My grandmother Jin Xiaolou, everyone is perhaps more familiar with her other name, Empress Shuyi.

Empress Shuyi was a legend of the Great Zhou. In the Great Zhou, from the age of seventy years old to five years old, even if they did not know of the current year, they would have definitely heard of Empress Shuyi's deeds.

When I was very young, there was a year around the Lantern Festival. The palace was bustling with activity like never before, with lanterns lit up everywhere. Even the Feathered Sparrow Towers in the west were filled with lanterns.

I sat under the La Plum Tree in front of the Empress Mother Palace with the tip of my nose smelt and the sound curled in my ears. I was dazzled by what I saw and did not realise that I had been carried by the Royal Father into the embrace of my head.

After royal grandfather abdicated from the throne, Royal Father continued with his grandmother's implementation of the new rule, flourishing in all walks of life. Strong science allowed the Great Zhou to truly bring prosperity to a powerful nation, and everyone called it the golden age.

Although Golden Age's name was not related to Royal Grandfather or Royal Grandmother, Royal Father said that the reason for Golden Age was all because of Grandfather and Grandmother.

"Ling'er likes watching lanterns?"

Royal Father followed my gaze and looked into the distance. Seeing that I nodded his head, he suddenly smiled and carried me into the hall. After calling out to Empress Mother, the two of them lowered their heads and whispered to each other for a while.

It was a cold day, and although a stove was burning inside the hall, I still hated changing clothes. I took off my warm jacket, and the cold wind blew into my heart.

Frowning, I twisted my fat body. I ignored them, and just as I was about to struggle free, I heard Royal Father say: "Ling'er, be good. The flower lamps outside are much prettier than those in the palace!"

Outside? I was confused. Where was it outside?

Before I could regain my wits, I was carried away by Royal Father and Empress Mother, who had already changed into different attire. I passed through one eaves after another of the palaces, and a series of painted red palace doors.

The first time I saw the outside world, it turned out that the roofs were not all bright yellow, but were also dark brown, simple like a patch of potholed mud, with green grass poking out of the cracks in the eaves and swaying in the night wind.

People don't always lower their heads and keep silent. When I looked up, I saw that the streets were filled with people. They were noisy, as if hundreds of drums were beating at the same time, causing my ears to ring. They were laughing, or making a ruckus, and their faces were lively and interesting. Their faces were full of life, and they mesmerized me even more than the bright lanterns.

It is actually outside the palace. My Royal Father is really reckless, taking the Empress and the Grand Princess with him, he left the palace on his own before the Lantern Festival.

My grandmother was a bold person. She was the queen of the Great Zhou Empire, but she never liked staying in the palace. I heard that two-thirds of the shops in the capital were under her name, and she earned half of the money in the Great Zhou Empire's treasury.

My grandmother was both the empress and the wealthiest in Great Zhou. On a whim, she would pull all the flowers in the imperial garden and reclaim the soil to grow the grain! Until now, in a few corners of the imperial garden, there were potatoes and rice planted by his grandmother.

"Ling'er, come try this roasted sweet potato!"

A blob of warm and sweet stuff was stuffed into my mouth by Royal Father. I had simply roasted the most ordinary sweet potato over the fire, and it hadn't even been peeled clean. There would never be such food in the palace. The food that would enter my mouth would be exquisite. If I were to roast sweet potatoes, they would be made from the oil of a thin Jiangnan duck, slowly roasting them on a piece of wood mixed with pine bamboo.

He had to peel it clean before he brought it to the table, but he couldn't hurt a single piece of potato, so he put it on a small silver plate or a Persian glass plate, along with a small spoon.

The sweet potato in his mouth didn't have the taste of Jiangnan Duck or Songshan Bamboo. The original sweetness of the sweet potato was now completely out of everyone's expectations. It was originally the most ordinary taste of food, but now it was so long aftertaste.

I raised my head in surprise and looked towards Royal Father, who had just broke off a small piece of sweet potato and blew on it to bring it to Empress Mother's mouth. Empress Mother's smile was even sweeter than sweet potatoes.

Well, I swallowed the sweet potato and blinked.

At this moment, the Royal Father and the Empress Mother were just like an ordinary couple on the street. Without those complicated rules and etiquette, returning to their original appearances was the simplest and sweetest, just like a sweet potato.

There was only one Empress Mother in the Royal Father's imperial harem. Empress Mother often said that in such a large palace, just her alone made the place seem empty and lonely.

However, all the emptiness and loneliness would be filled up when the Royal Father returned.

The rule of monogamy was passed down from my grandparents.

It was said that at that time, all the officials of the imperial court had paid a lot of debt and entered a lot of discussions for his grandfather. However, his grandfather always kept his mouth shut and kept a cold face, so even a bold man like Royal Father had to lower his eyes, and no matter what the officials said, if his grandfather did not listen, no one would be able to do anything about it.

Rumor has it that once, after the trade road was opened, the Persians, seeing that our Great Zhou was flourishing, wanted to form an alliance with us. In order to express our sincerity, they even sent a princess from the Persia Nation over, wanting to offer her grandfather as a concubine.

The hundred officials were all boiling with excitement, the grand scheme of spreading out the branches and leaves on the Great Zhou had finally been carried out by one more person. But who would have thought that as soon as the Persian princess was brought in, she did not even enter the palace, and was bestowed with an order from her grandfather to the Grand Commandant, Hu Shan.

The officials were dispirited again …

No one but my grandmother could make him do anything he didn't want to do.

This is also my grandmother's ability, my grandmother seems to be able to do anything, the cause of love is both fruitful and good, but there is one thing I heard from the Royal Father, it has always been my grandmother's regret.

Grandmother and Grandfather had always wanted a new princess.

At that time, there were already two princes in Great Zhou, but my Royal Father and my second uncle had never had a princess.

When Royal Father was ten years old, his grandmother was once again pregnant. After the imperial physician checked her pulse, he said that she was most likely a princess.

Grandmother and Grandfather were delighted. In those months, Grandmother rarely left the palace. She only walked around the palace garden every day, wanting to give birth to her child.

However, he did not expect that in September of that year, the Wuli River in the south had been flooded. Not only had the month's torrential rain caused the flood in the Wuli River to soar, the nearby Gold Sun Mountain had also erupted with torrents and landslides.

The officials of the twenty-fourth city went to cure the disaster, but they did not return. By the time the news reached the palace, Grandmother was already five months pregnant.

At that time, my grandmother seemed to have been possessed, and like a madman, she ignored my grandfather's obstruction and personally went to the Wuli River to cure the disaster.

Although everyone knew that Grandmother was resourceful and resourceful and did everything she could, the front lines of the disaster area were dangerous, and Grandmother was pregnant. Anyone who was a bit sane would know that she couldn't go no matter what.

However, no one could stop her.

Since her grandfather didn't allow it, she secretly went there. After leaving for three months, her grandfather personally brought her back. Her grandmother was fine, but the child in her grandmother's womb was almost gone.

From what the Royal Father said, Grandmother had saved a child that was as old as royal uncle at Golden Buster Mountain.

The child's surname was Zou, and he lived with a blind old man on Mount Jinjun. He had learned a set of medical skills, and thanks to the child, he had preserved the flesh and blood in his grandmother's belly.

Grandmother wanted to bring the child back to the palace, but the old man with the surname Zou refused. Grandmother had no choice but to follow her grandfather back to the palace.

After returning to the palace, my grandmother had always been depressed and didn't want to show her face. The flesh and blood in her stomach was still a prince, and she was my young imperial uncle.

The next year, Grandfather passed the throne down to my twelve-year-old eldest son, who was also my Royal Father. He was ordered to follow Grandfather's three loyal aides all the time, but Grandfather himself left the palace with Grandmother and me, leaving this world without anyone knowing where they were.

Empress Mother said that the palace was too big, and that her grandmother lived alone was too lonely. She missed his home, and her grandfather had always loved his grandmother, so he followed her back to their south home.

However, Royal Father had told me in secret that Grandfather and Grandmother had lived on Gold Sun Mountain.

Grandmother couldn't bear to part with that Zou child.

I feel that it's strange, the Zou child is the same age as second royal uncle, and the Royal Father is also only a few years older than them, how can grandmother bear to part with Royal Father and second royal uncle?

"Ling'er, look!" The Fire Dragon is here! "

The Empress Mother saw that I was stunned and lightly patted my shoulder.

Lifting his eyes, he saw a long dragon that was burning with raging flames jumping over. Directly in front of the dragon head, a huge pearl was glowing.

The three of us snuggled up to each other and squeezed into the crowd, the voices in our ears like the wind.

Royal Father said that regardless of appearance or temperament, I am the most like a grandmother out of all of them. I am still young now, so naturally, many things cannot be understood.

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