Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 956: An accident at home

  Chapter 956 An accident at home


   When Mrs. Ye heard this, the smile on the corners of her mouth grew wider. Isn't it just joy, anyway, the girl is going to be an official wife in the future, so she is happy.

   This is happier than my son becoming a general, especially this time Ye Hao has an accident, his life is always hanging by a thread, and being an official like a son-in-law is much more dangerous.

"Mother, when did the news come back? Ah Heng said that he would go directly to the office, and when we got to the place, he would arrange for someone to come and pick us up." Ye Muyu also wanted to see Chu Heng, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them would meet. We have been separated for almost three or four months.

  Chu and Liu also talked about the business: "The news only came a few days ago. According to the date when Ah Heng wrote the letter, I am afraid that someone will deliver the letter in a few days."

  Ye Muyu touched her chest, feeling that she was jumping very fast, but she didn't know how to tell the elders. Besides, she just had a nightmare, and telling it out made her parents worry.

  Because of this incident, she ate less at night.

  Chu Liu and Mrs. Ye thought she was sick, but Ye Muyu made an excuse, saying that it was too hot and she had no appetite.

  At night, Ye Muyu sat on the bed and couldn't sleep. She held the Jade Buddha in her hand. It was given to her by Chu Heng before he left. He said that it had been consecrated in Deming Temple and would protect her safety.

  Ye Muyu tightly covered the Jade Buddha with her hands, hoping to hear news soon.

   Early the next morning.

  Ye Muyu casually ate some porridge, and was dismissed.

  She had nothing to do, and she was afraid of thinking wildly, so she thought about going out to visit the shop.

   Before walking out the door, Tang Dongfeng and Butler Luo came over together.

   The two hurriedly walked, it seemed that something happened.

   "Ma'am, something important has happened." Luo Qisheng hurriedly said when he saw her in the yard.

  Ye Muyu's heart arose when she heard it, and she hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

   "It's Yu's family. Yu's house was ransacked." Tang Dongfeng was still a little happy when he said this.

  Ye Muyu was startled, she didn't expect this to happen.

Tang Dongfeng continued: "Mrs. has been away for so long. In fact, something happened to the rouge shop in Yu's house. Many ladies and ladies started to have acne on their faces. When this happened more than once, they went to the doctor for treatment. Everyone I understand that the problem lies in the rouge shop at home."

"However, the Yu family was also decisive. They immediately disposed of the shopkeeper inside, threw out a scapegoat, and lost a lot of money to settle the matter. Although the loss was not small and it affected a little bit of reputation, after all, the Yu family has a family background. , it doesn’t have much of an impact.”

   "But the news spread in the capital that the imperial concubine is favored now, but something happened to her face. Naturally, the Yu family who paid tribute rouge will not be spared."

   "Early this morning, Yu's family was imprisoned, and the rouge shop in Fucheng was also closed. The news came directly from Fucheng, so Yu's family in the county was imprisoned a step later."

   "Ma'am, tell me, does the Yu family deserve it?" Tang Dongfeng snorted softly.

  Ye Muyu already knew that there would be such a day. The nobles in the capital would not listen to any explanations, just because they were angry and needed to vent their anger. An ordinary landlord, in their eyes, was just a small person. Naturally, they would dispose of it as they wanted.

  Luo Qisheng has always known that this incident has something to do with his wife's rouge shop. Hearing this, he was a little worried: "Madam, will the Yu family finally counterattack and involve us?"

   "No." Tang Dongfeng smiled even more proudly.

  Luo Qisheng raised his eyebrows: "How do you know?"

  (end of this chapter)

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