Chapter 1420 Secret

  Ye Muyu sees that her daughter is smart, so naturally she won't see outsiders, and she will say anything in front of her face. Things like xinxing also need to be tempered slowly.

Chu Ziluo shook her head: "I don't know, but whether it was done by the second wife of the Li family or not, anyway, she is definitely not innocent. If she herself is wronged, she will definitely find trouble with the person who did the bad thing. Just let them have a good time, otherwise they will think we are easy to bully in the future."

"By the way, mother, brother Chongjin helped me, should I prepare a thank you gift?" Chu Ziluo wrinkled her nose, "I don't know what kind of thank you gift I should give, dad said we can't talk to Chongjin Brother, get close, or you can invite him to the house for dinner."

   "Fourth prince?" Ye Muyu was a little surprised: "You still have contact with the fourth prince?"

   "No, no." Chu Ziluo waved his hand: "I just met at today's banquet, and I didn't have time to say a few words, and I don't know when Brother Chongjin will come back."

  Ye Muyu has some news. Although the war in the Northland has stabilized this time, the Northern Huns have not withdrawn their troops, so King Huainan has been guarding the Northland.

   Now the princes are getting older.

  It is impossible not to participate in political affairs all the time, especially the candidate for the prince in the emperor's heart.

   "I guess I haven't had time to meet him recently. I heard that the emperor plans to let all the princes study in the palace."

   This has happened before, Emperor Xuanming would let the princes read books from time to time, so, only the fourth prince who was released and the third prince who made a mistake were called back, and the situation in the court was still a little fluctuating.

  Especially Zheng Guogong wants to muddy the water.

   "It's inappropriate to meet now, but you can personally prepare a gift for him."

   It is not difficult to give the gift of thanks to Li Chongjin without the sight of outsiders.

  As soon as Chu Ziluo heard this, she immediately chose to prepare the gift by herself. After all, today's public opinion can be so smooth because of Brother Chongjin's help.


  Huo Hongyan returned to Huo Mansion.

  As soon as he entered the door, he went straight to the Rong Fuyuan where Mrs. Huo was.

   "Miss, the old lady let you in." The old nanny who served Mrs. Huo came out and brought Huo Hongyan in with a smile.

  Mrs. Huo usually eats fast and worships the Buddha, and the Buddhist hall is next to her. When she entered, she smelled the familiar sandalwood. Mrs. Huo asked all the maids in the room to go down.

  She reached out to Huo Hongyan: "Big girl, how are you doing? Are you all right?"

  Looking at the caring look in her grandmother's eyes, Huo Hongyan also relaxed, walked over and sat down on the cushion, leaning against Mrs. Huo's arms.

   "Grandmother, something small happened, but I was prepared for it, and with the help of sister Ziluo, nothing happened to me." Huo Hongyan explained what happened at the banquet word by word.

  Now there is no male master in the entire Huo Mansion, and Huo Hongyan only trusts her grandmother. The two grandparents have always been consistent in the matter of foreign affairs.

   After listening to Mrs. Huo, she frowned: "It seems that the Liu family still suspects us."

   "Did something happen to the girls from the other two families?"

   "No." Huo Hongyan was also worried because of this discovery.

  At that time, the three families had an accident because they blocked the invading enemy army. Later, they were brought into the capital by the emperor and promoted to stabilize the war situation in the North.

   But only she knew that before her father and grandfather left, they had evidence in their hands, proving that the appearance of those northern Hungarian soldiers was not an accident, but someone colluded with each other.

  Evidence points to Zheng Guogong's mansion.

  (end of this chapter)

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