Chapter 970 follow

   "If you think it's not right, we can discuss it after I come back."

   "Father and mother, if you have nothing to do, you can go out for a stroll."

   "The child's school, wait for me to handle it in two days."

   "As for girls... There are many female wives in Yuzhou City. I will ask the housekeeper to send you the list, and let me know when you have chosen."

  Ye Muyu waited for him to finish, then nodded.

  Chu Heng was quite satisfied, got up, and was about to go out.

  Ye Muyu followed and stood up.

  Chu Heng stopped when he heard footsteps behind him, and when he turned around, he saw her following.

"what you do?"

   "Go out with you." Ye Muyu said confidently.

  Chu Heng looked at her with deep eyes: "You are a housewife, you can't stay at home, so you go shopping, I have to do business, don't mess around."

   "No nonsense, I used to go out with you." Ye Muyu said: "Sumei has heard what you said just now, she will go tell mother later."

   "Mother has managed the inner house in her hometown, so there is naturally no problem. Besides, didn't you say that the house has its own set of regulations, so there must be no problem. Even if I go out with you, it will not affect the house."

   "So, let's go." Ye Muyu looked at him with a smile.

  Chu Heng refused aloud: "No."

"Anyway, I'm going to follow. If you don't let me go, I'll follow silently. If something happens, it will definitely be more troublesome." Ye Muyu is playing tricks directly. If she really follows Chu Heng and wants the other party to restore his memory, who knows what? The time has come.

   Could it be that she had to wait until he slept with another woman before she worked hard? Isn't that stupid?

   Seeing Chu Heng frowning, he was a little unhappy.

  Ye Muyu boldly reached out and rubbed his brows: "Don't worry, I will definitely not cause you any trouble. If you don't believe me, just ask Lu Chuan."

   "You have forgotten the past, it was unfair to us in the first place, if you reject me thousands of miles away now, are you sure you won't regret it in the future?" Ye Muyu persuaded softly.

  Chu Heng didn't say anything, just walked out, Ye Muyu followed, and he didn't say anything, obviously acquiescing.

  Ye Muyu's mouth curled up slightly, very proud.

  She was a few steps behind, after giving her orders.

   followed Chu Heng out of the mansion.

  Lu Chuan was standing at the door, seeing Ye Muyu following him, slightly surprised, "Ma'am."

   "Yes." Ye Muyu responded, and followed into the carriage.

   It's not that Chu Heng doesn't want to ride a horse, but that he still needs some tools to put on the carriage.

  Lu Chuan called another three or four nursing homes, and he himself sat in the driver's seat, and the carriage left for Yuzhou City.


  When Chu Liu learned that Ye Muyu went to work with Chu Heng, she had a smile on her face: "It seems that even if Ah Heng has lost his memory, he still has a good impression of Ah Yu, otherwise why would he take her there."

  After hearing this, Sumei didn't dare to say that it was the madam who forced her to go, but thinking that the master didn't refuse, she also had a smile on her face.

"Old madam, madam asks you to work hard to take over the mansion. She has read some books on water control, which may help the master." She did not forget to put money on Ye Muyu, at least, let the old madam and the old man I don't think Madam is messing around, so as not to be taken advantage of by that aunt in the house.

  Chu and Liu have no doubts about this. Ah Yu reads a lot of books, and from time to time he has some new ideas, which may really help the third child.

  Chu Zhiwen said: "Then you should take good care of the house. When Ah Yu comes back, it will be easier to take over. When the time comes, we can leave without worry."

   "Success." Chu Liu agreed with a nod.

  (end of this chapter)

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