The news of the crown prince's passing had almost spread to the South Yi, and there was no one in the capital who did not know of it.

Only because Jin Xiaolou had closed the gate the moment she heard the news and also forbade anyone from leaving, it was as if her Linlang Workshop had been isolated from the world for the past ten days.

Jiang Chan was extremely happy, she immediately thanked Jin Xiaolou and led them out.

It was still early in the morning, and the address that Jin Xiaolou told her was at the mouth of an empty alley facing the long street.

Jiang Chan wore a long skirt that was the color of smoke. From afar, she looked like a peach blossom that had just blossomed in the night.

She pulled up her skirt and stood on the ice platform. She suddenly felt that something was strange. The capital was no longer as lively and bustling as it used to be. Not only were there fewer people, there were white clothes covering the entire city.

But before she could think about it, she heard the footsteps of many people coming from the end of the long street.

It must be the crown prince's honor.

Jiang Chan immediately called the girls to go up on the ice, and with her soft voice, she started singing.

Her voice carried out along with the wind, and her figure rotated, stopping or swaying, graceful and fairy-like. Her gentle and compassionate appearance was perfectly displayed on her face, making the crown prince unwilling to move his eyes away from her once he laid eyes on her!

After two or three leaps, the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard. A group of soldiers had turned around at the end of the street. However, they were not dressed as usual. Their heads were wrapped in black cloth and each of them had a mournful look on their faces.

The leader of the group saw the group of singing and dancing girls from afar and was so shocked that his face changed. He didn't wait for the group behind him to catch up before leading a small group of women to rush over.

With a wave of her hand, all the girls on the ice were pulled down, especially the most conspicuous one, who pulled her hand and broke it, and fiercely pressed it onto the ground, almost breaking Jiang Chan's arm.

Jiang Chan was startled, although this singing and dancing in the street was not an elegant matter, but it would not be treated in such a way. Even if the crown prince were to go out, they would not be able to block his way, how could they be so brusquely restrained?

Before he could figure out what was going on, he heard the leader of the guards say, "The crown prince is buried here and you dare to sing and dance in front of the crowd? How dare you!"

After hearing the first four words, Jiang Chan's ears rumbled. It was as if the sky had turned dark, and she couldn't even stand up straight.

"Pull them all down! After being locked in the dungeon, it will be transferred to you for a thousand miles three days later! " As soon as he had finished speaking, he turned around and hurried back into the line, not even bothering to hear what the girls had to say.

The soldiers under him turned a deaf ear to the cries and cries of the woman, and dragged her into the alley …

Following that, Shibai's troop came in a zigzag way while sixteen people in the middle carried a huge coffin. The deafening sound of the gongs, drums, and suona covered all of those girls' voices without leaving a single trace.

In a corner tower not far away, Jin Xiaolou put down the curtain, picked up the Lin'er and said to Lv Yun: "Let's go."

Lv Yun nodded, she raised her head and looked outside, the entire capital was covered by a white mist.

When the crown prince was in mourning and the entire country was in grief, no one would care about the fate of the woman who had danced and sang in public.

It was reasonable for him to kill such a person.

Therefore, even if they were unjustly accused, it would be of no avail, because no one would listen to their complaints.

The officer had already ordered for the punishment to be dealt with. The people below just needed to follow the orders and be dealt with properly. At this point, it was better to not cause trouble.

Jin Xiaolou had long thought of all these, which was why she dared to act in such a manner.

Today, the city gates were opened earlier than usual.

Before the sky brightened, Ji Lingyun had already packed her luggage, left behind the letter, and brought Du Jing out of the city.

Yesterday she had a fast horse ready and waited until they had ridden out of the outskirts of the capital and further south, where they could no longer catch up, and then changed their carriages.

As for where she was going to go, Ji Lingyun did not know either, so she would go out first.

Since she was young, Ji Lingyun had never been out of the capital, she had only seen the city walls far away that seemed as big as the walls between the heaven and earth.

Du Jingli settled his old mother down in a small courtyard on the west side of the capital. Using the silver that Ji Lingyun gave him, he invited two old women and four maidservants to take care of her.

He planned to travel with Ji Lingyun for a while, and after he had settled his feet at home, he would take his mother over.

Due to the crown prince's funeral, the city gates opened early today. Minister Ji and his wife had to send the crown prince off, and it was just dawn when Ji Lingyun and Du Jing came out from the capital and mounted their horses.

However, as soon as they got on the horse, the two of them were in trouble.

Ji Lingyun was a lady and the Ji Clan was a civil servant of many generations. Naturally, they would not ride horses. Du Jing was a scholar, and he had seen very few horses.

Ji Lingyun sat in front and Du Jing held her at the back. He pulled the reins and rode for a long time, but the horse did not move a step.

The man who was selling the horse became worried. He stretched out his hand and slapped the horse hard on the butt. The horse's hooves flew in the air and it started to run.

Ji Lingyun only felt that she was flying, she did not even dare open her eyes, Du Jinglei was only concerned with hugging the person tightly, once he pulled the reins, the two of them did not even know the direction, allowing the horses to carry them forward.

After running for an unknown amount of time, they arrived at the outskirts of the capital. Just as the horses reached a grove of trees at the foot of a steep hill, two fast horses suddenly charged out from behind the hill.

Those two horses were rare horses, and they were swift like lightning as they galloped over, and the sweat that sprinkled down along the way was blood-red.

Ji Lingyun felt that the horse she was sitting on was suddenly startled as it swung its front hooves. The horse that was charging at him was extremely fast and slightly tilted its head, actually sticking close to the steep slope as it galloped by.

Just as he was rising up into the air, Ji Lingyun, who had his eyes tightly shut, suddenly lifted his eyelids.

In the outskirts of the late spring, there was a pleasant fragrance of the fields. A slightly drunk breeze brushed past his face, and in front of him was a handsome and unparalleled man.

Like jade, but if one described him as jade, then he felt that there was no place in the world where such a fine jade could be found.

In the blink of an eye, the man had already galloped his horse his way over. Ji Lingyun only felt that in the blink of an eye, she was already imprinted into a stone tablet, and that it had lasted as long as Feng Yunqian.

In the next moment, Ji Lingyun was flung out by the horse and crashed into a pile of grass.

She didn't even care about the pain as she quickly stood up and shouted at the figure that was getting further and further away.

However, the person in front did not even turn around.

He jumped down from the horse and pulled on the reins tightly, then stopped the horse and ran to Ji Lingyun's side: "How is it, are you injured?"

Ji Lingyun shook her head.

"Then let's continue on our way. We'll leave the outskirts of the capital first. Otherwise, when your parents discover us, we won't be able to leave." Du Jinglei pulled the horse over, raising his hand to help Ji Lingyun onto it.

Ji Lingyun frowned: "Go? "Where to?!"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger back and pointed at the two white shadows that were jumping around, "Chase after them!"

"Chase, chase them?" Du Jingli was baffled. "We don't even know who they are …"

"That's why I have to clarify things with you!" Ji Lingyun answered, "What, that man knocked me off my horse, is it okay if he wants to make it so easy? I have to get an explanation from him! "

Ji Lingyun stepped onto Du Jing's hands and jumped onto the horse. She pulled the horse and turned it around, and before Du Jing could even get on the horse, she whipped his horse and carried it by its neck and walked forward.

"Melody!" Yun'er! " Du Jingli stood alone on the spot. After shouting twice and looking around, he felt disappointed and had no choice but to walk back.

The two riders were Gao Lang and Chang An.

Coincidentally, he had returned victorious from the last battle with the South Yi. Gao Lang didn't return together with Hu Shan and the others, but spent a huge sum to buy the Ferghana Horse. On the way back to the capital, he had already killed six horses.

Because of the urgency of the matter, he really couldn't afford to waste even a second.

When Gao Lang and Chang An rushed to the front of the Changqing Tomb, the Crown Prince's coffin had just arrived.

The emperor and queen, who had been coiling around the sickbed for a long time, sat on the throne, which was covered with white curtains. The emperor's expression was incomparably sorrowful. With a slight movement, he coughed uncontrollably.

Empress Gao was still as young and beautiful as before, and still looked like a young girl.

The doors to the mausoleum slowly opened, and the hundred officials kneeled behind. He Guangkun's face was filled with tears as he stood in the front row.

Maybe the others were pretending to be sad, but He Guangkun was feeling extremely uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart. He wished that he could die to his own father, but he did not want to be the crown prince.

Because he was just a good friend of the crown prince, he had yet to hold any official post. He wanted to wait for the crown prince to ascend to the throne and bestow the title to himself.

Seeing that the crown prince's coffin was about to be delivered to the mausoleum, He Guangkun sobbed once, crying even louder.

"Wait!" The reason for the death of the crown prince is unknown. This son pleads Royal Father to stop the coffin for ten days before being buried again.

Gao Lang abandoned his horse and ran over, kneeling in front of the emperor and empress. The wind at the end of spring blew his hair up, but his expression was as calm as the mountains.

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