The darkness that filled the sky continued for six whole hours, and only after the sound of the wind had died down did Nan Yang let go of the curtain and lean out of the room to take a look.

Stones were piled up outside each tent in the camp, and a wide canvas had been laid out to block out the sand and dust.

Seeing that someone was coming out of the tent, one of the soldiers immediately stepped forward to pick up the stone that was pressed against the door.

Just as Nan Yang stepped out of the crack in the stone, he saw that it was filled with yellow sand, there were places piled up to the height of half a person, even though they were reinforced and protected, many of the tents were still crushed by the sand and rocks, many people and animals were injured.

Fortunately, no one in the camp died.

The west side of Gong Bian was connected to the west side of the mountain range, and to the south side was a large desert. In the desert, there were many ethnicities of gathering places and the surrounding kingdoms that were fleeing from them. Every time a sandstorm passed, the soldiers guarding the Gong Bian would have to guard against any intruders.

In particular, some extremely vicious fugitives who were responsible for murder cases would not be able to return to their own country, so they had to wander around the borders of the desert in groups. Whenever there was a bad weather like a sandstorm, the people on the borders would be in a mess.

As a result, after the sandstorm passed, half of the soldiers in the camp who were not injured followed Hu Shan to patrol guards in the nearby village.

Jin Xiaolou was just about to hug Lin'er, who had just been woken up by the wind, but before she could say anything to pacify him, Lin'er opened his mouth first and comforted him, "With mother here, this Lin'er is not afraid at all."

Jin Xiaolou scratched his nose, causing Lin'er to lower her head and point at Jin Xiaolou's stomach: "Lin'er is the big brother, I still have to protect my brother and sister from now on!"

"You only protect your brother and sister, not your mother?" Jin Xiaolou puffed up her cheeks, pretending to be sulking and teasing him.

Who would have thought that Lin'er would be so clever, he smirked: "Mother has father to protect her!"

With that said, Gao Lang walked in from the outside, his body covered in sand.

After kissing Jin Xiaolou and Lin'er, and seeing that they were safe and sound, Gao Lang was relieved, and immediately prepared to leave: "I don't know when the next sandstorm will come again, I have to go and prepare, you guys stay in the house, and don't go out."

"What do you do?" Jin Xiaolou called out to Gao Lang.

Gao Lang replied, "Hu Shan has very few soldiers under his command, and the villagers in the surrounding villages are all troubled by the storm. I plan to gather the strong and young villagers to mine the giant rocks in the mountains, and build a windbreak along the edge of the desert."

Jin Xiaolou shook her head. "The best way to prevent and control sandstorms is to prevent them from happening."

Gao Lang focused his eyes. What he understood about sandstorms was that for the past thousands of years, disasters would happen every spring or winter in the desert, and the only thing he could do was to strengthen the rocks, block the sandstorm, and fundamentally solve the problem of sandstorm. He had never thought of this: "The sandstorm is coming with the wind, could my wife control the wind?"

Jin Xiaolou laughed, "I can't control the wind, but I can control the sand."

"Sha?!" Gao Lang suddenly understood, but he felt that this method was extremely difficult, the desert had no boundaries, if he wanted to move the sand in the desert, it would be even harder than ants moving mountains, he could only ask, "My wife, what method do you have?"

"We still need to gather the villagers nearby, but it's not to carry rocks to build walls, it's to plant trees." Jin Xiaolou slowly walked over, "You need to find a tree called the Hippophae tree. The Hippophae tree is resistant to drought and resistant to wind and sand, it grows at a high speed, its roots grow into the soil, preventing the loss of water and soil, and its dense treetops can resist the sand and sand that comes along with the wind. "As long as you plant 120 young seedlings of seabuckthorn in each acre of land at the edge of the desert, you will be able to grow into a two man tall sand forest in less than three years."

"Seabuckthorn?" Gao Lang had never heard of this kind of tree.

"Yes, in addition to the seabuckthorn, I also need some grass. I can just use the local weeds." Jin Xiaolou put down the Lin'er and sat in front of a low table. She picked up a brush and drew on a piece of paper, drawing a picture of a Hippopotamus Tree and a square drawing, before handing it to Gao Lang, "The Hippopotamus Tree looks like this, and the grass, following the pattern on the drawing, can also be planted in front of and behind the Hippopotamus Tree to preserve soil and water."

Gao Lang took the two pieces of paper, bent over and kissed Jin Xiaolou on the forehead: "My wife, you are truly peerless in the world!"

"Hurry up!" Jin Xiaolou chuckled, "Ask the people from the nearby villages, it should be easy to find the Thorn Sand Tree."

Jin Xiaolou knew that the thorns were also known as yellow acid thorns. It was because the thorns were all over the tree, and the yellow fruits were sour and astringent, not looking good nor tasty.

However, the people of the past did not know that this sour and astringent fruit had an extremely high nutritional value.

At that time, the Windbreak Forest would not only solve the problem of sandstorm, but also reap the fruits of the sea buckthorn.

Jin Xiaolou knew how to make jams, and in the future, she might even be able to create Hippopotamus Jams to lead these poor commoners onto a new path of wealth!

After Gao Lang left, Jin Xiaolou took out the letter in her bosom once again, and impatiently read it from start to finish.

She had read the first two lines of the letter and only saw the words' Gui Zhi has been found '.

Now that he had carefully looked at it, his originally joyful heart had once again tightened.

As a result of the National Service, all entertainment was banned, and the pavilions in the alleyway fell one after another.

In the past two days, they had even put away the pill shop's shack, closed the door, and never opened it again.

Due to the sweet water, food, and the delivery business, the business of Lin Langli and Liu Li were doing just as how it used to be.

On the other hand, because of the Liusu Pavilion, Miss Yu Su had already plummeted to the ground. The pavilion's large platform had been removed, and it was filled with chairs. A small open space was set up in front of them, and with a shake of the body, it actually turned into a teahouse.

As for the young lady who was newly invited as Fu Niang, she was sitting on the empty ground and displaying her skills.

The ten taels of silver per cup of tea was actually more profitable than before.

Xia Gu kept on saying that she wanted to disguise herself and go into the Liusu Pavilion to see what kind of abilities the Fu Niang had. With a move of her fingers, she could brew a cup of tea that was ten silver.

The reason why Lv Yun went to Liusu Pavilion was to see the Fu Niang, but it was not to see what abilities she had, but to see her face!

Just as he walked to the Liusu Pavilion entrance, he was stopped by two Attendant s, asking for ten taels of silver for tea money.

Lv Yun frowned: "What kind of tea is this expensive?"

The Attendant was impatient: "One tael of silver for tea, nine taels of silver for our Fu Niang's cooking skills. If you don't want to drink, go away, don't block the people behind!"

Lv Yun had no choice but to clench her teeth and take out ten silver coins, allowing him to enter through the Liusu Pavilion gate.

It was still early in the morning and there were not many people in the Liusu Pavilion yet. There were only a few people sitting in groups of two or three in the hall, and the empty spot in front of them was separated by a translucent, muslin embroidered screen. Light seeped in from the rear window, allowing people to see the tables inside through the screen.

It was hazy and gave off a beautiful feeling of being surrounded by clouds and mist.

Seeing that the Fu Niang had not come out yet, Lv Yun found a table that was close to the screen, and just as she sat down, someone brought over a plate of candied fruits.

They were all the most common sweet pickled plums. It seemed that Fu Niang really had some skills, otherwise, with the level of her Liusu Pavilion, he wouldn't be able to keep so much silver.

Not long after he sat down, he heard the crisp sound of jade striking stone in front of him. A faint fragrance drifted over.

Lv Yun raised her head, and behind the screen sat a woman with a slim figure and long hair.

The woman didn't say anything. She raised her hand to light a fire in the stove and started to make tea.

Lv Yun did not care about the woman's fluid movements, she only wanted to see her face, but because of the screen, although she could see her outline, she could not get a glimpse of her true appearance.

When Fu Niang finished brewing a pot of tea, she placed ten cups in a row on the table. The Attendant beside him called out: Ten taels of silver for a cup, I will take it.

Upon hearing the two words "asking for it", Lv Yun understood that the reason why this tea could be sold at such a high price was because everyone wanted to see the true appearance of the Fu Niang.

Lv Yun took out his silver and passed it to the Attendant, then walked behind the screen.

Once he stepped in, the Fu Niang's face, which was like a green mountain after the rain, appeared from the clouds.

She was even more charming than the green mountains. She had delicate eyebrows, bright red lips, and a pair of flirtatious eyes. She called out the flag of the people's hearts without a word.

Lv Yun could not be more familiar with the Fu Niang, it was truly a twig in the ocean.

Hearing that her informant had come to report, Lv Yun was extremely shocked, and when she saw it with her own eyes, she could not hold the teacup in her hand tight.

"Gui Zhi!" Lv Yun's eyes gradually turned red, "We finally found you!"

She stretched out her hand to catch the cup that Lv Yun almost dropped, and said slowly: "I think young master recognized the wrong person, my name is Fu Niang."

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