Chapter 1974 calculation

   The soldiers didn't pay attention to the controversy here, but they didn't know that Chu Heng's eyeliner had already passed the news back.

  The Ministry of War today is not clean either.

   On the contrary, there are many problems in the Ministry of War, especially regarding the soldiers' salaries.

  After many soldiers retired, the yamen still gave them their salaries. In addition, there were more soldiers who died, but their household registrations were still not canceled in the barracks.

   Don’t say how many officials are involved in corruption.

   It is said that now that officials and officials under the Ministry of War are colluding, a useless Hu Hua can easily take the position of Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

  There are fewer and fewer practical talents in the imperial court, and the entire imperial court is about to go downhill.

  Chu Heng investigated these contents in private, mainly because he wanted to improve the treatment of soldiers.

   Only when the country is strong, it will be much easier for Ah Yu to do business.

  Of course, the lives of the people will be better.

  Chu Heng asked his own people to keep an eye on the situation in the barracks in private, while he himself waited for news from Zhou Tianqi.


  Xiang Cheng learned that Chu Heng went to the military camp to check the books.

  Looking at the officials complaining in front of him, he stroked his beard and asked, "There are no mistakes in the books you gave, right?"

   "Absolutely not, my lord, there is nothing wrong with what we give."

   "Find someone to keep an eye on Chu Heng, I always think he's not that simple."

  Xiang Cheng stroked his beard and said.

  The other officials naturally nodded repeatedly, expressing that they would definitely keep a close eye on Chu Heng and make it difficult for him to move an inch in the barracks.

  Other officials were ordered to leave after a few words.

  Zhou Rong hesitated for a moment, but stayed: "My lord, I have something to report to my subordinates."

   "What's the matter?" Xiang Cheng took a sip of tea from his teacup, and didn't think Chu Heng could do anything in the Ministry of War quickly. What he mainly wanted to do now was to let his own people take the position of Minister of the Ministry of War.

   At that time, no matter how powerful Chu Heng is in the household department, he will be unable to move an inch if he has no foundation in the military department. At that time, it will be easy to evade Chu Heng's power, and there is no need to attack him now.

   It is a good choice to slowly eat away.

   Zhou Rong also saw that Xiang Cheng didn't care much about what he had to say, but his goal was to sit in that position, so now, Hu Hua became his roadblock.

  If you want to get rid of Hu Hua, you must find someone to fight with him.

  He thought of this candidate without much hesitation.

"Master Xiang, I found out today that Zhou Tianqi and Chu Heng have a close relationship." Zhou Rong put the blame on Zhou Tianqi: "And Zhou Tianqi has been very cooperative in giving Chu Heng the account book today. Could it be that the two of them have been quietly in private for a long time?" come and go."

   "In these years, Zhou Tianqi has been in the Ministry of War for a long time, and even you, my lord, have not restrained him. If Zhou Tianqi trades with Chu Heng and becomes his help, it will be troublesome for us."

  When Xiang Cheng heard this, his first reaction was to squint his eyes, and he subconsciously looked at Zhou Rong with consideration in his eyes.

   He only believed half of Zhou Rong's words.

   Zhou Tianqi is indeed difficult to tame, but it is not a lie that the other party values ​​the position of Minister of War.

   He is not happy to see such an official who has worked in the Ministry of War for many years being subdued by Chu Heng.


  Zhou Rong is also a member of the Zhou family. Although the relationship has not been good these years, it is really not easy. Do you want to drive your family out of the household department?

  (end of this chapter)

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