." There is a special way of contact between the four Dharma protectors of Ziyun palace. However, this method has not been used for more than ten years, so it is uncertain whether it can be contacted.

Xiaomeng nods and asks Cheng Yu to contact him first.

Another day, there was no one on the mountain, no in the field, no in the river, no one alive or dead.

Tian Youliang's family and Tian Youming's family have been in a mess. The two families insist that Xiaomeng's family must have hidden their children, and they are clamoring to report to the officials. They have the intention that they will not rest until the Xiaomeng family is punished.

Li Chunfang took a hoe and went to Xiaomeng's house. She kept saying, "it's all those things that harm people and grass. If it wasn't for that, how could a CAI lose it? I'll destroy them. I'll destroy them."

Tian Wangcai can be regarded as the old son of Tian Youliang and Li Chunfang. Li Chunfang gave birth to three daughters. She got such a daughter, but she has never been raised again.

"Hold her up. Who can blame for this?" Li Zheng is also in a bad mood. He has a certain responsibility for such big things in the village. If the villagers are more vigilant at ordinary times, no outsiders will enter at will, let alone what happened today.

"Uncle, do you still cover up Tian Youfa's family? At the beginning, you were too soft hearted to make such a decision. You think that we are all making trouble without reason. Now, look, if it is not like this, my ah Cai will appear in such a thing. " Li Chunfang sobbed and complained.

"No one wants this to happen. So far, we can only report to the government and let the government intervene to see if there is any hope of finding it."

"I'm sure it must have something to do with Tian Xiaomeng." A turn of the cart slowly stopped, Qian Xiucai and Tian Xiaoqing's family, Tian Xiaoli's elder sister Tian Xiaoli's family, received the news from her mother's home and rushed over. Tian Xiaoqing jumped out of the bullock cart and stared at Tian Xiaomeng angrily."Qing'er, you are back. Your brother, he, he..." Seeing the eldest daughter's second daughter coming over, Li Chunfang hugged them all of a sudden, crying heartily: "your poor brother is missing, missing, Wuwu..."

"Xiaoqing, what do you mean by what you just said? Tell us about it." Tian Youliang listens to his daughter's words, wondering if Xiaoqing has heard something?

"My grandparents, uncles, aunts and aunts in the same village, Tian Xiaomeng is actually a bandit leader who specializes in such deception and abduction. He sells the cheated children to rich families as slaves and makes money."

"Tian Xiaomeng, where did you sell my son? Tell me where you've got my son." Li Chunfang listen, originally angry face more angry, keep shaking Xiaomeng's body

"Tian Xiaoqing, this is not a casual remark. Xiaomeng in our family has some Kung Fu, but he will never be a bandit leader. Are you mistaken?" Tian Youfa frowns and looks unhappy.

It's very sad to lose the children. Is it because you can easily anger them?

"Bean scar, you come down, you point out to everyone, this woman is not a big leader of your Dou Gang, she is not worthy of the name of bandit leader?" Tian Xiaoqing snorted coldly. Tian Xiaomeng lost her brother. He would let her die.

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