Chapter 1987 Hot Spring

  Chu Heng arranged all these, and saw Ye Muyu talking with Wang Yuanyuan and Mrs. Zhou.

After all, he is a man, and it is inconvenient to get close to these female relatives. He frowned and hesitated, but he still told Ye Muyu that he went to the house ahead of time and cleaned up the hot spring pool. Much more comfortable.

  Chu Heng's idea is actually good.

  The hot spring on Zhuangzi has just been developed, but after all it was sent over a few months ago to manage it, it is actually not that big.

  There are only four hot spring pools.

  Of course, there are three on the outside, and the two hot spring pools are not small, and can accommodate more than a dozen people.

   Separate men and women, two smaller pools, Ye Muyu thought about it at the beginning, and planned to leave it to the female family members, and the other larger pool was allocated to male guests.

  The two sides are completely different, and it is more convenient.

   Of course, there is actually a small pool, which is connected to the inner room.

   That is completely for your own family use, not for entertaining guests.

  Chu Heng is very satisfied with this arrangement, especially the small private pool. Although it is a bit smaller, as long as there are no outsiders around, he doesn't mind the size at all.

  Chu Heng took the steward and the servants of the house together to clean the hot spring pool again.

  Because it is a hot spring with running water, it is also cleaner.

   Arrange servants to prepare the guest room.

  Chu Heng went to the room to take a bath first, changed into casual clothes, and then sat in the living room, with the hot spring pool behind him, while he sat cross-legged in front of the and sorted out government affairs by the way.

   This side.

  Ye Muyu also couldn't stand the heat, so she didn't stay outside for long.

   directly brought everyone back.

  Mrs. Zhou and Wang Yuanyuan took the family servants to the guest room arranged by Ye Muyu.

  Chu Ziluo is in charge of making arrangements.

  She originally planned to go to Chu Heng with Nuan Bao in her arms.

   As a result, the young master of the Xie family clung to Nuan Bao.

   Actually, it’s not about being obsessed with Nuanbao, to be precise, it’s about being obsessed with Nuanbao’s various toys.

   After all, Nuanbao has been reading and writing cards since she was a child. Ye Muyu hired professionals to draw according to her requirements. It can be said that it is very attractive to children.

  Leave Chunxing to take care of Nuanbao.

  Ye Muyu had no choice but to find Chu Heng alone.

   "How is it? The hot spring is not bad, right?" Ye Muyu walked in with a smile, and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief.

  Although she has removed the splint a long time ago and her hand is almost healed, she still can't use gravity much.

  Chu Heng saw that she was carrying the teapot with her backhand, so he reached for it and poured her a cup of tea, "Is it fun?"

   "The Zhuangzi is quite interesting. I asked someone to plant some sugar cane and those fruit trees. It seems that the harvest is good, but they are not fully ripe."

  The ripening period of fruit trees is from June to September.

  It is only July, and only cherries, plums and other fruits are barely edible.

   Like grapes, apples, pears, and oranges, we have to wait another month or two.

  However, what makes Ye Muyu very satisfied is that watermelon can also be eaten.

  Actually, growing watermelons in the capital is also good.

  No other fruit is as popular as watermelon in summer.

  Just now, she was also taken by the Zhuangzi to pick some fresh watermelons.

   "But it's too hot, it's still comfortable indoors." Ye Muyu took a sip of tea enjoying himself and said with a smile.

  Chu Heng smiled: "Should I eat lunch first, then soak after lunch break, or soak before lunch?"

   Actually, it was almost noon at this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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