Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2187: Deliberately show affection

  Chapter 2187 Deliberately showing affection

  Lu Sangqi's face changed for a moment, and then he regained his composure: "Sister, you're here? Do you want me to teach you about some more complicated diseases today?"

   "Okay, if you teach me, I will definitely not refuse." Ye Muyu sat over and watched quietly by the side, and when Lu Sangqi described the patient's symptoms, she raised her hand and wrote down the prescription.

   Pass it to Lu Sangqi, and then according to the other party's changes, you can improve your medical skills.

  Of course, she did not forget to take this opportunity to feel the pulse of the patient, learn a bit, and collect some experience.

  The content of her current book is about how a poor person seeks medical treatment. It will involve the identification and efficacy of some medicinal materials, but more content is story-based.

   As for the specific content of identifying medicinal materials, she will wait for the book to come out, and then slowly release it to the official newspaper in installments.


   is to cooperate with Chu Heng.

  Regarding the content of medicine, there will be relevant officials responsible for collecting it, which is full of pictures and texts, and also has some effects, as well as suggested selling prices, and how to process medicinal materials.

  These dry goods are also to make the people of Dachu willing to grow medicine in the future.

  Even if each household only uses a small piece of dry land to plant some medicinal materials, they can get a lot of harvest. Moreover, there are many medicinal materials in Yunnan Prefecture, but most of the people don't know them.

  Only some local witch doctors, doctors, etc. are good at identifying. If ordinary people also know it, it will not only increase the national storage of medicinal materials, reduce drug prices, but also generate income for the local area.

   This is also the reason why the official newspaper has a special section for each industry.


  Because too many people are illiterate, even if there is an official newspaper, only a small number of people actually know the news.

   This is not conducive to the development of official newspapers.

  Ye Muyu suddenly thought of pinyin.

  If there is pinyin, at least it will be easier to recognize characters than it is now. After all, pinyin is a cultural treasure developed by later generations.


Ye Muyu was very patient. Lu Sangqi didn't want to say anything, and she didn't urge her. She just worked honestly and patiently for more than an hour in a row. After finishing the content of today's medical study and getting some good improvements, she was very happy. Satisfied.

   On the contrary, Lu Sangqi, who was asked by her, hung his appetite, flustered, and was still thinking about how he should answer if he was asked.

  Although he was a little shy, he still thought about a lot of answers.

  There is only one yes and no nothing.

  The remaining nine items all explain the relationship between the two.

  He was in a sour mood, ups and downs for a long time, ready, but...Ye Muyu didn't even ask a word, and really immersed in studying medicine.

  His eyes were filled with resentment for a moment.

  After Ye Muyu finished taking the medicine for the patient, he was praised by the shopkeeper for his diligence, the two were talking and laughing, and Ye Muyu came over after finally finishing talking.

  He felt himself suffocating.

  Ye Muyu was amused in her heart, but she acted like nothing happened on her face.

   "Well, it's getting late, I have to go home." Ye Muyu pretended to look at the sky and said.

  Lu Sangqi: "!!"

   "Sister, you...You have such a good relationship with Master Chu." Lu Sangqi was mean again, deliberately used the address of Chu Heng politely, and even covered up the relationship between Ye Muyu and Chu Heng.

  Ye Muyu didn't know his little thoughts, and smiled very sweetly: "Ah, didn't you know about this a long time ago?"

  (end of this chapter)

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